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  1. N

    Angel Fry.. New Pics.. 8/1/08

    Thanks freerunner416, I shouldn't overtake someone else's thread too much. Otherwise, she might kick my butt. ;) Then again, I don't like to people hanging when they acknowledge me. Yeah hopefully I can get some C*chlid frys in near future and start my own thread and stop hijacking...
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    Jollysue's Camera Thread

    I know all the baby fish is cute. But I think the baby Panda is one of the cutest. :wub: Maybe I am little biased but maybe because they develop the adult coloration so early while they are still the ittsy bittsy size. And I can recognize them when they start to have their eye mask. Instead...
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    Baby Panda Suprise!

    Oh you are embarassing me. Thanks and you are welcome. I don't know all but I know some about the Panda. Yeah, I will use the water from parent's tank for water change for fry tank. And tap the parents tank with new cooler water. And I know that would encourage them to make more eggs...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I guess I found 2 more new home for some of these guys. After the successful mailing a month ago to NY, I will send 2 group to IL and TX next week. I hope they will make it safely. And they should be since it is closer than NY. They may have to endure the shipping but I always prefer to...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    OK, OK I will really start my own thread next time I get the eggs from them. But here is the update. Unfortunately the eggs got re-cycled on 2nd day. But the Dad was guarding for first day pretty good. And the eggs might not be any good since they didn't look like they were developing. So...
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    Angel Fry.. New Pics.. 8/1/08

    Unfortunately the eggs got re-cycled on 2nd day. But the Dad was guarding eggs for first day pretty good. And the eggs might not be any good since they didn't look like were developing. So I think the male may need some time to mature. And they might need few tries before they can raise...
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    Baby Panda Suprise!

    That's cool saphphx, Personally I would not move the survivors unless you have good reason like over crowded or something. I find the small Panda fry is tough to move. Even tank to tank in the same house/home. I lost few before by moving them to different tank too soon before they...
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    Pics Of Unpacking: I Got A 50 Lb Box Of Corys This Morning!

    50lb box of fish! And I thought lifting 19lb of fish supply I got few days ago was pretty good weight. :D No good luck with Corys lately. Comes to the eggs and frys. But hopefully, C.Duplicareus will surprise me since they have never been this active before. But I have good luck with...
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    My Orange Lasers....

    Few days ago, I notice the stand made out of 2x4 is sort of wet. And thought I need to tore it down and reseal it. Finally today I did emptied out and have to find the temporary home for the residents. There were 5 C.Duplicareus who spend their time in the back behind the sponge and 5 small...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Thanks angelmouse, I think I better start my own thread for my Rams and stop barge into your thread. :P I did removed all the Corys out. So now there are only 2 Gold Rams in the tank with the eggs on the stone. They still need to defend the eggs from the speedy snails. I know there are...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Thanks angelmouse, It sure is not the Discus but still give me some excitement. And it is the start of my venture into the world of C*chlid. We'll see how it goes. The little eggs are still on the stone. And I saw the house husband give some tough lips to un-invited, un-welcomed guest of...
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    Angel Fry.. New Pics.. 8/1/08

    About time you showed up. Neat picture as always. They are start to getting taller I see. Well not quite Angels but I did get some eggs from Gold Rams last night(evening). Unfortunately I wasn't there when they made them but it is pretty exciting to see the tiny eggs on the stone in...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    I see you found the camera and the daughter They are getting bigger I see. Now they become big enough to count. Still such a cute fishy. I, too have good news today. I came home tonight from my local aquarium society meeting and found some itty bitty eggs on the small stone in my Gold...
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    Thanks for the tip. That is a good price. Although I don't think I need any. Then again, maybe good to put some new blood to my group to increase the gene pool. Anyway, I will check them out. If they sell Sterbai for $4, they may sell something else for cheap also. :shifty: I used to go...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Thank you jollysue. They are far more active and hardier than C.Sterbai or C.Panda frys. And I have much less to worry them in the mail. Like I mentioned, I sent them out to NY with USPS Priority with re-used shipping supply and followed his method. I didn't even use the oxygen nor...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Thanks tetraqueen. It is too bad you are not near me. Since I had acceptable first live fish shipping experience few weeks ago. P.S. That is how I got the picture taken. And I am start to spread them around the U.S. as soon as I get all the shipping supplies. I wish I do not need to...
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    My Orange Lasers....

