Betta With Weird Growth?

You also end up with fish guts everywhere :sick: .Stick a needle through it's brain...Would this work?
yes - but keep in mind if you want to get their brain perfectly - you have to be watching him while you do it... you don'at want to cause them more pain by missing D:

Also - one can freeze a cup of water - and when the surface is the only thing frozen - break the surface and drop in your fish... the change in temperature is such a shock on such a small organism that they die instantly... no gore

good luck and sry about your fish.D:
Kind of a littlebit of topic, im not sure if is me just looking at fish more than other animals, but why are fish more prone to illness than say a dog or cat? Is it because we keep them in well enough conditions as we keep other pets? This is in no way a dig at the o.p i myself am havingproblems with some bacterial infections ATM. It just seems to me that a partof fish keeping is knowing eventually that your goin to get sick fish... be it your fault or the place you bought your fish from fault ... and it sucks.
Hope everything goes ok mate let us know.

I think the reason for this is that most of these fish come from natural habitats that have very specific water conditions, and they have adapted to those conditions. It's difficult to keep water in an enclosed environment,like a fish tank, at the conditions that each individual fish needs (especially for beginners). In their natural habitats I would imagine these fish are a little more hardy.

Dogs and cats, on the other hand, can live in a variety of conditions, and these conditions are similar to what we need. So if humans can live in it, dogs and cats can as well. Nothing too hard about that.

I had fish dying left and right when I started out, but once I got more experienced my fish died less and less. All the fish I have now are either newly bought or are several years old. I haven't had a fish die in years. So it just takes practice :)
Also - one can freeze a cup of water - and when the surface is the only thing frozen - break the surface and drop in your fish... the change in temperature is such a shock on such a small organism that they die instantly... no gore

thats what i had to do when my neon tetra got caught on the filter - still alive - and lost his tail. i put him in my net, floating in the water as i didnt have a breeding trap at that time and he was still fighting, but in obvious pain as he barely moved the next morning. it's quick and cheap and as it was said - no gore.
what ever you do, DO NOT add you fish to a cup them put them in a freezer, ths has been done before and is a slow and painfull death, the freezing water dropin is much better, so is the clover oil.but overall, the head chop is the most effective way. pieceing thw brain is not only hard to do, but very sickening.if you miss the fish is in lots more pain and you have to do it again.crushing it is the best way i think,wrapping it up in a towel or kitchen roll them either using a hammer or heavy brick/object hit it hard, killing it instantly, plus putting the whole wrapped up fish in the bin at the end(or whatever you do with dead fish)the point is you dont have to see it dead and splatered.makes me feel sick just writing about it, :sick: lucky i have never had to do it, but only god know what would happen if i did, on the other hand, instead of looking for ways to kill it, try to make its last days/weeks the best, give it regualar waterchanges and feed it the best foods.interact with it more and make it feel loved, i know many people out there think its just a fish, but hey its still a living animal and has feelings
Ugh, I dunno what I would do if I ever had to kill one of my fish. Probably get bf to kill it.
Gosh that would really suck! :sad:
O don't worry, I am going to take the best care of him, as I was before. I'll keep him alive as long as he is not in pain or seems to be suffering. Right now he's very happy. I put him back in a fresh clean water today actually! So he is all happy and swimming around still!! :good: I dread that fatefull day of when I may have to put him down. It's always just so much easier when they die naturally!!
wow im sure we feel like total azsholes trying to tell you to put down your fish...

the most important thing is to care for him...

good luck...
I've noticed fungus starting to try and grow again on his tumour. What would be the best treatment to get rid of the fungus?? Anybody have any ideas??
Well unfortunatly I had to put him down. He was not eating and he was really starting to look really bad. It's to grusome to tell. So over all he was not well. I figured is what would be the best for him. I have never had this happen before, that I have had to put a fish down. But thankfully he went peacefully and quickly, it's much better then suffering. So all is now over...thanks for all the advice though!!!
You also end up with fish guts everywhere :sick: .Stick a needle through it's brain...Would this work?
i cant believe you are all talking in this way, you could have a more pleasant way of putting it
Well unfortunatly I had to put him down. He was not eating and he was really starting to look really bad. It's to grusome to tell. So over all he was not well. I figured is what would be the best for him. I have never had this happen before, that I have had to put a fish down. But thankfully he went peacefully and quickly, it's much better then suffering. So all is now over...thanks for all the advice though!!!
sorry for your loss, its always a sad day when one loses a fish,
just out of intrest, how did you "do" it. i understand its too grrusome to tell all, and to be honest, wouldnt have any pleasure reading it, but did u chop its head, or freeze dunk it?
sorry for asking, but i wanted to know for future times.
hope you dont mind, and once again, really sorry for your loss, atleast your bettas now in the big tank in the sky.

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