My Orange Lasers....


Fish Addict
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
seattle WA USA
Humm, more and more it looks like all my 5 Orange Lasers are all females. -_- I got 4 of them about 2 months ago and last month I got another one since they seemed they are all females. And I pick the skinny one among the 3 they had. And one wasn't looking good so my choice was pretty much one or other. And they are all good adult size. And they have been dancing day and night for a month but no eggs. And I was still hoping that 5th one is male but now I think they are all females :X . That would explain no eggs although the biggest female start to swim/dance more frantically near the top of tank for days and weeks and month now and rest follow around her as well but no head tickling or nudging stomach area. And 4 of them is pretty plump especially 1 of the biggest one looks ready to burst. :blink:

For a while I thought they are tough to induce to spawn so I did many things. But now I am pretty sure I might have all females, definitely 4 of them out of 5 and 5th one is start to expanding the waist line. So I guess I better go look for some husband(s) for them before the big one burst.

It seems I almost always end up with more females than males when I buy the Corydoras from the store. I start to wonder if it is because I tend to pick the big healthy looking one and pass on the small skinny looking one.

I hope the store have some today. I'll go see if they have any beside I should bring in some C.Melanotaenia anyway.
I also sent out C.Melanotaenia in the mail for first time today. I hope they make it all right. I guess I will know in few days. :unsure:
Yes! Good luck on all the above. Where did you get the customer?

Does it hurt to see your babies in the display tanks?
Yes! Good luck on all the above. Where did you get the customer?

Yeah, I need it. Not often they carry the Orange Laser. Only the reason I got them was I was at the right timing at the store and they were already adult size. And now I got most likely 5 frustrated plump females and no husband(s).

Not quite a customer since I sent it out with no pay. This is how it happened, I bid on one of his auction on Saturday night. And it happened to be picked as one of the FREE auction including shipping. One of the promotional auction. I got 8 cute Gold Rams. And the auction was suppose to be 6 Rams also. And I felt I owe him and want to do something. So I asked if you are interested in getting some C.Melanotaenia juvi and Cherry Red Shrimps. And He told me he is interested in Cory but not Shrimps since he already have them. So I pretty much re-used the box I got from him and sent out the C.Melanotaenia.

Does it hurt to see your babies in the display tanks?

Are you talking about looking fish in display tank or my fish? If it is my fish, I am sorry I am still in dark age of no decent camera nor camera phone as I mentioned in somewhere before. Top of that decade old computer that barely let me access e-mail without freezing. So it can't handle big info of pictures or video well. I really need new one but some reason all the money turn into FISH. :rolleyes:
Hopefully he will take the picture of C.Melanotaenia and send me the link or something which I asked him to do. So I can start selliong them off online as I think they need bigger market. It seems they are little dull and unless you are some kind of Cory nut, people can't even tell them apart between C.Melanotaenia and C.Aenues.
Of course, I better have some good experience of shipping those guy before I list them online with or without picture. I should know in few days that how they do in the mail.

Anyway, I better go look for ADULT Orange Laser TODAY!
Good luck hunting! My first batch of 5 orange lasers also turned out to be all females. I bought 6 more from from Bryan (Corysrus) and while still pretty young it's looking like many of them are going to be males.

Maybe you could share the things you tried to trigger spawning, what didn't work, what helped...

I can't seem to get mine in the mood here lately.
Thanks for that Polardbear,

Here is the thing, I went to the store like I mentioned this afternoon. The good thing is they had some Orange Laser but bad thing is they look like the same 2 they had a month ago. Which mean one was kind of pale bleached colored one I passed on a month ago. Although I must admit his(my best guess) color was much better, then I notice his wisker(barbels) are shorter the optimal. And another one was I can't be sure of the sex. So I asked the owner if he is getting anymore. And he told me that he may get some on Thursday. So I decide I will wait for now.
And I came home and see my Orange Laser swimming in the group excitedly but no action. sigh
And watching them swim endlessly, I really hope they get more adult soon, ADULT MALES that is. Otherwise I may settle for the not so perfect male they have and rationalized as those 2 survived in the dealer tank for a month. So so looking male maybe better than no male? I hope it won't come to that but I am getting weaker.

