Look At This


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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OK I am one of these people who hat all the posts pointing out terrible tanks on ebay but I had to show someone when I saw this. The stocking is one of the worst I have seen. The person actually says it is easy to maintain. The descriptions are awful.

And on top of that the starting bid is £100 and he has no feedback

It can't seriously be for real can it.
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that is seriously wrong,
not sure, but i think i see an angel in the back to the right?
either way, that tank is about 15gallons and wey overstocked, plus i bet the "sucker fish" and the "eels"(probally kuhliis)are tropical fish so the goldfish are in too warmer waters, or the opposite, the tanks too cold for the others.
i hope if anyone buys it, they sort it out big time.
I think the 2 large sucker fish are probably plecs, i think i can see one at the back, all i can see tho is 1 goldfish, 1 angel, 1 or 2 plecs at the back. its like hes describing a differently stocked tank to the one in the picture.
The one in the pics bad enuf tho, goldfish and angel in same tank WTF
Think my 13gl tank with fish, plants, substrate and second additional filter is still under £100 - the only thing which tops it over the £100 is the timeswitch and the large dragon ornament I bought.

Even the piece of bogwood (which I've still got to put in) was only £3.50 ;)

Only an idiot would buy this tank - or someone with a deep wallet wanting to help the poor fish... (dread to think what state they'll be in - and it does look like an angel lurking at the back so odds on its too cold/warm so one group will be in trouble as a minimum)
WOW! what a bargin, i must stay on line and bid like crazy..cant miss this one :rofl:

wots wrong people its not like you aint spent a blasted fortune on your fish already
go on someone put an offer for a $,£ or Euro on it, make my day :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :fun: :fun: :fun: :fun: :hey:
Doesnt look like its had a water change or clean for months and months, look at that algae.
£100....ahahahaha....ahahahaha.....ahahahahaha....what a numpty. It's not worth £20! It's only 2ft lol....lol...lol...oh that cheered me up lol....
How could he think anyone would buy it? For that price.
For a laugh.........we could all start asking some really silly questions......

Like......will my 18" plec fit in here with these, I am upgrading from a 10gallon?......or.....do you think any of these fish are edible?.......just to see what sort of replies we get.... :D
hehehehe go for it! see what he says! :hyper: cant believe people do this to these poor fishys!! :sick:

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