Feeding On Vacation


Jun 11, 2007
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Miami, Florida, U.S.
Hey guys, I was just wanted to know how long bettas can go (Safely) without food. Im leaving to Panama for a week and will it be okay if I just gave my fish double feeding the day before?
Also, has anyone with a bubbler noticed that medicines like Marcyn or Bettafix make the bubbles clump and resistant to popping? By the way, Dennis is much better after a M&M2 treatment. I gave him some salt to help regrow. Its kinda clear and whitish at the tip of his fins, and I heard it was fin regrowth. Is this true?
Yes, the fin regrowth will be clear/whitish. Great sign! :good:

I'd leave my bettas for 7 days, but no more. That's just my opinion. But, I would not overfeed them the day before I leave. You run the risk of leaving constipated bettas that won't have anybody to help them in your absence. What I do is feed a high protein diet for a few days before leaving, like live bloodworms or brine shrimp.
I don't like to leave my fish without food for more than 5 days. they only have small tummies!! I would not recommend one of those feeder blocks, but maybe put a little bit of food in little containers, how much you want them fed each time, and have someone come in to feed them?

You might not want to over feed your fish before you go, because more food = more waste = more amonia in the water and whatnot
They will be fine for a week. Fish that are being shipped are fasted at least a day and the a day or more in a box and then best not fed the day of rehoming rutinely. 5- 7 days will not harm them. They can actually fast for more than a week. I think I would feed them sparingly ,even just pea, when returning to break the fast.

Of course, they may not speak to you when you return with only a pea. :p
Healthy adult fish can easily go a week without food, fasting is part of the trick to getting some species to spawn. Check out http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/breedi...%20seasons.html about 3/4 of the way down the page is the simulation scheme for the beginning and end of the dry season that many fish tolerate on a seasonal basis. I've used this scheme, and stretched the cessation of feeding for 3 weeks, other than looking rather skinny the fish did fine.
I don't think over feeding the day before will help. My LFS actually boards fish for $10 a week. That's where I plan to send my fish if I go away. What about getting him one of those slow release white blocks? I'm not sure if Bettas are into those, maybe someone else could say. I've heard they are not very nutritious, but it may ease the boredom and tummy rumbles.
If your tank is not filtered and cycled and larger than a few gallons, do not leave food of any sort in it, not even live food like black worms. The fish will eat too much and foul the water faster.

Unless you have an experienced Betta keeper, you are best off just letting it fast after leaving it in clean water.

I have heard all sorts of horror stories about fish sitter's stupid mistakes when trying to help.

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