Dipnetting 10/24

Clams are filter feeders, right? Look at this care guide for the Bamboo Shrimp, another filter feeder.
filter the current of outgoing filter water for microorganisms and/or particles of food
I would imagine a clam would feed similarly?
hey guys...finally was able to get to my pictures...so here we go.

yes I did get stung by what i'm assuming is a walking catfish. I had two in the net when it happened, though I didn't see what stung me. it went between my nail and the skin and it began bleeding and throbing and was extremely painful (perhaps i have very low pain treshhold? :blush: ) for over two hours...as a result of which I wasn't very concetrated and did not get great pictures nor pictures of everything we caught...sorry!

here are the pictures I do have:

a new species for me, i was told these are Black Acaras (C. bimaculatum) - is this ID correct? these guys were very abundant in this spot...

right in the spot where all the acara were caught, i kept getting fry in my net, which I assume were Acara fry:

we also caught many brilliantly colored N. salvini. even the small ones had this very dark, strong red spot:

both species caught together in the same spot repeatedly. if you look closely on the far right you can see another fry:

this is the very colorful Jewel cichlid (Hemichromis bimaculatus) that Rex740 mentioned:

here is one of the three catfish caught...is this the Walking Catfish? if not, what is it? this is also another new species for me!

as usual caught many Mayan cichlids (C. urophthalmus):

surprisingly only caught ONE T. mariae (spotted tilapia):

also caught only one bluefin killifish (L. goodei):

and after Rex740 went home I managed to catch a single Bluespotted Sunfish (E. gloriosus):

another new species for me - i have no clue what these fish are. everyone calls them "gobies" - but what kind? I can't seem to find any info on them...help me out? caught two of them at the same time in very shallow water - breeding pair or something?


as always caught several sunfish...i keep getting confused with these, they look very similar to me...




and the inverterbrates:

as usual took several ramshorns snails home:

other snails (MTS and trapdoors?):

i tend to only catch one crayfish at a time? here's the one i caugh yesterday:

Rex740 also caught me some ghost shrimp but didnt manage to get pictures of them.

you all saw Rex740's clam...that was a baby i caught under a bridge. after he left i went back to the original spot where I got stung and caught the gobies, and caught this much bigger one. this was the first time i ever catch live clams :)

that's it for my pictures. comments welcome and as always, help with IDs needed and highly appreciated :D
Hey, I thought you took a picture of the jewel, did you not? Everyone wants to see it. Also, did you keep the clam? Mine is still in it's breeder box. Another thing, I think Matt is wrong, it looks like the catfish you were stung by was a Bullhead. Not 100% sure though.
Man, another great dipnetting adventure! I need to do this sometime! That is, when I venture out of Wisconsin to Florida or some other state, lol.

Wow, those salvini are beautiful! It look's like you had a lot of fun! Last time I went dip netting, it was in a little stream, and all I caught seemed to be little minnows. Not exactly attractive. But hey, it was fun!
Hey, I thought you took a picture of the jewel, did you not? Everyone wants to see it. Also, did you keep the clam? Mine is still in it's breeder box. Another thing, I think Matt is wrong, it looks like the catfish you were stung by was a Bullhead. Not 100% sure though.

sorry i totally forgot to post that!!!
here you go:


i kept the clam, put it in with the cichlids. NANFA members identified the "catfish" as a Tadpole Madtom (forgot sci. name right now)...it is native and does have a very painful toxin...as i unfortunately confirmed!

thanks for the comments guys. i truly enjoy going...it's outdoors-y + fish = WIN :hyper:

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