A Big Thanks And A Quick Question...


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2007
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Well I have now had fish in my tank for three days and I am really happy. I tested my water today and the only rise is a slight amount of nitrate- which is spot on, shows that the process is working and but not too much nitrate rise (5-10) so i can keep a nice low reading with regular changes!

I have to say a big thanks as from researching this forum I think I have a well balanced beautiful tank which all the fish seem to enjoy - if I hadn’t found this site I think i would still be cycling my tank with a couple of guppy or danio!

So my set up and question. I currently have 1 male pearl gourami, 8 cardinal tetras and 4 Corydoras reticulatus.

Pearly - Wow I was a little worried about this fish being timid and hiding but he is the boss of the tank, he floats around at all levels and eats EVERYTHING! He is the most greedy fish in the world. But he seems really happy after only a few days.

Cardinals - Again these look great, colour is looking good and they love their big friend pearly as he knocks flakes from the top and stirs up sinking pellets from the bottom and they munch everything up! They love it and are great at cleaning the middle of the tank - I saw one of them eat a whole blood worm that must have been as big as he was!

and last but not least my cory cats - before I went to the LFS I had not heard of this particular cory and with so many different, but similar designs its hard to chose. With these lot I def made the right choice. They are so beautiful, with stripes on their fins and the way they swim - like little sharks!

So my only small worry at the moment is the corys eating. I heard that they are greedy little things but mine are showing no interest in food. At feeding time the cards and pearly are on top of the world sucking up everything they see but the corys just continue playing ignoring the food. Greedy pearly keeps coming down and eating there pellets so im worried about how much food they are getting! I wouldn’t say he steals it but the corys just don’t seem interested.

Is this usual for new corys and will they get bored of playing in the current and get their mind on food in a week or so? They seem perfectly happy in their non-food world but I just don’t want to do anything wrong.

Sorry for the long post but im so excited about the tank, everything seems to have settled in so well! :good:
They should start eating. Maybe they eat when you can't see them. You can buy sinking pellets for them, and a couple of flakes should float down eventually, so don't be too worried, they may just be settling in.
I have had some fish where they don't eat until the light is off or the room is dark and I dont know why, but that is just the way some fish are. Please keep us updated!

Hi guys thanks for the replies. I do see them foraging sometimes but only for short periods. I also have a big mound of java moss which i see them go through, again occasionally. A couple also like grazing on leaves - im not sure if this is comfort of if they are also taking in some algae.

I dont have great pics at the mo - especially of Pearly as he is camera shy, I can stick my head up to about a foot from the tank and he will come over and give me a wink, then as soon as i slowly lift the camera - I dont think so! hes moves to the back. Give him time though - he gets more sloppy each day and I ll soon get a pic of him! :D

Ill try a pellet or two after dark!


Thanks, I agree, Im really happy with how everyone is looking - well coloured, active, etc!

But i think i mastered it today even in the light. Noramlly the pellet falls at the front as i drop it through the hatch at the font. Today I lifted the lid and dropped it at the back behind the driftwood where they tend to chill and BINGO, they were munching in no time. I guess where they are still new they just are a little timid to feed at the front yet. :D

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