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  1. fishboy619

    What Can Fry Eat?

    ive also heard you could feed egg yoke, hard boiled. but it will be messy and wont help that much, feeding the fry on crushed flakes and baby brine shrimp will be good enough. cucumber i dont know about, could be too tough for the fry to eat, maybe they will peck at the middle bit
  2. fishboy619

    Blue Rams

    cheers for the reply, just to add, my water quality is fine, and my PH is at a netural 7. im almost certain i have 2 males,
  3. fishboy619

    She Bit Me!

    my bettas do that sometimes, they want to be left alone and your just sticking your hand in the tank, how rude they think :lol: my kissing gouramie my dad use to have often kissed peoples hands, or that sort of thing, he might have been trying to bite us, but it wasnt painfull or anything, just...
  4. fishboy619

    Blue Rams

    i have 2 males with a trio of platies, 3 ottos and a few shrimp the guy at the fish store said they will ram heads sometimes, hence the name rams, and its nothing to worry about after a few days since i brought them home, one male, the biggest one, but only slightly, is swimming with the platies...
  5. fishboy619

    Feeding Cherry Shrimp

    buy some algea wafers, or shrimp pellets
  6. fishboy619

    Newest Rescues From Walmart

    it shocked me that the shop assistance new what the kids were doing, but didnt try to do anything about it. people shoudl treat fish with lots more respect. bloody kids, shouldnt be allowed in pet shops if they cant behave. hope the 2 bettas lost will RIP and have a better after life than...
  7. fishboy619

    Selling Fish To Lfs

    my lfs will buy any young fish going, quite a good price too, ive sold them platies, guppies, and the odd other fish too.
  8. fishboy619

    Siamese Fighter & Rasboras

    feed pellets to the betta and flakes to the others, drop pellets at one side of the tank, and flakes at the other.tetra prima can be fed to both.if the betta eats flakes, which i doubt he will, both can eat that. bloodworms are good for both, but should be fed as a trat, not everyday.
  9. fishboy619

    Dwarf Corys - Can I...?

    rasboras might be fine in a PFK, how big is the tank? a betta should be fine if the tanks cycled and all. maybe you just had bad luck with your first one? ottos, ADF's and maybe shrimps will live well with a betta and cories.plenty of plants will help. shame about your hood, hope everything gets...
  10. fishboy619

    What Should I Do?

    or sell a few to the fish shop, the fry will will get bigger then you can sell them, the male can go too, as the females store sperm and he isnt "needed" now.the chinese algea eater must go too.
  11. fishboy619


    firstly get one for each tank, some bettas will eat shrimps and some will not, if the shrimps are still there in say 3 weeks or so, buy more. ghost shrimps and amano shrimps are the most common. shrimps eat algea, leftovers, usally flakes, but if your feeding betta pellets, i sugggest buying...
  12. fishboy619

    Moss Balls

    easy to keep, add to water and leave, rolling sometimes to keep the perfect round shape, if brken, either keep rolling to make 2 smaller moss balls, or lay the broken side down and it will turn into a moss carpet.
  13. fishboy619

    Would This Work?

    the only options for a 5gallon tank is shrimps, ADF's, ottos, pygmy cories or snails. it needs to be heated and filtered.
  14. fishboy619

    What Does A Bubble Look Like

    calm down guys, i know not all happy bettas blow bubbles, but i was trying to explain to spankone that its nothing to worry about and blowing bubbles is normal for male bettas to do.
  15. fishboy619

    My Tank Setup, About 8months Old

    to me these look like platies? sorry if im wrong, but i just thought i'll add. the COs next to the filter output is good, not sure about the airstone. all fidh you have look great, dont see any problems with neons and a betta, had together in past with no problems, but have heard different.
  16. fishboy619

    Hanging Fish Bowl?

    the hanging bowl idea is really crap, its a silly shape, wey too small for any fish, too small to heater, no filtretion, huge opening at the top for fish to jump right on out. plus, if it isnt attached to the wall properly, it will eventually break and come crashing down on the floor, probally...
  17. fishboy619

    Dwarf Corys - Can I...?

    personally i would only put 5 in, not as many as spooky said, and i know hes a good cory expert, but i like to give the fish planty of room to swim and enjoy the tank. are anyother fish going in there aswell, if your werent expecting that many cories to beable to put in your tank, then lowering...
  18. fishboy619

    Heater For A 1 Gallon Tank?

