Want A Betta

Nick Bramley

Fish Crazy
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
ive wanted to put a Betta in my community tank for quite a while and just wondered if it would be ok with my normal feeding routine, flake once a day for two days (half nutritional half colour enhancing) then frozen bloodworm, tropical sextet etc once a day then back to the flake the day after and so on.

is this ok or can you recommend something better?

Ive attempted 2 bettas in my community tank (at different times NOT together lol)
My first male, Spike was OK for 2 days then attacked a neon!
My 2nd was a female, Skittles, and she ripped both my male guppies tails and I think bit one of the females faces - causing her to die! :-(

Obviously you can try it, but I would be EXTREMELY careful! I am not attempting it again, ever!
You will have to have another tank setup for the betta as it will most likely attack one of the other fish.

What fish are in the tank?
sometimes you can put a female betta in with some other kinds of fish, but be careful of that too because even the female can be territorial. My female is in with 4 platy fish and 3 mollies and she charges at them sometimes, although is becoming a little nicer. My male on the other hand nips at all of them (and they can sometimes even kill them). Be cautious!
Yeah the feeding routine would be fine if luxurious for the betta! But compatibility can be a problem. But you may be lucky along with the people who have peaceful tiger barbs! It can happen, but be prepared to separate the betta if problems do occur. Usually either fin nipping by other fish, usually tetras or barbs, or aggression by the betta on other fish, usually guppy's or other abantoids that it mistakes for other male betta's. Either way, good luck.
i have my 30l tank as a back up if all does not go well, i have Mollies Cories and a Plec, to be honest i thought the Betta would be ok with my Mollies.

Thank you for the quick replies, much appreciated

i would try it, like you said, if it doesnt work out, always the 30litre for the betta, i only see the mollies as the problem, but who knows, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt

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