Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

And I guess they are not giving me much time. :S I saw them sticking more eggs on the glass. Yes, they left me about 190 more eggs to collect. But I have to admit they do place eggs in neat pile. I don't need to look for them. They almost always place them in same spot or 2. In a pile of 100's. :crazy:
The way they are making babies, I might have to knock all the house with aquarium in several months from now.
So I have about 145 Melanotanias wigglers hatched out from the Saturday batch and also have about same from Sunday batch and there are still some more looks to be hatch during today. So I think I will have somewhere around 300 Melanotanias fry from 370 eggs I collected.
And yesterday I move the frys from the 10G to 20L and saw 85 Melanotanias which survived from 5G and 10G survival of fittest tank. And they start to gain the coloration of adults. And I know I should be able to raise most of these guy to the size I can move in another month or 2 I think. And I probably should have another 100 or so in 3 X 5G tank I have to sort it out.

So for now, I don't think I will collect any more eggs from them even if they place the eggs nicely on the glass. It will be tough but I don't have enough space for them. But it would be better to not collect eggs than destroy frys. And I would be surround by them if I collect all the eggs and hatch them and raise them.
I guess they are like C.Anueus after all they are pretty similar looking except the length of the body.
And they are more active also as soon as the fry get out of the egg shell compare to the Sterbai frys.
Even they are about same size. It is almost like they skip the stage of wiggler and go straight to free swimming.

Maybe I should move the adult to the community tank and retire them.
That is alot of wrigglers you have there neon. I understand why you dont want to collect any more Melanotanias eggs. Your topics have been interesting reads thank-you for keeping them going
That is alot of wrigglers you have there neon.

I know. And it came from 2 females in 2 days. :crazy:

I understand why you dont want to collect any more Melanotanias eggs.

I thought I would never say that I don't or can't collect eggs. And that is one of my favorite thing to do :X .

Your topics have been interesting reads thank-you for keeping them going

Thanks Man. And who knows I may add few more topics since I got the group of C.Duplicareus few days ago. And suppose to receive some CW009(Green Laser), C Albino Sterbai and C.Similis next week. :hyper: And I am hoping I have something good to write about ;) .
Of course, you have to understand that it is gonna be longer wait for the pictures since I spend good chunk of money for the fish. :( I'm sorry but fish comes first. And other stuff like high tech stuff or groceries comes after. Even milk for baby. OK I am joking, good thing I don't have baby though. Or wife or ex-wife on that matter I think.
I guess I should add some update of them. Since the beginning of the month, I don't think they spawned.

So the big spawning week from June, they grew to 1/2" SL and about 1/8 scale of parents. It was about 550+ eggs I collected. And now I have about 200 of them. I just moved 100 of them to 55G from the 20L today. And they have the tank to themselves(100 of them). They seems they don't mind their new larger fin room.

And I probably have another 100~200 smaller frys in 5G from the spawns from beginning of the month. They should be move into 20L soon.

I might have to move the 55G to let them reunite and convince them that you have enough children. :shifty: And sway them to practice the safe sex.

I had 5 of them 2 month ago and now I have 300~400 and 5 of them. :crazy:
Now what to do. Pick them or not to pick. :unsure:

I noticed there are some eggs on the glass of 55G tank this evening. Although I don't know exactly when they were made but probably sometime this morning or afternoon.

I guess they got comfortable enough after 2 weeks. Although there are 150+ of their own children and 5 young C.Similis, visially challenged 5 young C. Albino Sterbai, 2 young Albino bristlenose and 5 Blue Tetras.

I can't believe where they find the privacy.(Or they might liked to be watched.) :shifty:
I hope all the children didn't learn too much. After all 5 become 305+ fish and 100+ eggs on the glass ATM. And if those off spring make babies.....soon I can't count.

At least, I talked to 3 stores who might be interested to do some trade in. And I have few empty 5G the their earlier off springs were in. And I am process of setting another 20L up.

So I guess I will collect those eggs since I have few empty tanks and their older bro/sis are almost ready to go to the store. And it is a shame to let the pl*co eat them.

If I can only get some eggs from Orange Laser, C.Duplicareus or C.Arcuatus soon, I would be happy.
I guess I had more than 150 eggs. :shifty: Ready or not, about 180 came out of the egg shells this evening.
And like last time, they are not wigglers but pretty good swimmers already. Of course, they still have egg sacks but I probably need to feed in 2 days or so.
I better start find some new home for their older siblings. I did checked 3 stores already who probably trade. But I probably look the store who can buy them instead of trade.
I guess they had no sex in September although I see the male(s) is trying last few days.
And I got a picture link of them. Only a single picture and I had to ask the guy in NY who I sent some C.Melanotaenia. And that was the first time ever I sent the fish in the mail. I am so glad that there are no DOA nor major mishaps. Anyway, here it is. They do look little wash out since the picture was taken not long after the 2 days trip they took.

So I am planning to list them online as soon as I get them some shipping supply. Since they do not have much value or demand around my neighborhood and I still have hundreds of them. I think I need some heatpacks for shipping since the Summer is over.
Yesterday while I shut off the canister filter and clean it. And sitting in front of the tank. I notice the small C.Melanotaenia is chasing the big female around. And it was not 1 of them but like 3~4 of them.
It is kind of amazing that they are like half the length and probably like 1/8 of the female weight. Not to mention that they could be the one of the many sons and they are just like 4 months old.
I guess I better re-home them all before they try to increase their family size to thousands or millions.
I am not kidding. If the 5 fish make couple of hundreds babies in 3~4 months, it is entirely possible that they could make thousands babies if I can provide enough space and food.

