Need Quick Food Source For Betta Fry


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
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I had a male and a female Betta in a tank with a glass divider. These fish are on my desk at work. some how over the course of the weekend my female jumped into the males side of the tank and they began the breeding process. I am totally unprepared for this but would like to succeed if at all possible. So already some were destined to fail because I have gravel in the bottom of the tank, so some of the Eggs were out of reach of the male. He is doing a good job with the ones he was able to get to and the Fry have started hatching. Now I have heard Microworms are best for these guys but they can take a week to get ready. These fry should be ready to eat in the next day or so, can anybody offer a suggestion as to what I should feed them?

Please offer any suggestions you can as to how I can get these fry to actually survive. I have seen about a half dozen or so swimming around already and I beleive some others are still up in the bubble nest.

I wanted my bettas to breed but I wanted them to do it when I was ready, they couldn't wait!!! Now I will do whatever I can to help the process along.

if your tank has been used for about 3 months, it's probably filled with infusoria. i just let them live off of that and a very tiny amount of egg yolk for the first week and then move them to baby brine shrimpjust be sure to use a turkey baster and remove any egg yolk at night so it doesn't foul the water
Or small amout of egg yolk but syphone out wasted food as it will polluate fash.

Baby brineshrimp from day 5 after hatching should help as well.
Thanks a lot. I will look for the liquifry and baby brine shrimp. I changed my water just a day before my fish tried to mate. So far it appears to be about a dozen of the little guys swimming around. My Betta Hank, he was mean and had killed 3 other fish in the time I have had him. It is beautiful to see him turn so gentle in taking care of his little ones.
Hi mate

have you taken the female out now ? and dont forget to take the male out after about 5 days just incase he does turn back to his nasty side again.

the fry should be ok living off their yolk sack for a week and then you could use betta starter or all of the above that others have said.

good luck mate :good:

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