My Tank Setup, About 8months Old


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2007
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:rolleyes: hey guy's

first of great informative forum you've got here, really helped me out already.

my name is jake, im from rochdale in the uk, we got our own house last year so decided to get fish, my perents had fish for years and i always liked them.

we bought just a small setup, in a kit. i believe the tank is 600x300x350 iirc. we have an internal fluval filter, which seems to do an ok job.

in the past, we have planted real plants but always ended up killing them some how, and getting dirty water. so we switched to faulse plants, they looked ok but not amazing.

last night after some reading on here i decided to remodel the tank, add some real plants, and a home made co2 coke bottle setup, which looks like its working ;)

the fish we have, never really die, just multiply lol we bought 3 white molly's which bread, one died through giving birth, but we then had six baby mollys and two adults, now unforunately one adult died, leaving us with seven. which have now given birth again, and i now have 15 babies lol which i have kept in a seperator in the tank, there now big enough that i released them into the tank, to get a bit bigger then there going to the lfs, along with the rest of the molly's. we also have a smaller orange molly, about 3 harlequin's, 5 neon tetra's a torpedo fish, and a orangy ping thing, think its a gor$%£us ???? ha ha oh and a lovely blue beta siamese.

here are pics from last night, the tank cleared up really quickly, with no casualties and non this morning either, which is a good sign.

now i have a few questions before my pics:

am i ok to keep my air stone running all night, the pump is quit noisy, but im afraid if i turn it off it will start to sypon the tank, like it did a little last night(but the pump wasn't attached).

once the molly's have gone what other fish could i introduces???

im i ok using co2 in a small tank, i made a diffuser out of a bottle lid, basically the pipe goes through the lid, and the lid keeps the bubbles from reaching the surface, this is placed directly next to my filter, to help move the co2 around the tank.

any other pointers would help

almost forgot we have a lovely bristle nosed plec, that is doing very well, if not very camera shy.







also on a side note, i have the air stone under the drift wood, will the fish swin under here or not go through the bubbles, would it be suggested to move the airstone somewhere else in the tank, to allow the fis to use this as a shelterd area ???

cheers jake
Very nice setup! As for the airstone you'll just have to watch your fish and see if they go over there or not. If they do not and you think they would like, then I'd move the airstone. I take it there other places for them to hid besides by the airstone?
cute tank, do you know that by havng an airstone your pretty much countering the effects of your Co2 set up? just turn it off!!!

also this is why you should always fit a non return valve to air pumps
i had my doubts about the air stone, do you really think i should get rid all together?????

cheers jake
well, neons and bettas shouldn't be kept together as neons will nip bettas fins. Also, mollies are brackish fish, they need salt in the water, or really clean water- just in case you didn't know.
Nice tank, and :hi to TFF!
to me these look like platies?
sorry if im wrong, but i just thought i'll add.
the COs next to the filter output is good, not sure about the airstone.
all fidh you have look great, dont see any problems with neons and a betta, had together in past with no problems, but have heard different.
thats the wierd thing, from 3 mollies(which is what they were sold to us as) have now turned into 25 lol so must be doing something well, took the mollies to the lfs today and got a few others, tbh the fish all seem ok with each other.

i have pete from leeds bringing me a new tank up, a 3.5 ft tank. im planning on doing a new tank,

im currently studying the best way to set it up, im going to put a substrate down, then some fine white gravel, then i have some ricci and java plants ordered,

i need to find more info on making the new tank good for the new fish, can i use tank water an one of the filter pads to help mature the tank??

info would be good.

cheers jake
well pete's just been,

seemed like a nice chappy, heres my stuff.

here are the new purchases:



and all for £50.00

i think thats a pretty good deal,

just need to give it a bloody good clean

is my filter ok where it is, completly under the water? i thought it needed to drag a little air in,

on a side not the water is slightly cloudy how can i resolve this,

the c02 is working now a bubble every 3-4 seconds ish

these are the levels off the test strip

n03 is 50
no2 is 3
gh is 10d
kh is 2
ph is 6.6

are these normal, cant seem to grasp figures like these


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