It is good that the big Mom or Aunt didn't take the small boys' advance seriously but it just amazed me that 4 months old try to seduce the adult female. :shifty:
Yesterday while I shut off the canister filter and clean it. And sitting in front of the tank. I notice the small C.Melanotaenia is chasing the big female around. And it was not 1 of them but like 3~4 of them.
It is kind of amazing that they are like half the length and probably like 1/8 of the female weight. Not to mention that they could be the one of the many sons and they are just like 4 months old.
I guess I better re-home them all before they try to increase their family size to thousands or millions.
I am not kidding. If the 5 fish make couple of hundreds babies in 3~4 months, it is entirely possible that they could make thousands babies if I can provide enough space and food.

It is good that the big Mom or Aunt didn't take the small boys' advance seriously but it just amazed me that 4 months old try to seduce the adult female. :shifty:

They have such cute faces, as for rehoming them I am in the wrong paret of the world. I wish our Uk fans were so keen. You are doing great try not to worry and enjoy.
They have such cute faces, as for rehoming them I am in the wrong paret of the world. I wish our Uk fans were so keen. You are doing great try not to worry and enjoy.

Thanks tetraqueen. It is too bad you are not near me. Since I had acceptable first live fish shipping experience few weeks ago. P.S. That is how I got the picture taken. And I am start to spread them around the U.S. as soon as I get all the shipping supplies.
I wish I do not need to worry but I have TOO many and they do need more space to grow as they grow. Not to mention I have few other fish I think they will start expand their family soon.
So many I can keep and grow properly in the 55G for so long when I have more than 100 of them. It is good that next Tuesday is our Aquarium Society meeting. I will take some 20~30 to trade and sell. And thin them out a little.
And to think that I had different plan for the tank when I bought it last year. :rolleyes:
Very pretty babies, NC!

Thank you jollysue.
They are far more active and hardier than C.Sterbai or C.Panda frys. And I have much less to worry them in the mail. Like I mentioned, I sent them out to NY with USPS Priority with re-used shipping supply and followed his method. I didn't even use the oxygen nor shipping water chemical but just starved for a day. And they made it in a 2 days. And they are fine as far as I know. I probably should contact him and check how they are doing now.
Anyway, I will let you know when I gather all the shipping supply in a week or 2 and if you are interested in getting some of these guys. Maybe after you settle down to new place and have more tank space to have more fish. :good:

Once I get all the shipping supply, I will let you all know. That is as long as you live in mainland U.S. Maybe Hawaii and Alaska, we'll see. But sorry to the people outside the U.S. I don't think it would be worth it to send somewhere they can't be reach in 2~3 days with reasonable shipping cost. And all the import/export and mail regulations. Unless of course you can pay the crazy expensive overnight or 2 day guarantee shipping and your Country have acceptable live fish shipping regulation. Which is unlikely this day and age as all the terrorist scare and all.

Oh yeah, he offered me to take more pictures if I send him C.Panda and Sterbai. :rolleyes: So I told him that maybe someday. Then again, he does have some fish I don't mind to have and such a nice guy. I might make some trade once I have space and have some to send out.
I guess I found 2 more new home for some of these guys. After the successful mailing a month ago to NY, I will send 2 group to IL and TX next week. I hope they will make it safely. And they should be since it is closer than NY.

They may have to endure the shipping but I always prefer to find them home of another hobbyist where they will be cared for well than bring them to the store where I don't know how long they have to stay at the store tank. :(

If this works well again(knock the wood), I will be listing to the auction more often. Since I still have 100's of them.
Although I won't make more than what I get from the store. But it always will be $ and not store credit some store only give me(that how I usually end up more fish :lol: ). And it may take more time of preparing for shipping and packing. But like I said, it will be worth it since they will go to the good home. And they will be happy with the fish.

I don't think it will be worth it to send other than inside the U.S. Not to mention the time and all the import/export law/regulation to send them out of the Country. Even some of the Canada would be closer than some of the US city from me in distance wise. I just stick to the U.S for now.

I know I can send 6~10 of them for $10 with USPS Priority with tracking. And they can handle 2 days in the mail so far. I don't know any longer since the shipping haven't take any longer than that so far. And hopefully I would never have to experience the delayed mail.

If things work well this time again, I may offer to the people on this forum although it have to be US address. I will let you all know how it goes.
So I sent the batch of them to Ilon Tuesday and I've been checking the delivery status online at USPS web site. And this morning I saw it say the box had delivered on like 6 A.M. or something. So I e-mailed her and asked how did it go. But I have not hear from her. I hope no news is good news. I mean if you receive the dead or not so healthy fish, you probably would let the shipper know about it, don't you think? Still I liked to hear that the fish got there ok.
And I went one of the store with some cherry shrimps since I promised few weeks ago that I would bring some. And this was the same store I tool 6 Melanotaenias. And there were no Melanotaenia in the tank. And I can't imagine all died so I think someone must have bought them. So I asked if they want more. And she told me I can bring more. So I asked her if 10 would be ok. And she agreed. So I think I will take 10 more Melanotaenia to the store.

And of course, I had to come home with something. I came home with 1 Similis who was there 3 weeks ago in the tank alone and they didn't marked Similis on the tank either. And she told me she got him/her as something else. And I know s/he is twice as large as the group of 5 I have right now. But I figure s/he would like some friends although they are much smaller.
And I saw this Cory with pretty interesting marking. And she told me they are C.Agassiz but I know they are not but I was not sure what exactly they are. But I decide to get them since they have some interesting design on them and I don't think I see thenm often if ever although they only had 2 of them. And after look through many pictures, I believe I got 2 C.Reticulatus.
I'll keep them in quarantine tank for a while. And maybe I'll put them in my odd corydoras tank.

And I find out that they will have Anniversary sale next month. :shifty:

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