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  1. L

    Best Small Filter?

    The Red Sea Deco Art's are nice. The clear ones, they're pretty popular on nano planted tanks. They're pretty reliable, have a lot of room for media, and are adjustable. Pretty cheap, around $15 dollars, which is like 10 euros.
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    Storing A Filter So I Can Keep It Cycled.

    You could simply place the filter on a 5 gallon bucket, fill it with water and run it normally. You just add either fish food, or ammonia.
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    Snail Eating Fish Please

    If the aforementioned snails are MTS, I see no reason to take them out. If they are pond snails, well I guess an assassin snail would be best.
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    Will A Wooden Chest Of Draws Support A 3Ft Tank?

    It's not as simple as "I'm a 200 pound guy, and my tank is 150 pounds so if I can stand on [insert item here]then my tank will be fine." Read up on this great article. Not really about stands, but about flooring.
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    Thinking Of Doing A New Betta Set Up

    Thats dependent on a lot of variables. Full stocking on a tank with no filter usually means 100% daily.
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    New To Bettas

    Handy dandy Red Sea Deco Art filter! Those are so handy for small tanks. I would give some more cover, other than that, its nice!
  7. L

    Is This Benneficial?!

    My betta used to flare at the mirror outside of the tank. I don't think anyone does it inside.
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    Making Detritus For My Triops

    Theoretically, yes, but I've never heard of anyone trying it. Once I finish my first batch, and have eggs, I'll def try it out. I doubt detritus creates an environment, and whatnot, I think it just makes infusoria. IF in doubt, just stick in a plant or something like that. Well, detritus can...
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    What To Do?!

    I agree. I'm often in these scenarios where I start calculating money, but you forget to step back and see if you really need those fish. I hope the right answer comes to you!
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    Digital Thermometer From £1.99!............

    I got one for $5 (three euros) total, that includes shipping from China to Florida. It has a little screen, then a long wire and a probe into the tank. And a F-C switch. Ebay.
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    Making Detritus For My Triops

    Detritus grow infusoria, so stop thinking "growing detritus" and start thinking "growing infusoria". Supposedly turnips are really good, check out this article.
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    Filter Media

    Wait, if they are closed cell cellulose wouldnt thay rot?
  13. L

    I Want To Breed My Bettas

    Is the male a veiltail or a pet shop betta? I've read that you should buy both male and female from a reputable breeder to ensure good genes. I'm sure loraxchick can explain it really well.
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    Dead Fish In Lfss

    I agree, once you have so many tanks, its just really quite hard to take out EVERY dead fish. Not that I would know, but its just common sense. But still, when every tank was a dead fish, then that's just pure irresponsibility. I'm glad to say my LFS has about 2 dead fish in about 10% of their...
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    The Disaster In Florida

    It is ridiculously could down here. Seriously. There was ice here, and it was below freezing. These fish farms, around Okeechobee, had more that 8 straight hours below 28 degrees F, which is like -3 degrees C. SO COLD!
  16. L

    Pictures Of My Fish Room

    Is that a bow in the top right of the fourth picture? You're an archer? I like the scape on the last pics. What kind of rocks are those?
  17. L

    Pond Media In External Filter

    I don't see why you can't.
  18. L

    How To Grow Algae?

    What it could be, is tiny, tiny, scratches in the acrylic, which provide a little nook and crannie for the algae to live in. Just a hypothesis.
  19. L

    Beginner Fish Keeper - Need Advice Regarding Aggressive Betta

    I agree with taking the barb back. Although usually LFS (Local fish stores) give unreliable advice, that man was right, barbs sometimes do that. How much are you feeding the betta and what kind of food? This is the main cause of bloat. On the other hand, it could be a disease called dropsy. I...
  20. L

    Saving Private Ryan

    Saving Private Ryan is a great film, love the praying sniper. I thought they tricked the Germans into thinking they were going to land at Calais? They landed in Normandy, France. Operation Overlord was a resounding success. Planners expected 10,000 dead, but only about 3-4000 died.
  21. L

    What Is The Weirdest Food You Have Ever Tasted?