Anyway, I did pass on those 2 Orange Laser but I came home with some C.Habrosus and Celestial Pearl Danios(AKA Galaxy rasbora). Blame the store that put them in the same tank. And I notice the plump female hanging around the Java Moss. I was not planning to get those CPD until saw the female who seems ready.

Ok about the trigger. I don't do much so far. I keep them in their own tank if their near the breeding age and feed them well and do the frequent water change and have some good water movement in the tank. Almost all my breeding tankhave powerhead since I noticed the most of the corys seem like to place the eggs near the brisk water movement. Then again I only have 5 breeding tank and only getting eggs from 3(Panda,Sterbai and Melanotaenia) at the moment. The 2 I haven't got the eggs are Orange Laser and Duplicareus(they should be close to breeding size, I just hope I got both sex in the group). Probably having both sex help. :shout:
Well, Orange I need to find the male(s). And C.Duplicareus I might need to do more drastic trigger if nothing happen this Fall/Winter. Of course, I probably need to look closely of their sex first. But they are just so darn shy and sitting at the back of the tank most of the day. So I just feed them well with variety of food and do the frequent water change and leave them alone for now. And hoping to see some eggs soon. But I kind of suspect they might not be tank bred and they may have those seasonal biological clock so I kind of have more patience with them.

So bottom line is I have not done much to induce spawn beside the good maintainence at the moment. So I can't tell you much about what works and what doesn't.
I was referring to taking your babies after so much hard work to the lps to sell. I took a group of my LF peppers. When I went back a week or so later they were there in the display tank laying on gravel and looked so forlorn. I know they don't get worms and they are mixed up with other fish. They were very active when I took them in and they were just laying around in the lps. I was very sad for them.

My duplicarus are spawning. I have a net full of tadpole fry from eggs in their tank which also has pandas and suessi spawning. I don't know for sure what has hatched yet, but I am excited. I may also have some San Juan fry hatched in that net. Today or tomorrow I have to set up the 10 usg for all the fry. Right now it has only some C. aeneus youngsters in it. I am having trouble figuring out how to make it so I can see in it as it is almost on the floor. My collection of my babies and Frank's is outgrowing my little Hex 5, and I get the next ones from Frank Thursday! :hyper: :fun:
I was referring to taking your babies after so much hard work to the lps to sell. I took a group of my LF peppers. When I went back a week or so later they were there in the display tank laying on gravel and looked so forlorn. I know they don't get worms and they are mixed up with other fish. They were very active when I took them in and they were just laying around in the lps. I was very sad for them.

Oh I see. I have not sold any to the local store yet but I am sure it will happen sometime in near future. And it is unfortunate that they do not provide the optimal condition all the time if ever. It is just like any other business, less cost means more profit. It is sad but that is how most business see and I think they will have tough time compete against all the mega chain store price unless the small store see that way. It is sad but that is how it seems. As I see so many small stores started by hobbyist go out of business.
So I think it is better for the fish if you can place them to another hobbyist who can care them well directly even if that means they have to be shipped.
I will still try to sell/trade at my local aquarium society first, but our club is not big enough to sell/trade many. And I will try to get in the online method as soon as I get enough confidence of sending fish in the mail. Of course, then I need to find the way to post the pictures as I know the power of it. That should open up bigger market to the hobbyist actually care about the well being of the fish.

