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  1. N

    Betta Food Question

    if it fits into the mouth, then yes
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    nice find for quite cheap too :good:
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    Buying Wild Type Bettas

    cool, thanks a lot. i'll do both right away :good:
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    Buying Wild Type Bettas

    anyone know where to buy wild type bettas for a reasonable price in the US? looking for a betta splendens mahachai but have been unable to locate anyone with some
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    This Is A Strange Turn

    might be some interesting metals in your plumbing too
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    I Think He Has Dropsy?

    is he bloated? does he have scale pineconing?
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    Is Something Wrong?

    have you been conditioning him? try cutting a styrofoam cup longitudinally and putting it in the tank as a base for his nest. otherwise, i just transfer the bubble nest from another male's tank and let him add to it
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    Here Is My Plan

    very true. as well as that, i find goldfish a lot harder to keep than bettas
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    I Keep On

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    Here Is My Plan

    i wouldn't do it in anything less than a 5 gallon. 3 is pushing it. they need a bit more room than that and the more water, the more constant the conditions
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    Yehh! I Wuv Walmart And Pets_notsosmart

    that's wonderful. the best thing i've found in my lfs is a black orchid ct male
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    Of Fish And Frogs

    i wish my betta and frog got a long like that. nemo flares and they start trying to bite each other so i keep them separate
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    Betta Is Rotting Away! Need Help!

    my ct's fins were bitten off by his mate when i left them alone for an hour. he got fin rot after that. i put in some indian almond leaf, 1/2 dose of melafix, a pinch of aquarium salt and fed him on high protein food for 3 weeks. his fins are almost back, the caudal webbing is back at it's...
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    most pairs aren't like yours. they'll get along fine and then one day they'll snap and one or both will end up injured
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    Close Oh So Very Close

    just curious, but what would those combtails look like? i happened to have mistakened my female for something else and mated her with my crown. unfortunately, she looks more like a veiltail now that i think about it
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    Roundtail Or Veiltail Female

    my little female has an extremely rounded tail with just one branching on each ray. is the roundtail genetic or is it environmental? if she's a veil, what would i get with a veil+ct mix?
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    Surface Bloom?

    take a turkey baster and blow a bubble underneath it. does some whitish grey solid fall down to the bottom when the bubble pops?
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    What Kind Of Salt Do You Put In Your Betta Tank?

    actually, in fresh water systems, salt comes from the rocks and the substrate. a small bit of aquarium salt helps prevent diseases such as ich
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    What Kind Of Salt Do You Put In Your Betta Tank?

    couldn't have said it better myself :good:
  20. N

    Do Bettas Fins Grow Back?

    yeah, give him a 1/2 dose of melafix and watch very carefully for fin rot
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    Do Bettas Fins Grow Back?

    yes they do. the dorsal and ventral fins grow back extremely quickly. the caudal and anal on the otherhand could take over a month to grow back.
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    My First Betta...

    he looks like a veiltail to me
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    i'm sorry for you loss :shout: . how he died is very strange. can't think of what could have killed him.
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    IAL=indian almond leaf. look at the links in the topic by wuvmybetta. there's a good explanation there
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    Are My Fish Dead

    considering how colorful they are, they might've been snatched up by birds or other fish. if not, they're gonna wreak havoc on the local ecosystem for another 3 months and then die when it gets cold
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    All Out Edit: Spawning Success!

    nice job :good: my fry are exactly 1 week older than yours
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    so true, it took me 3 months to condition and mate my pair. they just didn't mate until i moved them to a smaller tank (5 gallon). IAL works wonders. it's all worth it once you see the little fry and they'll look at you with their giant eyes and you'll go awwww :good:
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    you can stop soon lol. if you're going away for the weekend, i suggest you don't let them see each other as she may let too many eggs mature and go bad. just feed her and spawn them when you get back
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    yeah those are eggs. it's normal when a female gets rid of eggs that are no longer viable. i would wait until she's done getting rid of those, feed her some high protein food for 2-3 days and try again (need some more eggs to mature).
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    Poll: Do You Talk To Your Betta?

    yeah i do a bit
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    Feeding On Vacation

    i usually just have my neighbor come and feed them while he picks up the mail
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    i wouldn't touch a thing. just make sure the fan in the room is off or keep the cover on so no drafts get in.
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    Just Been Reading A Website

    the fighting is legal in some countries just like cock fighting. we may think it's wrong but others don't. however, you can glint some useful information from it. it's fine that you read it, just try not to practice it
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    Need Quick Food Source For Betta Fry

    if your tank has been used for about 3 months, it's probably filled with infusoria. i just let them live off of that and a very tiny amount of egg yolk for the first week and then move them to baby brine shrimpjust be sure to use a turkey baster and remove any egg yolk at night so it doesn't...
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    Ernie Has Moved Into His New Tank

    yeah those do grow back especially quickly on the dorsal fins. my fish happened to have lost nearly all of his fins 2 weeks ago. the dorsal fin bones seem to grow back at an alarming rate. he should be ok in a week, just add some bettafix of 1/2 dosage of melafix so make sure he doesn't get...
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    Ial And Activated Carbon

    ah i see. thanks. i'm glad i bought the filter where the carbon packet is removable
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    Ial And Activated Carbon

    i just received my order of indian almond leaves. will the activated carbon leech the beneficial compounds from my indian almond leaf laden water?
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    Male Or Female

    the stripes do sound like stress stripes. look for an ovipositor near the ventral fins. it should look like a white dot. if it has one, it's a female
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    Male Bettas And Bubblenest

    cut a styrofoam cup in 1/2 and place it in the water. it'll act as a base for his nest
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    Ok Now I Am Feeling So Left Out!

    oh really sprinkler? my local petco in NY sells crowntails most of the time. deltas are another story :shout: