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  1. F

    For Those Who Use Rubbermaid Containers

    I am considering a 50-gal rubbermaid tote, but am concerned about dry-rotting/cracking. It would be about 1/2 way buried, and out in mostly sun. I can get a 50-gal prefab pond for $45, or Rubbermaid for $16. So, if the rubbermaid container will last (at least a year or 2) then I will go with...
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    Outdoor Aquarium

    ok, thanks. Would you bury the whole thing, or leave about half of it above ground? We have winters that have about 6-10 days of freezing temps, maybe 3-4 nights of temp in the teens. Zone 8 on the gardening zone chart is where I am, if that helps.
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    Outdoor Aquarium

    If I have a 40-50 gal tub, then, what size heater would you recommend? Like I said, I had a pond before, but never a heater, so I have no idea about them. : ) Thanks!
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    Outdoor Aquarium

    I understand the netting idea (thanks!), but why would I need a heater? I've never had one before, that's why I'm asking. Thanks for the help! I have 1 blue oranda, 1 red/white Ryukin and 1 fancy tail (gold with diamond scales).
  5. F

    Outdoor Aquarium

    Do you think a semi-buried rubbermaid container would work? I used to have a real pond (muc larger than a 30-gal tank) a long time ago, and dug it up bc it was too much work. Now I miss it, and really want some room back in my house (can you say MTS!?!). I'm trying to figure out how to put a...
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    Outdoor Aquarium

    I am thinking of moving my 30-g goldie tank outside on my patio. It is on an iron stand, has a heater and HOB filter. Any suggestions as to the quality of this thought? Thank you!
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    Rams Corys And Angels

    I think they would do fine, but you should have a place to rehome the angel if it doesn't work out.
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    Moss Balls

    I split one of mine before. You will probably have to keep pressing it into a round ball for a while though, or you'll see the insides on the side where you split it. Mine always did fine.
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    Can't Find An Easy Answer On Google

    Just float it... it grows pretty easy.
  10. F

    Pond Fish

    Oh wow... sorry! I live in the southeast US, so it's quite a bit warmer where I'm from. Could you make the pond larger? That would certainly give you more options.
  11. F

    Pond Fish

    Since you really can't do goldfish, I believe you can add mosquito fish. I'm not sure what the real name is for them, but they don't grow nearly as large as goldies do.
  12. F

    When To Add Fish To New Tank

    Them being coldwater fish really don't matter. Can you take the filter media (the white or blue spongy stuff) from the old filter and stuff it into the new filter in any way? That will clone your tank, so you won't need to cycle it. I know goldfish will usually do ok in an uncycled tank, but it...
  13. F

    When To Add Fish To New Tank

    Do you have the old filter media in the new or old tank? If it's in the old tank still then just move it to the new filter and add the fish at the same time. If it was put in the new filter already though it's surely killed all the bacteria on it since there was nothing for the bacteria to...
  14. F

    Juvenile Male Or Female?

    Do you think only another female pearl would be ok or another gourami all together? She's seen my Banded today and is in love with it! I'm not sure though if a pearl, dwarf and banded would get along, though, so I told her I'd ask. (I'm trying to talk her in to getting her own registration here...
  15. F

    Help Filter Not Working

    Try filling it up with water yourself. Maybe it needs to be primed a bit. I don't really know anything about that filter, but I hope you get it working soon!
  16. F

    A Big Thanks And A Quick Question...

    Nice pix! The cories bellies look nice and healthy from this angle. I'm sure they're eating, but I'd still give them food after dark, too, just to be sure.
  17. F

    Tank Update- With Pic

    I like it... good job!
  18. F

    Juvenile Male Or Female?

    My mom just got this pearl yesterday, but she's not sure which sex it is. The store she bought it from doesn't really know either bc they are young, only about 2 inches long (plus the tail). So I took a few photos, hoping someone can tell us. She was really wanting a male since it was going to...
  19. F

    It's Set-up Now...

    Oh, good! Thanks for the help!
  20. F

    Good Deal?!

