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  1. fishboy619

    Starting A Betta Tank

    if a betta flares constantly, its very stressful for him, a few minuets every so often can be good.just plant lots of plants around and everything should be ok.
  2. fishboy619

    I Have A Snail

    get atleast another 2 cories, replace the algea eater with ottos i would, they stay small, eat algea, arent aggressive and usally cheap, only problem is they need good quality water. so no new tanks, mature tanks only. either keep the snail, or get rid, neither choice matters, if kept, it will...
  3. fishboy619


    one hears a lot of catfish hitching a ride with wood, they seem to be hardy fish. well done,
  4. fishboy619

    Fish Tank Is Ending, But What To Do With The Fish?

    sell them on this forum in the buy,sell and swap section or get money/credit for them at the fish shop.
  5. fishboy619

    End Of An Erea

    I had to euthanise my betta today, his name was appollo. he was seriously ill, wey past the healing stage, not too sure what he had, lots of cottonwool like features near his mouth and gills, his fins rotten and destroyed,color lost, he was just staying still for hours on end, looking so...
  6. fishboy619

    Moss Ball

    i "roll" them every water change, not nessary to do it every time, but i usally do it by accident anyway
  7. fishboy619

    Betta With Weird Growth?

    sorry for your loss, its always a sad day when one loses a fish, just out of intrest, how did you "do" it. i understand its too grrusome to tell all, and to be honest, wouldnt have any pleasure reading it, but did u chop its head, or freeze dunk it? sorry for asking, but i wanted to know for...
  8. fishboy619

    Blue Rams

    sorry for not being clear, i meant i only feed bloodworms every 2 days because firstly, my frogs gets fed every 2 days on bloodworms,secondly, i feed flakes,freezedried tubifex worms and tetra prima on the other days. i thought you didnt need to feed bloodworms every day as its bad for fish to...
  9. fishboy619

    Tank Re-design

    lovely tank, :drool: the angels are ace, nice red tailed black shark too :good:
  10. fishboy619

    Swordtail Fry

    the same as the other main tank, round about 25oC. raising temp to about 28oC ive heard makes them grow quicker, but i wouldnt suggest it, let nature take its course, feed crushed flakes, then baby brine shrimp when bigger oh and well done
  11. fishboy619

    What To Do With A 15 Gallon?

    ive heard a lot of stories about keeping bumblebee gobies and figure 8 together with no problems.i one had 3 bumblebee gobies with a f-8 short term and no problems what so ever, in fact my puffer perked up a little, he swam round more and seemed happier to be with company
  12. fishboy619

    Blue Rams

    cheers guys, my tank has a well planted back corner, with smaller plants forward, a few floating plants aswell.only small leaves though.yes they do eat bloodworms, will i have to feed them that all the time. i usally feed it every 2 days cause i have to defrost it as its you think i...
  13. fishboy619

    Blue Rams

    my PH is 7, its been neutral for a while now, everything else is perfect, i got it checked at the fish shop before i bought the certain its not the water quality. i was told, at the fish shop, and on fish forums, that keeping platies and rams together was fine.
  14. fishboy619


    common snails, which they probally are, are the weeds of aquariums. once settled, the breed like no tommorow and a few small "cute" snails soon turn into a tank full of ugly, annoying snails. granted they do clean up the tank, but the price to pay is the sight of them.if you like snails, go with...
  15. fishboy619

    Blue Rams

    i bought 2 blue rams on saturday, they settled in well with my platies,shrimps and cardinal tetra.however, every time i drop food in, the platies always seem to eat it quicker before the rams get a chance, the rams are shy, hanging out at the heavily planted area in the back corner and often...
  16. fishboy619

    15 Gal

    6 Tetras 4 Otos 3 Albino Cories 2 Gold Rams 29 fish in a 15 gallon!!!!!, no way remove one of the cories groups and boost the one other species to 4, dont buy the loaches, choose between the tetras or guppies, thats what i would do, or something simular.
  17. fishboy619

    Dwarf Frogs

    all fish will probally be fine with the frogs, feed is the problem, frogs are slow eaters and the fish will eat the food before the frog gets a chance, feed plenty of bloodworms after lights out and they should survive, also they like to be in groups, 2 or more, they dont spend much time...
  18. fishboy619

    What To Do With A 15 Gallon?

    i dont think 7 dwarfs, while about 7 would fit, the aggression is too high i would have thought. a trio would look good, maybe 4 if there bought together. like J4MES said, lots of plants,rocks, caves etc.but read up about them, they need good water quality and can be hard to look after.figure 8...
  19. fishboy619

    How To Edit Your Signature?