My duplicarus are spawning. I have a net full of tadpole fry from eggs in their tank which also has pandas and suessi spawning. I don't know for sure what has hatched yet, but I am excited. I may also have some San Juan fry hatched in that net. Today or tomorrow I have to set up the 10 usg for all the fry. Right now it has only some C. aeneus youngsters in it. I am having trouble figuring out how to make it so I can see in it as it is almost on the floor. My collection of my babies and Frank's is outgrowing my little Hex 5, and I get the next ones from Frank Thursday! :hyper: :fun:

That is cool. I think my C.Duplicareus should be close to the breeding age if not already. But they seems still shy and it seems sitting at the back of the tank most of the day. But it is getting more often that I see them swim in group at night so I am hoping to see some eggs in near future. Maybe this Fall or Winter. I'll see how it goes.
I am hoping that I will have a happy ending. Today I decide to go check the store(fish store of course) which I know where it is but I never have been to. It is one of those store which is not really a local store(you know what I mean). Anyway, as usual I look all the tank and fish in it and also check all the name written on the glass with marker. Of course, not all the store keep it up to date of what in the tank. And as you all know ahich fish I am looking for more than any other fish. So I was hoping they have some. And I came across the tank marked corydoras neon red $14.99 and they didn't look like have any red at all. I know red is the least colorful but still...for $15 I thought. But I also thought that they have good chance having the fish I am looking for. And sure enough few tanks later, I found the tank marked as Corydoras neon orange. But I didn't see any in the tank at first glance. But I didn't want to give up so easy so looked and looked that paticular tank for few minutes. And finally I notice some familiar face is poking behind one of those terrible pet store decoration. I still can't see the body or orange line. So there is no way for me to tell that 1) it is indeed the orange laser 2) is it he or she. Anyway, so I told the fish store employee that I think you might have the fish I want but I would like to see it. And the fish is behind the decoration. And he removed the decoration and there are 3 of them. However 1 is so small about half the size and must be barely old enough to start show the orange line. So here we go again. I have 2 fish to find the male from. :shout: And 1 looked more rounder than the other. So I came home with the skinnier one. Of course I can't guarantee or nothing but I am hoping it is he. And he is the one and can be the King of the tank and not to be another unsatisfied female in the ever growing sorority house.
I guess I have to wait and see. So this is not quite good news yet.

But I got pretty good news when I came home from the store and check the e-mail. The 10 young Melanotaenia reached to the new home in NY safely. They survived in the box for 2 days. I sent them with USPS priority. And you might not believe this but they delivered earlier than they promised in their web. So it is possible for them to deliver and not to be late. :shifty: Which said as 3 days from Seattle to Newark Valley NY. I suppose they play safe because of the time zone. Anyway, I drop at the box 8:30A.M on Tuesday and got there today Thursday like 11:30 A.M. So that is about 2 days.

So I guess it was pretty good day for me. Now only the new fish is a male. That would be super. :good:
So now I have 6 of them in the tank. And there got to be a male or 2, I am hoping. And all the dancing they do, day and night. Still no eggs. :sick:
The part I don't get it is they obviously excited enough to dance all the time but no eggs. I wonder what I need to do to convince them. It's a challenge I tell you.
I guess I have to start more serious attempts of conditioning of spawn tiggering.
Your orange lasers and my green lasers must be on the same wavelength. I moved my 9 green lasers into their own 29 gallon tank a week and a half ago. As long as I stay a good distance from the tank they dance almost constantly now but like yours, no eggs. I'm still trying to figure out how many males I have, it's difficult to tell since they all dive under the sponge filter when I get near the tank. I've been trying to condition them (primarily so I can figure out who's a female and who's not) but nobody's putting on any weight. I'm giving them frozen bloodworms, frozen tubifex worms and Hikari Sinking Catfish wafers. They are much pickier about their food than any of my other corys. They did not like the frozen white worms or the frozen brineshrimp, wouldn't touch the Hikari shrimp pellets, pretty much ignored the live black worms. Surprisingly, their two favorites of everything I've offered them are the Hikari wafers and Hikari First Bites powdered fry food. They are a strange bunch! I may have to move the Paleatus crew in with them to educate them.
I think some Cory species take longer to mature than others. Aeneus pretty much come out of the egg ready to get jiggy. Although it may take awhile before their spawns are viable. Peppers too, but as you can see from ICGs long ordeal, it can take a while before thier spawns are viable.

So I am thinking that the lasers may not mature quickly. I had my San Juans over a year before the lady was ready, and then I lost her and killed her fry. The ones left are a year and a half and they have finally layed viable eggs, and I have fry! So I have had the second group almost 2 years, and they were wild caught.