    I don't know what the equivalent would be in us dollars, but if it's close to what your currency is, I say it's a great deal! Good luck getting your mom to approve!!
  21. F

    Whitespot With Lobster In Tank

    If you have tupperware container that you can stick a filter in that would work. Just keep the lid on or tape up the top so he can't leave. It would probably be a good idea to get a small 2-5 gal tank/filter/heater to keep as a hospital tank anyway, though. Good luck!
  22. F

    It's Set-up Now...

    I have set-up my 30-gal with 2 goldies in it. There is a red and white Ryukin and blue oranda. Well, shortly after I added them, the red/white started following the blue one around, almost like he was "smelling" her areas the way dogs do. He then started swimming right beside her, rubbing sides...
  23. F

    A Big Thanks And A Quick Question...

    I would just throw in a few shrimp pellets at night, right after you turn off the lights. They scavenge around at night a lot so they'll get to eat while the others are asleep. Sounds like your tank is really nice... any hope of some pictures???
  24. F

    How Can You Tell...

    Thanks! Off to get the tank now!
  25. F

    How Can You Tell...

    I don't have a way to really find out, as the people selling it buy things from other people and re-sell them. I am planning on putting it on a stand (it's wood, actually made for a 50gal), and the stand has an opening in the center but I'm nailing a piece of 1/2" plywood over the whole top for...
  26. F

    How Can You Tell...

    if an aquarium originally had trim around the bottom of it or if it was just made without one? I am looking at a used 30g, that has trim around the top but not the bottom. Some of the silicone around the bottom is hanging off in skinny strings (kind of like what would happen if it had been slid...
  27. F


    I have yahoo messenger, if that's what you're talking about.
  28. F


    Oh yeah, a long would be better if you can find one. They're a little harder to come by in area for some reason.
  29. F


    They have a 20g kit, with the hood, light and filter, from walmart for about $60, then if you need to add a heater it'd run about $15-20. Your old heater may work though, depending on how many watts it is. I have found that I like only about 1/2-3/4" of substrate in my tank, so you may have...
  30. F


    Is it possible to get a larger tank? Even a 20-gal long would help a lot. I bet she hangs with them just like mine does with the platies. Must be the shape of them or something. I can't say I've ever seen her yawn, but she is loaded with eggs! I feel so sorry for her, I tried to breed her once...
  31. F

    What Kind Is This?

    I found one site that said it could be diamond-scale fantail. Anyone heard of these before? The fish I saw has random scales that are so sparkley... very pretty. It was kind of a gold/bronze color.
  32. F

    In A 30-gal

    OK, sand it is then. I'll post some pix when it's all set-up, which may be a couple of weeks since I busted the tank today trying to clean it (it was used). :shout: Thanks for the help!!!
  33. F


    To answer your question, I believe the mollies will grow too big for a 10-gal. They can get to about 3" or maybe more, and they're pretty active. However, if you can move them out or trade them in, a few platies would work good there. I have set-up that's housed a few platies and a female betta...
  34. F

    Setting Up A 55 Gallon Tank

    Yep, play sand used here. It's really cheap and easy to find at virtually any hardware store, even the mom-&-pop ones. If you want colored sand though you'll have to hit PetSmart or some place and it's expensive.
  35. F

    This Just Is Not My Week

    No, I've just had quite a few this week! I've had a heater go out, a tank crack, and now the light strip go out. Oh, and about 1 1/2 weeks ago I had a filter go out, too. I've basically bought a brand new set up in the last 2 weeks, which I really didn't have the money for. Surely it has to get...
  36. F

    This Just Is Not My Week

    Yeah, what's the saying... some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue. I just need a few weeks of things NOT breaking.
  37. F

    This Just Is Not My Week

    I may just take it in to the lfs and see if they can fix it. It'd be cheaper I'm sure than buying a new one at $35. Some weeks... :/
  38. F

    Say You Crack Your Tank...

    Yep, I know exactly what you mean - I check mine all the time! I feel like such a freak!
  39. F

    Filter Floss

    I got mine from WalMart. I use the poly-fill that you use to stuff pillows and stuff with. It comes in a big bag, and it's rolled up. I just unroll a little and cut some out. It's not expensive and it works pretty good.
  40. F

    What Is This?

    I'm thinking he in a banded, too, based on all the pix I've seen of that kind and the thick-lipped. He's pretty cute I think, and he seems to be nice and healthy now.