    cheers, its working now, :good: sorry for posting in wrong section, i got confused :thanks:
  20. fishboy619

    How To Edit Your Signature?

    im not the best with the computer technology, but when editing my signature for the forum to see, how do i attact a "banner" like a picture from another website that when u click on it, it takes you to that website, ive tried all the options i can see, but it never works, cheers and sorry for...
  21. fishboy619

    Do Puffers Puff?

    ive always heard people say dont let your puffer be exposed to the air, and i never do it with my dwarfs, but i wonder why, what will happen if they do get exposed to air?
  22. fishboy619

    Do Cories Enjoy Vegetables?

    i feed my cories a staple diet of bloodworms,brineshrimp and sinking pellets, but often drop algea wafers or veg such as cucumber,brocolii, peas, etc for them to enjoy, they wouldnt eat it if they didnt like it would they? besides, its not just for them, my kuhliis and shrimps enjoy the treats,
  23. fishboy619

    Got Some Habrosus Yesterday (now With Pics!)

    hope everything goes well
  24. fishboy619

    Look At This

    that is seriously wrong, not sure, but i think i see an angel in the back to the right? either way, that tank is about 15gallons and wey overstocked, plus i bet the "sucker fish" and the "eels"(probally kuhliis)are tropical fish so the goldfish are in too warmer waters, or the opposite, the...
  25. fishboy619


    sorry, off the topic, great sig wolf, i fell for it
  26. fishboy619

    James Squires 10 Gallon Planted

    wow, big improvement as the weeks pregress. whats the plants name in the back lefthand corner in the 2 pic?
  27. fishboy619

    My Tank Reno Of Sorts

    looks ace, i wouldnt put as much gravel in, but its your choice.lovely plants though, the bogwood looks good too
  28. fishboy619

    My Turtle Setups...

    fab tanks paul, your turtles look very happy, lol. what do you suggest is the best species of turtle for begginners?
  29. fishboy619

    Platy Birth

    what other fish are in the tank, size of tank? like mommyof2bettas said, a breeding trap is best to save the fry, or even a container floating on the surface is useful for a short period, compleating daily water changes.
  30. fishboy619

    Bamboo Plants

    like dave said, the stems and roots are under water, but the leaves tend to be above water line.not the best plant, tend to block a lot of light, but what ever takes your fancy, for that price, buythem, cheap.
  31. fishboy619

    Found This

    right on brother! :good: :clap:
  32. fishboy619

    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    my smallest tank is a 5gallon, with one betta in there, or my other 5g, with a dwarf puffer. i dont have a camera working, so sorry no pics as of yet, black molly, you tank looks ace, loving the budda, thats the tank for the dwarf puffer right?
  33. fishboy619


    Name:thunder and lightening Breed:robovorski dwarfs Colour:the common robovorski color Gender:both male (2 brothers) Cage:20 gallon tank,home made second floor with ladder Age:1year app. Hobbies/Fav toys:running in the wheel for hours, chewing the ladder so i have to replace it every few...
  34. fishboy619

    Co2 Or Whatever?

    erm...not sure, its very bright and has a reflector behind the light.
  35. fishboy619

    Hiding Spots For Fry

    marbles have always worked for me, but ive found live plants closey planted together (real or fake) have the best survival rate, java moss probally being the most sucessful,
  36. fishboy619

    Setting Up A 'sorority' Tank

    i back up what the others have said, 4-6 females is better, with lots of plants, not only to help the water but also to allow the girls to make terrories.caves, rocks/stones, wood, plants any thing in that tank will make it better for the aggression to lower out between them. of coruse leave...
  37. fishboy619

    Co2 Or Whatever?

    i forgot to mension, sorry, i have strong lighting.will any of the fertalizers or tablets effect my water in anyway, such as PH? or will it hurt the shrimps or frogs as these are weaker than the fish?any recomadatiopns on products or brands? im in the UK, can any one please explain the ladder...
  38. fishboy619

    Severly Pregnant Fish!

    my platies usally have lots of fry, but most get eaten. i only remove a few from every batch just to see the colors they are.
  39. fishboy619

    Soft Shell Turtle

    i dont have a sofe shell turtle so have no idea how to look after one, but if what you say is correct, they stop growing depending on the size of the tank, surly that cant be good for them, its like having a goldfish in a small bowl, it stunts the growth causing earlier death. to be honest i...
  40. fishboy619

    Tank Mates

    my kuhlii are seen most of the day and night, they do hide for weeks on end but then spend a few days up top, they need sand though as they dig a lot and will struggle with gravel. again cories are a good bottom dweller, albinos and pygmy are my favourite, although any cory can go in your tank...