Search results

  1. tropicalgirl2007

    Spawning Mop

    Please can someone let me know where I can purchase a mop.
  2. tropicalgirl2007

    Clown Loaches

    i have clowns and neons together!! never eaten mine!!!
  3. tropicalgirl2007

    Aplocheilus Blockii

  4. killi2.jpg


  5. killi1.jpg


  6. tropicalgirl2007

    Eggs? With Picture Now!

    i have added a pic now
  7. eggs.jpg


  8. tropicalgirl2007

    Eggs? With Picture Now!

    Hi, no there are no parents near by,
  9. tropicalgirl2007

    Eggs? With Picture Now!

    Hi have just discovered eggs in my tank!!! Whoes could they be. Kribs Ottos Panda Cories Killifish Snails, But Im fairly sure that the snails are to large for where the eggs are. I found the eggs between two peices of slate its a real skinny gap, I dont eleive its the kribs, has they look...
  10. tropicalgirl2007

    Green Fire Tetra

    Hi, Does anybody know where I can buy the above? Becky
  11. tropicalgirl2007

    Aplocheilus Blockii

    Hi I bought them, From a very nice person in the shop!!! (you now who you are) They are settling well, when they have calmed down I well get some piccys of them, thanks for all the advice. Becky
  12. tropicalgirl2007

    Aplocheilus Blockii

    Im picking them up this afternoon, i will try and get some pics. thanks
  13. tropicalgirl2007

    Aplocheilus Blockii

    Is the above a good start killifish? ASAP I want one male, 2 females. £10 for the three.
  14. tropicalgirl2007

    Our New Plecos- And A Question About Growth Rates

    hi, links are working, lovely plecos.
  15. tropicalgirl2007

    Bn Breeding

    Hi I have a male about 4 inches and a female and 3 inches, when will they be ready for breeding?
  16. tropicalgirl2007

    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    25, soon to be 26. 3 tanks, all tropical since january
  17. tropicalgirl2007

    Fundulopanchax Gardneri Nigerianus Sp.

  18. tropicalgirl2007

    Fundulopanchax Gardneri Nigerianus Sp.

    Hi thank for that I will go and have a look. DOH, the site is down. :(
  19. tropicalgirl2007

    Fundulopanchax Gardneri Nigerianus Sp.

    I have decided that I like the above fish as recommended. I found some eggs for sale. How easy is it the hatch them?
  20. tropicalgirl2007

    New To Breeding Kribs

    hi, mine have just had their first batch in my community tank, they are looking after their babies really well and are not being very agressive. I did nothing to help them breed and they laid their eggs under my filter. Good luck
  21. tropicalgirl2007

    Any Divers Here?

    Yes, My husband and I dive.
  22. tropicalgirl2007


    i like the first fish.
  23. tropicalgirl2007


    I would like to buy a trio of killifish, please can you reommend me some Becky
  24. tropicalgirl2007

    Changing My Stock In My Fluval Duo Deep 600

    fantasic, thanks for the link.
  25. tropicalgirl2007

    Changing My Stock In My Fluval Duo Deep 600

    Killifish sound good. do you know where I can buy them from. Are they just in the normal stockists?
  26. tropicalgirl2007

    Changing My Stock In My Fluval Duo Deep 600

    no one got any great ideas for me?
  27. tropicalgirl2007

    Changing My Stock In My Fluval Duo Deep 600

    Hi people. I want to change my stock which currently is.. Mollies, Guppies & Endlers, Swordtails, Panda Cories, Ottos, 2*Kribs, 3*Bristlenose., 1*Apple Snail, Red ramshorn Snails I would like to keep the Kribs and the cories. But If I have to sell the kribs and cories I will.. So what can I...
  28. tropicalgirl2007

    My Artwork

    Ancient Voyagers my fav
  29. tropicalgirl2007

    Ps3 & Wii

    yes that is a problem, buying the games. I think I will only use the wii for the sports pack, And I beleive they sell zelda? which I might buy
  30. tropicalgirl2007

    Ps3 & Wii

    I know just what you mean with the Wii, I was sore too when I got mine at the weekend, The PS3 is different really from the Wii, After I'm all Wii'd out I can sit and play the ps3. :)
  31. tropicalgirl2007

    Ps3 & Wii

    I now own both of these and its hard to decide which one to play!! Any one own either of these?
  32. tropicalgirl2007

    My First Krib Babies

    Hi I just discovered my first batch of baby kribs. I was so excited when I saw them. Mum and Dad are looking after them really well. One question.. when do mum and dad stop looking after them, should I move the babies out of my main tank.
  33. tropicalgirl2007

    Bottom Dweller

    i have BN's in my tank and they have not eaten my pleants. :)
  34. tropicalgirl2007

    Online Shopping

    i have bought fish online, and all deliveries have been successful
  35. tropicalgirl2007

    Naming 3 Fish

    i have 3 dwarf puffer too. their in a 8G, they are doing fine, they have plenty of cover, and I have had no fighting, a few scrapes but only at feeding time. Like you also I have no name, just waiting for the right ones to come along
  36. tropicalgirl2007

    Dwarf Puffers And Cherry Shrimp? Update

    they have been together for three days now and everyone seems to be getting on fine. feeding well.
  37. tropicalgirl2007

    Do You Eat Fish?

    Yep :). But not the ones in my tank, they are too small! ;)