Betta Update!


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I got this girl off Netty and Bronzecat between 5-7 weeks ago. Im not sure, but Netty or Bronze could probably name the date :p

Anyway, I have just set up my third tank, and decided to put her in just for a change.
She looks good in there, and I think she will stay :)

Heres the tank anyway:

I found them red marbles and put them in to add some interest, as i havent been to LFS, so havent got plants or rocks :p they amused the fish for the first few mins :D the light shines off them and she wondered what they were

Heres a close up of her:

In this photo her anal fin looks a bit weird. its not like that in real life :X

I took about 50 pics of her and they were the only 2 respectable ones :p

Then i saw my communal tank from a different angle, and saw my second betta, and realised how much she had coloured!

And this is the reason why I "thought" she was crowntail, but im still unsure :p
Her colours are red, and a nice purpley/blue tint on the anal fin.. and top fin:

She gets stripy when im around lol. I put the mirror against her earlier, and saw her flare for the first time! :) I didnt get any pics of it though. When she flares, her stripes disappear, and her colours get brighter!!

P.S sorry about the second tank, its due a water change tomorrow :p and the background came off :X so i need some decent tape lol
Wow, veryy nice, they both look great :hyper:

The tank is also very striking :D
Shes and the tank is/are very nice!

But dont let her bite, she might be an evil fish :p
wow. im addicted to coppers. i need to be in the UK so i can get all these great fish from members on this forum!
Nice fins on the top girl. The two stingray filters seem a bit much. I have one in a 7 gal tank and it creates a pretty strong current for a betta. Can't imagine what two would be like...

Second girl is a cute little thing, but def. not CT. Looks VT or PK. I'm thinking PK, but can't really see b/c she's so small in the pics.
nice girls! i have a male vt in an aquacube but I had to take the filter out, didnt matter how much I turned it down he stressed. I have now sneaked an air stone in and it is up a corner with just a few bubbles and he doesnt seem to notice it :good:
Nice fins on the top girl. The two stingray filters seem a bit much. I have one in a 7 gal tank and it creates a pretty strong current for a betta. Can't imagine what two would be like...

Second girl is a cute little thing, but def. not CT. Looks VT or PK. I'm thinking PK, but can't really see b/c she's so small in the pics.

Yes the one on the right is still cycling so I added hers from her old tank.
This tank is about 8 gallons, so there is plenty of space to get away from the filters

yes i was thinking VT or PK about the little one.

how old do you think she is, if shes about 2" ??
It's hard to tell. Most LFS bought bettas are usually around 6 months at least when you get them. Size isn't the best way to tell, as her growth could've been permanently stunted as a fry or she could have a genetic make-up to create a smaller fish.

I'd just take the sponges out of the cycled filter and put them in the new tanks filter. There should be enough bacteria build up in the substrate and what not of the old tank that that would be fine.
Yeah the filters you see in these pics are different sizes

I have one in my communal tank (where the second betta is) which i have swapped one part of the sponge over

Tested the water a few times today and its fine so far.

Going to LFS now, so lets see what I come back with :p

(probably no fish, as they take delivery on Tuesday.. Usually all the good ones are gone by Sunday)
Indie is looking great Jamie and I love her new tank :good:

wow. im addicted to coppers. i need to be in the UK so i can get all these great fish from members on this forum!

She's actually not copper ReMz but this colour :lol:

Indie is looking great Jamie and I love her new tank :good:

wow. im addicted to coppers. i need to be in the UK so i can get all these great fish from members on this forum!

She's actually not copper ReMz but this colour :lol:


What are your photographic secrets? I can never take photos like that lol

She doesnt stay still long enough

But this tank is square so i can get the mirror against the tank and take good photos of flaring :p
No secret Jamie......if you're using a digital camera then set it to Macro mode :good:
Even though I've seen the picture of Indie loads of times, I've only just noticed/realised how dominant her mask is! A mask butterfly....should have charged you more :lol: :lol:
It's the darker bit over her head and face :good:

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