    Time to bring in some latin flavors here. Patapuerco Pig's foot. Delicious. Rabo Encendido Ox tail. Great Other things include cow tongue, and sausages made of blood and rice. I've had escargot, tasted alright, but I don't really like chewy foods. Alligator tail is great. Tastes like pork.
  22. L

    Mostly Shrimp Tank

    Try to get moss balls, they act like little filters and the shrimp sit on them and eat the debris that accumulates in them. A in tank powerhead style filter would be good, since the shrimp could sit on the filter sponge and pick out stuff in there. I have seen this done with good results in...
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    Little Nemo Diary

    I read that you buy two, and wait for one to become the female. That must be pretty awkward. I can't stop thinking of Finding Nemo when I see this thread.
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    150 Gallon Filtration

    A sump would be ideal, IMO. They cost a pretty penny though, and sometimes the overflow can give you trouble if not done correctly.
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    Birds Spotted Near Your House

    All I see around my house are mockingbirds, bluejays in the fall, and a few sparrows. If I travel a few miles I can see ducks, seagulls, and pelicans.
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    Another Oscar In 30G Rant

    Perchance the pleco, as I am getting a 150 community in the near future. I'm not sure how two oscars could cooexist with endlers, neons, and other peaceful community fish, so no to the oscars. Would the pleco affect my stocking much?
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    Over My Head

    I'm planning to do this soon and have compiled some links. CO2 cylinder $55 Regulator $48 Necessary diffuser needle valve Optional check valve...
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    Another Oscar In 30G Rant

    Today in school, I found out a good friend of mine had an aquarium. Here's how our conversation went. How big is it? *holds arms to about the size of a 30g* Oh, cool, what fish do you have? Two red and black ones and a suckerfish that cleans the glass. Oh, god. Do you know what kind and...
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    Easy-:pw Light, Plants

    You could easily set up a DIY fermentation CO2 set up. That would widen your choice of plants.
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    When You're Testing Out A New Pen, Do You...

    I write "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs." Its a habit, I also use it to test typewriters and keyboards.
  31. L

    Need A Good Diy Co2 How-To

    The amount of yeast will determine how long or how short CO2 production will last. More yeast=More Co2, but for a shorter time, less yeast=less CO2but for a longer time.
  32. L

    Different Beneficial Bacteria For Fw And Sw?

    I was told that there are two kinds of beneficial bacteria, a set for fresh and a set for salt. But what about brackish? Does it have the FW or SW bacteria? Or both?
  33. L

    I Left The Fishes Home Alone For 2 Weeks

    One of those pill boxes labeled for each day of the week are good for relatives. Like someone said before, hide the main container so they can't overfeed.
  34. L

    Eek! Bga!

    Today, I spotted a tiny spot of what looks to be BGA in the HOB filters intake. It's one of those Red Sea Nano filters that are completely clear. There are two spots, about 1cm in diameter. I will NOT allow this to overtake my tank. I require a preemptive strike! The dirty claws of the BGA will...
  35. L

    Turning The Filter Off At Night?

    I really wouldn't. You run a risk of a mini cycle.
  36. L

    Tiny Little Snails In My Tank After A Week Of Cycling?

    Depends on the snail. I believe apple snails lay their eggs a couple inches above water level. Most pond and trumpet snails only leave the water if there is ammonia in the tank. They usually get into the hood. Could you identify your snail in the link? If it is a tadpole snail, which I...
  37. L

    If You Could Have Any 3 Tanks

    I would build a gigantic Betta pond, simulating their natural conditions in the wild. With males and females. I would have to do tons of research about their natural habitat. My pride and joy would be a house built around a huge, interconnected tank. Tanks in walls, with clear acrylic tubes...
  38. L

    Would This Be Over Stocked?

    Its not too lightly planted. I need to trim it soon, the wisteria on top is blocking the light off for all the other plants. I'm not sure the kelvin, I think around 5000, but its 10W. It's a "daylight" bulb, which I read is best. That means its 2WPG, which is decent. There's virtually no...
  39. L

    Would This Be Over Stocked?

    I disagree. I currently have wisteria, and another plant in a 5.5 gallon with play sand and a Compact fluorescent light bulb bought for $5 at a hardware store. Absolutely nothing special, no fertilizers, no co2, no special substrate. I haven't done a water change since I got the tank a few...
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    Say "Hello" To... Daphnia

    I've read somewhere that greenwater cultures stall after a while if there is no water changes. It goes dark green.