Search results

  1. constantine03

    Anyone Interested In Some B. Smaragdina?

    I bought three of the little guys-- they're not sexed. They're wild caught from Isan. I got them, and have since (finally) received my pair of B. Channoides that I didn't think were going to be replaced (DOA in the first shipment). So, now these guys need new homes. Inside the States only...
  2. 2_04_7.jpg


  3. constantine03

    Is It True!

    Plus, although some people may breed FTxFT, they may be very careful about watching the fry and euth. any who have problems swimming-- FTs have become something that many people want for some reason. I, personally, will stick to a nicely branched HM. My latest spawn may develop some of these...
  4. constantine03

    6 Gallon Tank - 1 Betta, What Else?

    I wouldn't go with a pleco as it'll outgrow that 6 gal in no time. I think you could get along with 3 little rasboras and a few dwarf cories... or you could go with just the betta and about 4 dwarf cories. He will be perfectly happy with that much space to himself. :good:
  5. constantine03

    Pink Betta

    I have one, but am in the states...good luck with your search.
  6. constantine03


    I'm not in miami, but I have some.
  7. constantine03

    Uhhh.. Betta Help?

    FYI, a pea isn't a actually works to relieve constipation the same way a laxative would work on humans... I feed my fish 2x a day. 3-4 if I'm conditioning them. They need a varied diet, so if you get the pellets, make sure you supplement him with some frozen bloodworms/brine...
  8. constantine03

    New Spawn (hm Mg)

    They're doing okay. This was a very small spawn, which is understandable since the male didn't seem to know what to do the last two times I tried least he got it a little bit this time. I'm going to clean the tank a bit tonight. Maybe I'll have some pictures. They still just...
  9. constantine03


    How many do you think you have? I'm so excited for you! I know they're 3 months, but I thought they were still too small to breed. Hope they all come out okay!
  10. constantine03

    Red Betta Question

    You can likely expect a lot of VT multicolors without any specific patterns, more so just washes of different colors. Not very appealing in the world of betta sales. Bettas can have hundreds of fry. It's a lot of work, and not something to rush into. Make sure you do your research, and have...
  11. constantine03


    Super! :good:
  12. constantine03

    Bettas In Bare Tanks

    3g should be just fine for your bettas, whether juvi or adult.
  13. constantine03

    Usa Members

    Furan contains nitrofurazone. It is a very good fix for most illnesses...especially hex. Linda Olsen treats all her fish with it in cycles and has noticed a drastically lower death rate among them due to illness. I don't find it to be harsh on the fish at all. In fact, they don't act any...
  14. constantine03

    New Crowntails

    ^^ Was thinking the same thing. The circled one looks very much like a PK male, IMO.
  15. untitled.JPG


  16. constantine03

    Bettas In Bare Tanks

    I use bare bottom tanks as well, and put some live plants in to float about. My fish are just peachy.
  17. constantine03

    Help: I Have Another

    Anal isn't's more like a trapezoidal shape than a square. I agree still though-- delta.
  18. constantine03

    Betta Update!

    It's hard to tell. Most LFS bought bettas are usually around 6 months at least when you get them. Size isn't the best way to tell, as her growth could've been permanently stunted as a fry or she could have a genetic make-up to create a smaller fish. I'd just take the sponges out of the cycled...
  19. constantine03

    Usa Members

    I only use melafix, quick cure, and nitrofurazone.
  20. constantine03

    Betta Update!

    Nice fins on the top girl. The two stingray filters seem a bit much. I have one in a 7 gal tank and it creates a pretty strong current for a betta. Can't imagine what two would be like... Second girl is a cute little thing, but def. not CT. Looks VT or PK. I'm thinking PK, but can't really...
  21. constantine03

    Help Is This A Female Vt?

    Def. VT...could have some CT somewhere in it's background.
  22. constantine03

    Help: I Have Another

    Looks like she could just be a single tail female from a HM or (Super) Delta spawn. Do you know what she had for parents? Doesn't look VT to me. I'd say delta. She has a nice dorsal...likely recessive for the DT trait.
  23. constantine03

    The Best Of Aquabid

    :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool: :drool: :hyper: :hyper: If I'm lucky, he'll be coming home with meeeeee!!! **UPDATE-- He's MINE!!! :D
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  25. constantine03


    You could possibly have some luck with shrimp with them. As someone's already said- it's a chance. They're still young now, so still small and may not mess with them and just grow with them and leave them be. There's no definite though.
  26. constantine03


    Sorry to say, since I bred them...but...Ooooh, what pretty babies! Great shots too! Glad they're working out for you so well.
  27. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    Well, you guys, sexing these fish is so hard! One day I have something that looks clearly female, and the next day it's flaring at it's neighbor with a full beard showing. Geesh! I think I may only take the ones that I am 100% certain about the sexes on tomorrow. Think that's a better idea...
  28. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    I'm going for $10 for the males and 7-8 for the females, plus priority shipping. If you're interested, I need you to PM me today as I'm taking them to the auction tomorrow morning at 8 CST.
  29. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    Yeah- a couple other little RT guys showed themselves today. I had to stare really hard though b/c they have clear beards...but beards nonetheless!
  30. constantine03

    Hm Bettas-- Asap Sales!

    Here are some pictures...these aren't all, but enough. Fry at nearly 3 months. Please respond ASAP if you're interested. They'll be at the auction Saturday if not.
  31. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    Fixed it. :good:
  32. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    New pictures! Too many to post here, so please view the album! Fry (Nearly 3 months)
  33. constantine03

    Oh Pleeaaseee Have Sympathy And Help A Girl Out

    OMG. I didn't even realize how dated this post was. Sorry!!
  34. constantine03

    Hm Bettas-- Asap Sales!

    I did. I planned to take pictures last night, but ended up with a dead battery that had to be charged first. I'll try and get some shots for you today.
  35. constantine03

    Hm Bettas-- Asap Sales!

    Hi all! I have a spawn of HMs that are almost 3 months old. They're still growing, but are ready for new homes. I'm taking them to the CAFE auction this Saturday (if you're in the midwest area, and want more info, pm me.)- but want to offer them here first before I sell them all. PM me if...
  36. constantine03

    Anyone Interested In My Fry Before I Take Them To Auction?

    Me too...too many of you guys are over the pond. If you were here, I'm sure I'd have no problem finding new homes!
  37. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    I'm going to add more pictures tonight, but I think I'm actually going to sell the melano boy...just because if I keep every fish I like from a know what would happen!
  38. constantine03

    Anyone Interested In My Fry Before I Take Them To Auction?

    edited...the auction is actually Saturday (boy, do I have trouble with keeping my dates straight!) I need to know asap. I'll be taking pictures tonight for those who've PM'd me. I'll post them in my spawn log as well. TY! Spawn Log
  39. constantine03

    First Successful Spawn

    Impressive nest. Keep us updated. :good:
  40. constantine03

    Netty! Updated Baby Copper Pics Please!

    Netty, how old are they now...and if you don't mind-- how big (length wise head to tail...)? Just want to compare since my spawn's growing, and I don't know if they're at a normal rate! TY!