Clown Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Cambs UK
The guy at the LFS was trying to persude me not to buy any neon tetras with my clown loache as he said they eat them, I argued back saying I have never heard of this considering that they enjoy plant life, snails and wormy type food. I have never heard of them eating other fish. Also I have clowns in there now with my tetras and there has been absolutely no sign of them becoming aggressive towards them. Has anybody else encountered a clown eating their tetras?
The guy at the LFS was trying to persude me not to buy any neon tetras with my clown loache as he said they eat them, I argued back saying I have never heard of this considering that they enjoy plant life, snails and wormy type food. I have never heard of them eating other fish. Also I have clowns in there now with my tetras and there has been absolutely no sign of them becoming aggressive towards them. Has anybody else encountered a clown eating their tetras?

Ive read that larger loaches eat smaller neons
I have a little school of 6 neon's with 3 Clown Loaches and all 6 neon's are still living about a year later. The only thing that I know of that clown loaches might eat are shrimp and of course they'll always eat snails.
Once clowns get big (remember they can get past a foot eventually) they do become somewhat nastier and will think nothing of eating a neon. It does tend to take them a long time to get to such a size though.
Ive had 5-6 inch clown loaches in with cardinal tetras and never had any problems. Having said that though I have heard of clowns killing and eating giant pearl danios and I always go by the rule that if a fish can fit another fish in its mouth sooner or later it will give it a go :)

Depends how big your clown loaches are and how big the neons are (also how much hiding space there is, the size of your neon shoal and the size of the tank).
Most of you guys do not own the BIG clown loaches, I assume that all of your clowns are 6 inches and down. Clown loaches will eat anything that can get in their mouth after they pass a certain size, just because it is ok right now does not mean that it will work later.

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