Nano Planted Journal


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2006
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today i cleaned out my 13x8x8 which is my shrimp temporary home and put some aqua soil in and put my gravel in i made a little wall out of slate yesturday

now it ready for my lights, background, filter (hopefully the eden 501) and then plants.

i havent got any co2 yet but if i get a pressuized system for my big tank then it will

(the sponge filter or the plants arnt staying as its to get it going and hiding for the scrimps and the scrimps wont be staying as they will be getting put back in the main tank and new one will be put in here)

a few pictures (from my phone will get better ones when i get batterys for my digital cam!)
the hood needs a new lid as it was only stuff i had at the time





what plants should i get (at the back the max height is 4 1/2 inches)
(at the front the max height is 5 1/2 inches but will be lower than the back so about 3 inches max)

any suggestion?

thanks for looking
Whats your lighting/CO2/fertilizer going to be?

no co2 at the start (see first post for deatails
18w light (smae as on george farmers nano cant remember name)
and waterlife tropiflora as directed
have just planted it only two plants but i still have one left over!

background is cryptocoryne x willisii
front islilaeopsis brasiliensis ( i have one left over of this) but when i get my filter il squeeze it in

will post pics up tomoorow
got pictures of it now with plants

still need to get the filter and lights

have also added a diy co2 but doesnt seem to be working at the moment so ill have to mix more up



sorry about the coulour/lighting
for some reason i want a tank like that where u get it and how much was it?
looks good, whats it going to be stocked with? i like it as a shrimp tank personally,

forgot about this thread tbh lol

well nothings changed plants are growing well (front plants ares spreading a fair bit)

but thee front plants are going to go into my main tank when its back up and running

atm its a temprey home for my 6 shrimp as they will be going into my main

will probably put new plants in there after ive finished my other tank tbh

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