What To Do With A 15 Gallon?


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
I want to do something with my 15 gallon aquarium. Any ideas? I want something a bit different than a tropical community, as that is pretty much what I've always had.

How many dwarf puffers would be good for in here? Thats the only thing I can think of, heh.
I want to do something with my 15 gallon aquarium. Any ideas? I want something a bit different than a tropical community, as that is pretty much what I've always had.

How many dwarf puffers would be good for in here? Thats the only thing I can think of, heh.

I would do 7 puffers in there, it would have to be well planted though.

Not sure about this but, would this tank be big enough for a figure 8 puffer ?

i dont think 7 dwarfs, while about 7 would fit, the aggression is too high i would have thought. a trio would look good, maybe 4 if there bought together. like J4MES said, lots of plants,rocks, caves etc.but read up about them, they need good water quality and can be hard to look after.figure 8 puffer would fit, 10gallon is the mim. recomended. but their is some debates over if its a brackish or freshwater, personally mine have lived in fresh and thrive. plus in the wild, its freshwater they come from, a figure 8 puffer, and a shoal of freshwater bumblebee gobies would look prett cool.
other options for you are, a group of female bettas, killiefish, cichlids.
plenty others, but cant think of any right now. have a look at a few fish places to see what u like
hmm, a figure 8 and bumblebee gobies sound really nice, would the gobies be ok? Theyre such cute little guys. I do like killifish too though, humph... I guess I'll look around and for now I'll work on getting it ready with plants & such :)
Another thought, I have a rainbow crab in that sized tank, may want to think about 1 of them?

ive heard a lot of stories about keeping bumblebee gobies and figure 8 together with no problems.i one had 3 bumblebee gobies with a f-8 short term and no problems what so ever, in fact my puffer perked up a little, he swam round more and seemed happier to be with company

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