Pics Of Unpacking: I Got A 50 Lb Box Of Corys This Morning!


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Just to report that everyone arrived safe and vital. Hopefully they will stay that way. A list and Pics come later.

Indeed the multiradiatus are monsters! But the pantanalensis are the size of the Brochis splendens. The Brochis multiradiatus were wrapped in paper, so I thought the C. pantanalensis were the Brochis and put them with the splendens and sterbai. Then I opened the multiradiatus and was in shock! lldjma must see these!

So there were some confusions, and as usual I had to make some last minute adjustments. But in all, it seems to have gone well.

If I am concerned about any of them, it would be the long fin pandas. They are delicate fish and small. I put them with the other LF pandas, and they may be too small. We shall see.

I have to report to Bryan now and then get some sleep.

Hi jollysue! :)

That's excellent news! I'm so happy that they arrived safely. :thumbs:

The B. multiradiatus are indeed big, and I am so thrilled with mine. They are about the same length as gouramis but are much more massive, which makes them the biggest fish I have.

Great luck with them. I'll be looking for pictures soon! :D
I'm sorry to say one of the simulatus didn't make it. I found him wedge between a rock and a piece of drift wood--not stuck and no evidence of sickness.

So far everyone else looks good.

I have lots of maitanence to do, so it will be a little before I try to post pics.
i'm so tempted to scrap either the 55g i got started for Cichlids, or the empty 55g i was going to do half dry with newts and frogs, and just do a large open bottomed tank for cories. The more i watch mine the more i want more of the crazy little "crackhead cat" as i affectionately call them.
They are adorable creatures. I think you would not be sorry for choosing them. I have a wide variety of tropical fish including African Rift. I have traded in a lovely pair of Bismark frontosas and a 12" Burundi to increase my room for Corys.

I am very happy that I have cosen to concenrate on these lovable cats. Actually they remind me more of puppies than cats. lol
50lb box of fish! And I thought lifting 19lb of fish supply I got few days ago was pretty good weight. :D

No good luck with Corys lately. Comes to the eggs and frys. But hopefully, C.Duplicareus will surprise me since they have never been this active before.

But I have good luck with other fish last few day. My tiny Gold Rams laid eggs and the Dad was guarding for a day but they got eaten on 2nd day. I guess it is a start as I hear they don't do well in the first few spawns. I guess it is just like many of the fish, the young parents need few trys before get it right.
And this morning, I found A SINGLE FRY in the bottom of the bucket when I did the vacuuming the Celestial Pearl Danio(formally known Galaxy Rasbora) tank. I couldn't find the suitable container at the moment so s/he was returned to the birth place. Hopefully I see some will make it and start swimming in few weeks or a month.

I think I need more tanks before I get more fish. -_- Then again, I may come back with C.RabutiI saw last week when I go to the store today.
How big are they, and how big do they get? :eek:
You only mentioned 3 kinds. Did you not get the others? ????
Did you take pics of them when they came in? :snap: :snap: :whistle:
How many of each kind did you get? You said pounds... How does that work out in # of fish? :blink:
When might we get pics? Are we talking tonight later or days later? :snap: :whistle:
I am trying to be patient, but it isn't going very well. :blink: :snap: :S :snap: :crazy: :snap: :whistle: :D
:wub: :friends:
C. gossei $14.00 x 4 = $56.00
C. panda longfin $8.00 x 3 = $24.00
C. arcuatus $3.00 x 3 = $9.00
C. areio $15.00 x 6 = $90.00
C. pantanalensis $10.00 x 6 = $60.00
C. julii $6.00 x 6 = $36.00
B. multiradiatus $14.00 x 7 = $98.00
C. simulatus $6.00 x 4 = $24.00

the shipping for 50 lbs of fish was $161.77 overnight standard.

Bryan was stressed about the shipment and all that could go wrong. He emailed me for updates. I was in the middle of an email for him when I got it.

Most of the weight in shipping fish is the water. The pantanalensis are large (about the size of B. splendens and mama sterbai) and the multiradiatus are even larger monsters! So those guys shipment bags took muscle to lift for this old lady.

I am truely tempted to spend the day taking pics, but I have some tanks in serious need. I will have sick fish if I neglect them.

This week I am scheduled to pack for the move; I have it off. So I will no doubt take a day or so to play with the camera, but other needs are pressing. I also want to see about getting my media center dell lap top serviced so I can do pics at work.

I took pics of the box and bags. It was such an unusual box for me--although with a African Tanganyikan Rift tank not the largest shipment I have recieved. But probably the best packed!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just got word that the C. suessi are in and the WC longipinnus and teniente! But it has to wait for the move!
Oh my goodness, jollysue! That's a lot of fish to ship in one box. Not to mention, that's a heck of a lot of fish to add to a collection all at once. :hyper:

I really can't wait to see pictures of them all, especially of the C. pantanalensis and the C. areio. :D
They were scattered through 7 tanks, so while I will have to watch some of the tanks closely, they didn't all go in one place at once. :rolleyes: :D

I keep thinking this is my last hurrah! But I keep finding ways to extend it and find a spot for one more tank. Yankee ingenuity!

Bryan sent me a bottle of anti-fungal! :blush: :rofl: He knows me so well!
Do the juliis look different from what others have been posting that turned out to be trilis?
Can you see a decent difference? I can't wait to see them and the others!

When do you start moving? Are you going to have to get everything moved quickly, or will you have time to do it a little at a time?
Are you going to try to get all of your tanks moved at once? That is going to be a very big job! :X
Are you excited about having more room? You will have to start a thread like a journal for the move and setting up the fish room (with lots of pics) so we can see how it goes. :hyper:
I am excited for you! :D
I don't have trilis or have ever seen them. But true to expectations these look like the pics of traditional juliis. They have very small fine dots and lines as opposed to the larger lines and squiggles of the pics of trilis. They are small and are in the fry tank on the floor.

But really: Wild Caught for $6 a piece. I can't really go wrong.

I have a weekend. I have a professional with 3 other fish men to move the tanks in one day. I will probably have to move the furniture on Friday and will move my small stuff on Saturday and the fish on Sunday. The new apart ment is only about 6 apartments down the sidewalk.

I am very excited to be getting a fish room! :hyper: :drool:

I have some pics Bryan sent me of his trilis and juliis. I would be glad to forward them to you if you like. Send your email adress.

Yes, NEONCORY, I have heard that it takes a few trys for the little Cichlids to learn to raise their fry. But I suppose the best way is to have a species only tank for breeding usually.
Here are the arrival and unpacking pics:

A 50 lb box of fish with LOTS of stickers! Evidence of Bryan's stress quotient

I like a nice detailed packing slip. It helps me remember what I got, too!

What the box looks like packed nice inside


Lots of bags to open












C. PANTANALENSIS That's my name. I'm the new gal on the block! Make way!




HeHe! I'm bigger than the Fat Mama C. sterbai
Nice fish, and nice packing job as well. You can tell a lot about the care fish receive by the attention paid to packing. One thing I enjoy doing after the fish are all settled in the tanks, or supplies are put away, and I'm cleaning up the bags & boxes that are strewn about is to read the papers that are used for packing. I recently found a great grocery store in upstate New York, like I'll ever be around that area.

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