Discus Wrigglers At Last


Fish Herder
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
buckinghamshire, high wycombe
My discus spawned in main tank on some bogwood again so i moved the parents and wood into breeding tank,coated the eggs in a diluted meth blue solution last night and just gone to check on them and they have just started to hatch. I thought it was the airstone blowing the eggs but when i turned it off the eggs were wiggling on their own and upon closer inspection it looks like they have little tails. At last, they have spawned many times but have been too inexperienced and have eaten the eggs. I just hope these little fellas survive as the one other time that most of the eggs fungused and just 4-5 wrigglers hatched they ate them as well, maybe they didn't think it was worth the hard work for just afew fry.
here are a couple of pics, i will post more if the fry are sucessful.
parents trying to protect eggs from intruders

moved into breeding tank, i knoced a couple of eggs off trying position the wood in a sturdy place.

regards Angel
Great work, congratulations. This must be a huge moment for you being a discus breeder.
Your living my dream of breeding discus and I am a huge fan of Jack Wattley.
You obviuosly know what you are doing, but dont get discouraged if you have problems with the wrigglers, you will get it eventually. I havent bred them but have done extensive reading and research over the years, along with talking with some breeders and I have barely ever heard of anyone who had instant success with breeding. All just trial and error.
The discus look great and keep us updated with the fry :good: Good luck! Congrats again,

Yeah congratulation angelmouse,

Good for you. :hyper: Do you know who are the parents? I see you have many nice colorful fish and see quite a crowd in the first picture. Must be all the aunts and uncles got curious about the eggs. :shifty:
Your discus are beautiful, I would love to keep discus myself one day.
I hope all goes well with the fry, I'm sure your hard work will be rewarded.
Thanks guys. The parents are the 2 orange ones, pigeonblood female and red marlborough male. I'll be too scared to go to bed tonight incase there gone in the morning :unsure:
Hey angel!

Don't to discouraged if you wake up and they are gone, the fish will learn eventually, and it may take a while. Keep us posted, and hopefully they can raise them!
fry are still there and doing well, parents are v.busy picking up any fry that fall off the wood and putting them back. They are 2 1/2 days old now. Hopefully they will be swiming around in a couple more days
Regards Angel
fry are still there and doing well, parents are v.busy picking up any fry that fall off the wood and putting them back. They are 2 1/2 days old now. Hopefully they will be swiming around in a couple more days
Regards Angel
That's good. :good: You said they are picking the fry fell but are they doing that over the screen or did you take the screen out?
And how soon are they suppose to feed on the parents slime coat/body? That must be fun and exciting thing to see. When that happen, I (we probably) demand some pictures. :wub:
Hi neoncory... the screen was to stop them eating the eggs if they layed on the cone, but i used it to wedge the wood in place, they have managed to get round it and have now moved all the fry to another part of the wood, i panicked when couldn't see them, but they were just busy moving them altogether as they got spread out abit. I need to clean the tank and do a water change but abit scared about disturbing them.
Hi xweeqtx...thank you
here they are tonight v.tiny but you can just see them

regards Angel

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