15 Gal


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Is this okay for a quite well planted 15 gal tank.

6 Tetras
6 H/B Delta Guppies
3 Otos
3 Peppered Cories
3 Albino Cories
3 Julhi Cories
2 Dwarf Albino Frogs
Wow its an super overstock tank i will take them out and bring something more suitable.
I should imagine with decent filtration and regular maintenance it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I know my planted tank is probably overstocked but I have a decent filter, plenty of plants and do regular maintenance. I have never had a problem with my water statsand the only losses I've had were a Ricefish with popeye and a BN with a possible infection.
Other people may disagree but this is just my opinion.
My 15gl is probably overstocked too, but I am like stang1, 2 filters, regular water changes etc..
Definetely too many fish as others have said. But reg water changes etc should be ok.

Another note, endlers will probably breed with guppys creating infertile hybrids.

6 Tetras
4 Otos
3 Albino Cories
2 Gold Rams

29 fish in a 15 gallon!!!!!, no way
remove one of the cories groups and boost the one other species to 4, dont buy the loaches, choose between the tetras or guppies, thats what i would do, or something simular.

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