Discus Wrigglers At Last

Thanks angelmouse,

It sure is not the Discus but still give me some excitement. And it is the start of my venture into the world of C*chlid. We'll see how it goes. The little eggs are still on the stone. And I saw the house husband give some tough lips to un-invited, un-welcomed guest of small Corydoras if they come near the precious eggs. Although I never saw them hit but he was chasing all away. Since then I remove the corydoras this morning. Hopefully some of the eggs would hatch in few days. I can't wait. Of course, try not to too excited since it is their first and mine also. And never know how well it's gonna go.
I can't wait. Of course, try not to too excited since it is their first and mine also. And never know how well it's gonna go.

rams can be vicious little mean machines when they need to be, i am sure they will protect their eggs well and keep other fish at bay, keep us updated on how it goes.
Me and my discus have been through a huge learning curve to get this far and i'm sure there will be more trying times ahead. i have 19 fry left out of 45 ish, hopefully afew will make it to adulthood
Regards Angel
rams can be vicious little mean machines when they need to be, i am sure they will protect their eggs well and keep other fish at bay, keep us updated on how it goes.
Me and my discus have been through a huge learning curve to get this far and i'm sure there will be more trying times ahead. i have 19 fry left out of 45 ish, hopefully afew will make it to adulthood
Regards Angel

Thanks angelmouse,

I think I better start my own thread for my Rams and stop barge into your thread. :p I did removed all the Corys out. So now there are only 2 Gold Rams in the tank with the eggs on the stone. They still need to defend the eggs from the speedy snails. I know there are some of those in there. Anyhow, I hope some will come out of the eggs around Thursday.

You know 19 out of 45ish may not look great but I don't think even 2 out of 100 would make in the wild. That is why many fish lay so many eggs. They just pass the torch to the elite of the group only. There is no room for the weak or inferior fish.
so I don't be surprise to hear the sometime the adult fish recycle the weak frys.
But I sure hope you will have some strong survivors.
OK, OK I will really start my own thread next time I get the eggs from them. But here is the update.

Unfortunately the eggs got re-cycled on 2nd day. But the Dad was guarding for first day pretty good. And the eggs might not be any good since they didn't look like they were developing. So I think the male may need some time to mature. And they might need few tries before they can raise their youngs.
On the brighter note, I did find A SINGLE FRY when I did the vacuuming the Celestial Pearl Danio tank(formaly known as Galaxy Rasbora). I didn't have any suitable container for 1 fry so I just gently put him/her back in the thicket of the Moss. And after the water change yesterday, the male seem more serious of courting females today. I think they will be fine in the ongoing breeding arrangement. I expect some tiny free-swimmers to show up in few weeks to a month.
And Chris and Terry(my 2 Albino Angels who is the first fish to be given the name) are growing nicely. Don't know their sex hence the unisex name but I am hoping they will be a couple. They seem hang around together. And they are about 2"(5cm) body size. And beg for food all the time if they spot me within 10'. :lol:
fry doing well 19 left. there is a big difference in sizes now but sadley 3 will have to be culled as they are not swiming properly and 1 has a deformed eye
i have now removed both parents and they are feeding on BBS, zm200 and finely grated beefheart
23 days old


regards Angel
Wow they grow so fast. The biggest one already have the tint of orange. :wub: And look at the big bugged eyes. :lol:
Now they sure look like little Discus.

For the news from this side of water, I think I will get some eggs from Gold Rams today. Since the female look to be burst and see the tube is down. Although I am not so sure about the male is ready. Hopefully he can do his job and I can get some wigglers this time around. We'll see how it goes.
Unfortunately I think the little guy in the CPD tank might have been re-cycled since I don't see him/her anymore. :angry: And I think I might need to set another tank and move the adults every week to protect the eggs and frys. Although I never knowwhen exactly they are spawning. They like to do it in the thick bush and high speed also. No chance of catch them in the act. :rolleyes:
Or maybe I have to set the breeding tank similar of Tetra breeding tank. The mesh on the bottom and remove the adults as soon as you see the eggs.

Thanks for showing us your cute fish. We really love to see them. :wub: Very nice and very cute.
Oh good. I am glad that your babies(the fish and not the camera borrowing without telling daughter of yours. I am not saying that your daughter shouldn't be doing well either. ) are doing good. I was start to wonder about them but kind of afraid to ask, in case something bad happened or something.
But I see them really become the Discus. Cute little Discuses(sp?) With little cute orange tinted. Especially around the fins. :wub: It is really neat.
Now I am curious that how the marking develop. So do the pictures coming please.
hi neoncory i have 8 left now as i had abit of an accident. i just turned my office into a mini fishroom and moved my tanks in there but i used a different filter in their tank that was too powerful, i found some the next morning stuck to the filter intake, very sad but others are doing well and luckily as i am typing this my discus pair are laying eggs again. i am just watching them now going up the breeding cone laying.
this is my new setup

and tank in lounge

regards Angel
That looks cool! I wish I had the space to set up a breeding room!!!! good luck wit your next batch of eggs!
Awesome thread and photos, well done. If you get 1 to adulthood I bet you'd be delighted!

I will keep an eye on this thread for sure. Congratulations.

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