    It is a small aquarium complete with light hood, gravel, plants (artificial), base, etc. made out of acrylic. It's not just a bowl. The problem with moving to anything bigger is finding a tank that will fit in a VERY limited space on her dresser/desk. Water changes are done very frequently...
  19. fishboy619

    Are These Suitable Fish For Beginner?

    either leave out the betta, or devide a 3-5 gallon part for him if you really want one. i personally think 6 platies are too many, even for the whole undivided tank, they will soon breed and produce plenty of fry. i would go with a trio of platies,1male and 2 females.hatchets are that hard to...
  20. fishboy619

    Saving Fish From Bad Conditions?

    its a double edge sword decision, what ever you do wont be right or wrong buying the fish, makes sure it has the best life it can with you, knowing you will give it the best of care, and will be the best home it can have, atleast it wont be kept in crappy conditions on the other hand, leave it...
  21. fishboy619

    What Does A Bubble Look Like

    a happy betta blows bubbles :good:
  22. fishboy619

    Just Bought New Bettas!

    many people would say room temp. is ok for bettas, personally i would say NO :no: they are tropical fish and need warmer waters. there are heaters out there for 2.5 gallons, i think you should get i said before, please consider getting another 2.5 gallon for the poor betta in the...
  23. fishboy619

    Pictures Of My Crowntail Flaring (and Planted Tank)*update 11/03 With

    looks ace, really liking the betta :drool: the tank is fantastic well done :good:
  24. fishboy619

    Got A New Fish

    all bettas looking good :good: i even like the snail :hyper:
  25. fishboy619

    Want A Betta

    i would try it, like you said, if it doesnt work out, always the 30litre for the betta, i only see the mollies as the problem, but who knows, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt
  26. fishboy619

    Need Advice

    personally i thought if a whole cube is dropped in at once, the fish go on a feeding frenzy and gourge themselves on the bloodworms, resulting in very bloated fish, i prefer to defrose mine, then feed a few though out the day.with your tank, Tetra Fresh Delica bloodworms are probally the best...
  27. fishboy619

    Just Bought New Bettas!

    lovely bettas, to change the water, either do them all on one day, like i do,every sunday, spend a while water changing all my tanks, or do each one on different days, what i mean is, either spead a lot of time getting them all done, then there done, or do each one, spending a small amount of...
  28. fishboy619

    Wats Ur Fav Fish...any Fish

    bettas have to be my favourite, closely followed by discus, the angels, then rams, then all the other fish.
  29. fishboy619

    Heater For A 1 Gallon Tank?

    1 gallons are very hard to heat. the temperature often go up and down and the betta becomed stressed. a 5gallon isnt that big, or even a can be make to look real nice and your betta will be happy with more swimming space, plus its easier to heat. what about the water changes in the 1...
  30. fishboy619

    African Dwarf Frog

    feeding is the main problem, try feeding frozen or live bloodworms after lights out, most fish will be slow or sleeping, but the frogs are noctural and will eat them, or most of them.other options are having a cave of some sort thats a little small for the fish, but the frogs can rach, and...
  31. fishboy619

    Stirring The Sand

    i have cories and kuhliis to stir the sand, but being me i still stir the sand every month or so, i use a chopstick, push it in the sand, then drag slowely side to side, moving all the sand.i also have live plants so the roots help. stiring it up to much might cause problems with the filter
  32. fishboy619

    Experienc With Co2

    has anyone had any experienc or stories to tell about this product, i have planty of plants comming for my tank and was thinking of buying some plantfood, this is the best looking one at my fish shop, but wanted to see how effective it was for other people. anyother products that work well, i...
  33. fishboy619

    What Do You Say To Your Parents/partners When You Want Another Tank?

    instead of asking for one, buy your partner/parent one and say, dont worry, its your tank, but i'll do all the work, stocking, decoration,etc that way, you have another tank, but they think its for them lol, a bit sneaky i know, but hey,
  34. fishboy619

    Why Isnt It Going?

    are you sure its fungus? are you dosing the correct amount, what else is in the tank? i would suggest compleating a heavy water change then start againg with the treatment, making sure everything is correct.
  35. fishboy619

    What Do You Feed Platy Fry

    finely crushed flakes will do, like helterskelter said, baby brineshrimp will be good for them, when bigger, feed small bloodworms
  36. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    if its heated and filtered, then 1 would do. with 2 aggression might occur. plenty of plants and rock.maybe a few shrimps?
  37. fishboy619

    Betta With Weird Growth?

    im sorry but i think thats really sick and twisted, who wants to find a squashed betta on the street, the least you could do is clear up the mess.and the pellet guns a little vomiting too, who has the heart to fire a pellet into the bettas head, plus all the blood. :sick: dunking in freezing...
  38. fishboy619

    Nasty Pasty Of A Blue Ram

    try dropping 2 peas in, one either side of tank so the ram can have one, and the guppies the other.
  39. fishboy619

    Nano Planted Journal

    looks good, whats it going to be stocked with? i like it as a shrimp tank personally,
  40. fishboy619

    To Keep Or Not To Keep?

    personally i would remove it and have a picture sheet stuck on the back as a background, then cover your equipment with plants and decor.but thats me, you might want to keep the background in the tank, depends on what fish your looks good, i admit that, but personally, i think it takes...