Is It True!


New Member
Jul 9, 2008
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Ive heard that we have bred bettas that are weak at swimming because we concentrate on making there fins bigger and brighter?
this isn't true is it?
just like guppies have been bred in captivity that much they dont last long
and with marine fish like the clown fish (nemo) being bred in captivity is a good thing, this leaves them catching them from the wild
but then in a decade or two could end up like guppies

interesting isn't it, im not offending any betta lovers you all do awesome jobs, i feel like buying all the ones i see in jam jars at my lfs

i probably dont have any points here
You do have valid points :good:
With bettas, you do have to be careful what you breed. Especially when breeding RT's and FT's. They can, if not bred sensibly, have too much fin and struggle to swim. You shouldn't breed FT to FT. I'm sure there are some people who do breed indiscriminately and end up with fry unable to swim and function.

Its happening with lots of captive kept animals, dogs, cats, snakes etc etc....too much dodgy breeding in an attempt to highlight certain traits leaving the offspring unhealthy. Sad but true :(
i wonder if alot of people know about these points
maybe its best not to know and just go with the flow

betas in those small jars at local fish shops remind me of chickens in cages
maybe ill tell the people who work there that there treating the betas
like chickens in small cages and would they buy chickens/eggs from
those cages if they new absolutely not

that could be a really good point to tell them
it wouldnt be the case of disabilities being due to intense breeding for the colouration issue as this wont make a difference, but by crossing tails this can lead to deformaties, its the FT that is the only one that caused problems by crossing the 2 together, but there is a way around breeding 2 feathertails and not getting deformed fry
Plus, although some people may breed FTxFT, they may be very careful about watching the fry and euth. any who have problems swimming-- FTs have become something that many people want for some reason. I, personally, will stick to a nicely branched HM. My latest spawn may develop some of these problems as both mom and pop are heavily branched, but only time will tell.
Plenty of FTs don't have a problem swimming-- if you'll look at Bronzecat's sig (I think), you'll see that they have some FTs that do just fine. There are some that do okay, and some that don't. It just depends on the fish.I think it's only a really big issue when you have a FT that has long fins, as then the weight pulls them downward and then they swim vertically more than horizontally.
IMO what they've done to guppies is crueller. If you find a fancy guppy male with a huge delta tail that's more than six months old, I'd bet money he's got an L-bend spine by then. The guppy has a far less robust body than the betta.

It's still cruel though to breed fish that can't swim. Or dogs that can't walk, cats that can't jump etc.
These are our 2 FTs. Draco has never had any problems with swimming normally however Midas doesn't seem to swim as easily or as much....unless it involves food then he's as quick as lightning lol His fins aren't that long but they are very full, which may be the problem.


this is my sisters ft forest, I have noticed, that while he swims and gets around fine, as soon as he pauses to check something out his tail drags his butt so it points down. while he is actively swiming he is fine, but there is still that drag. I was going to spawn him with my rt but I decided that gives a better chance to lead to fry swiming problems, so he has been spawned with a nice hm, and a sd borderline hm, I dont want to cull healthy fish that just dont swim right.
That's exactly why we haven't spawned Midas yet. May try him at some point with Sahara as she's HM/SD genotype and like you say less probability of having to cull.
I think midas and sahara would be a very nice mix :)

how many spawns do you have going on now?
At the moment we have day old wrigglers from Draco and we've got Tien (RT) that I bought off Phoenixbaby in the chimney to spawn with Taro (BF HM). Will probably let her out tomorrow morning before she bursts lol
WOW beautiful :drool:

We need to get a message across to LFS's i just wrote this story educational thing check it out

The Story OF 5 BETTA’s

John doe walks in LFS

Looks to the wall on his left and sees 5 Betta’s in no more than 500ml of water

Feeling sorry for the guys as they flare up at each other and show off their fins

John Doe can also see leftover food and feces floating around

“This is a mess” said John in disgust

While people crowd over the guppy tank and always choose the brightest and most active fish there is not that there is anything wrong with that because hey Betta’s are boring right!! wrong

John turns around 180 degrees and walks up to the counter

The worker greets John and says “saw you looking at the fighting fish, I like seeing them fight”

John replies with “More than 9 billion chickens raised on factory farms each year in the U.S never have the chance to do anything that is natural to them, They are bred and drugged to grow so large so quickly that their legs and organs can’t keep up, those chickens are in cages can’t move a wing, get excrement from the chickens above in higher cages and as their bodies get exhausted and there production drops, they are then shipped to be slaughtered.”

The worker was amazed and gob smacked but replied with “ $20 for the 5 of them”
Hmm not what john expected I don’t think his point got through that his example was about how Betta’s are treated in small jars/containers, maybe others will take note, that it is unfair and cruel, is it our fault they cant swim properly who knows but there are people out there who do GIVE A DAMN!!

John excepts the 5 Betta’s walks out the shop door and sees a sticker on a car window that says save the whales, john looks at his Betta’s and talks to them with “ok guys off to Japan to SAVE THE WHALES”

Thanks everyone who reads this i hope this will do somthing to the real world.

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