    Well, whatever the family they belong whatever the name they will be given. They are making CRAZY. All the dance all the time but not even a single eggs. As I mentioned, I covered 2/3 of the front glass(which happened to be the shorter side of the tank as the tank is set that way at the...
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    Angel Fry.. New Pics.. 8/1/08

    So how's your babies, Heather? Have they became tiny Angels yet? You know what I mean. Have they became more flat and round and poking some fins out? Thought I ask since it has been for a while.
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Yesterday while I shut off the canister filter and clean it. And sitting in front of the tank. I notice the small C.Melanotaenia is chasing the big female around. And it was not 1 of them but like 3~4 of them. It is kind of amazing that they are like half the length and probably like 1/8...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I noticed that there are some eggs on the glass. Not many but some. So I start to pick and end up found 50 eggs. There were only 7 in the spawning mop but another 43 in all over the place, especially on the Java Moss on the decoration. I think they made these eggs yesterday. I saw them...
  21. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Hopefully they are back to their egg making business again. I did find 35 eggs this morning. About 5 on the glass 3 on the driftwood, 2 on the sponge of the filter, rest were in the Java Moss. It nice to see some eggs again. :good:
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    Hi alps, I got your PM so I leave my 2 cents here. I don't know which wall of glass they are swimming against, I bet that is the wall with most water movement. And as jollysue said the Sterbai is one of the most active Corydoras I have. Actually I think they are most excitable. So...
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    My Orange Lasers....

    So I went one of the store yesterday. And look what they have and also how is the C.Melanotaenia I sold them doing. And hoping they sold it already so I can sell them more. But it seems they are still there. Then again, they haven't marked it in the tank, no name no price. That makes even...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Sorry to hear that. But almost never you can raise all the frys without losing some. In a way, some weak one is culled just like in the Nature. And you have stronger one left. And boy did they grew! :hyper: It seems it won't take long before they become round Discus shape and gain some...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I guess they had no sex in September although I see the male(s) is trying last few days. And I got a picture link of them. Only a single picture and I had to ask the guy in NY who I sent some C.Melanotaenia. And that was the first time ever I sent the fish in the mail. I am so glad that...
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    My Orange Lasers....

    Hi Polardbear & jollysue, Thing is my Orange Lasers are about twice bigger than Green Lasers I got from Florida.(I remember I was surprised to see how small they were, especially the C.Similis I also got them at the same time) Orange Lasers, I know at least 4 is females out of 6 and yes some...
  27. N

    My Orange Lasers....

    So now I have 6 of them in the tank. And there got to be a male or 2, I am hoping. And all the dancing they do, day and night. Still no eggs. :sick: The part I don't get it is they obviously excited enough to dance all the time but no eggs. I wonder what I need to do to convince them...
  28. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I was pretty excited this morning. :hyper: Since I knew I should have some eggs because I saw the female were carrying egg last night before I went to bed. It has been almost a month without any eggs. Anyway, I found 30 eggs, 5 on the front glass near the water from the outlet and rest...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    You are awesome to post these pictures. :good: Thank you. They are very nice and so cute :wub: All those tiny but bugged eyed babies. :lol: Discus would be great but I'll settle for spawn(s) from my Rams or Angelfish for now. Hopefully they raise their own family soon. Can't wait to see...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    How's the happy family doing, angelmouse? We love to see more family portrait. :shifty: And do you have the brine shrimp hatchery in the tank? Just curious.
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    How Big Or Small Is The Size Of Ram Eggs?

    Thanks Chops126, That I would do. At first, I thought I have more time to grow them out and pair them up but I guess I don't have much time. They maybe more ready than I realized. I do have many tanks. Just I have to shuffle things up and raise some temperature for Rams and make it better...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    Ahhh What a sight. :wub: You must be proud. That must be amazing sight to witness when they start feeding off parents. I'm not sure but I don't think no other fish do that. I bet I would never get tired of staring that for hours and hours. I wish I can keep some group of Discus and...
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    Grouping Cory's

    Please do envy if you can give up all the life outside of underwater world and no money and live off whatever the bottom feeder leave for you. I'll tell you this, they will not leave much for you. :X And about the water change, I have plenty to do here. I am try to learn type with my toes...
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    Grouping Cory's

    OK Here is usually most experienced Corydoras I think would agree. For the well being of Corydoras, you should keep as big group as possible your tank can handle the bioload. And they would be much happier of their own specie than mixed. If it is kept mixed, there are several issues you...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hi orange shark, Yes but not many enough to sell. I have 1 survivor who is about half the size of adult. And 2 x 1/2" in the fry tank. And another 10 or so 1/4". So I still need to keep trying to raise their frys more successfully. After all the eggs I collected, that is just not...
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    Humm, I don't have any first hand experience of raising convict but I heard and read that they are one of the prolific and easy fish to raise. And most of the time, they end up over populated than the demands in no time. So it is good that you already have the potential home for them. And I...
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    How Big Or Small Is The Size Of Ram Eggs?

    Hi Waterbox, Thanks for taking time to answer my questions. I will try to give them(the Pair) their own tank soon. But I know it will be a challenge to catch the right 2 fish out of 8. As I mentioned they are still small but I am sure they will be quick. And some are still tough to tell...
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    I'll say try to locate some potential home for them. Like check your local store if they are interested in buy/trade your extra Convict babies or juvi in near future? I have no idea how quick those babies grow and need to move to new home but I know they can be tough to find the new home for...
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    That's good. :good: You said they are picking the fry fell but are they doing that over the screen or did you take the screen out? And how soon are they suppose to feed on the parents slime coat/body? That must be fun and exciting thing to see. When that happen, I (we probably) demand some...