I think it takes some species more time than others. Don't dispair. Keep them happy, and I am sure our lasers will do the deed in their time not ours.

Of course mine have had a set back with the columnaris plague. It will take awhile before mine are in condition again to expend much energy. I have the tank much cooler now too, so they may be a little slow from that.

Inchy got some of the green lasers, so she will probably beat us all out and have babies any day!
I'm not in a hurry for them to spawn, I just want to be able to figure out their sexes. The lasers are difficult for me to sex, although I'm convincing myself that the ones I can't make up my mind on are probably all males. I've had mine since mid-June and while they have grown and matured quite a bit I'm pretty certain that they are far from done growing. Since I've never seen (in person) a mature green laser, the only thing I have to compare them to is my original group of orange lasers who I've had now for almost exactly 2 years, and were mature when I got them.

The intensity of their dancing is growing daily and they seem to be getting more and more serious about it. I just did a water change and they are back to it already and a couple of the "may be males" are doing a lot more touching and swarming than I've seen over the last few days. 6 of them are staying in a real tight pack instead of the usual 2's and 3's and I just noticed that 2 more have joined the games that previously were not participating. Just watching these guys is wearing me out, I wish I had their energy!

I'm wishing I had my orange lasers in a tank by themselves where I could observe them better and try to get them to spawn. But, rounding them up would require completely uprooting my 40 gallon planted tank and I'm not feeling up to that much work.

Neoncory - have your females plumped up at all or have they maintained there streamlined shape? How long have you had them? Have you found any food that they seem to like more than anything else?
Hi Polardbear & jollysue,

Thing is my Orange Lasers are about twice bigger than Green Lasers I got from Florida.(I remember I was surprised to see how small they were, especially the C.Similis I also got them at the same time) Orange Lasers, I know at least 4 is females out of 6 and yes some are pretty plump and round. They are about 2" and that was the size I got them from 2 local stores( and that was the main reason I got them, the big size. as well as nice bright Neon Orange lines) and I don't think they changed much as size wise while I have for lase few months. Maybe I still don't have enough males or any(although I am pretty sure 1 is male maybe 2). I guess I'll keep eyes on at my local store for more males since I don't want to get some small fish again and have to wait for long time to grow. I know my Orange Laser Females should be ready. Judging from the size and roundness of bellies. And all the crazy frantic swim move they do at the upper level of the tank. I even covered 2/3 of tank front(since they are the tank near the floor and it seems they do stop when I walk nearby) with paper but I still see them on upper level dancing.
And my Green Laser was small when I got them in July. Since then, they grew some and they are about the point that I can tell the sex. The female getting taller and bigger but not so much of plump or roundness. Just taller. And they are still around 1" so I don't think they will be ready in a while. Although some males try to position himself in front of female :shifty: while foraging the food next to her now and then but nothing serious. Like teenager try to seduce the girl while eating mouthful of Cheeseburger or something. :rolleyes: So I know his priority is still the food. And them, I expect to wait for a while. Maybe 3 months or could be a year. Who knows. The females are still slim just taller and bigger than males.

Maybe I need more males, maybe I need to put more plants, or water need to be more acidic or softer. I guess I'll keep try few things. I just hope I see some eggs from them in near future. And get to the point of hatching eggs. The way it is going, I am sure that too give me problem. :rolleyes:

Ahh the world of Corydoras.

P.S. I did get few species of fish that suppose to take care of their own children for change. Some Rams and Angels and I have some Bristlenoses for a while and they too suppose to and I think they are getting near the big enough size. So maybe something give me eggs and frys soon. And I might even name the Angels. :shifty:
Well, as I said my San Juans were big enough an round enough, but it was still a long time before they spawned. I have heard that some species do take a long time. Frank has posted some long waits.
Sounds like are greens are from the same batch. They are small compared to my mature orange lasers, but they are larger than the batch of orange laser juvenile that I got at the same time.

I don't know if it will hold true with the lasers but at least with the Paleatus in my experience the males were ready to spawn at a much younger age than the females. So maybe you won't have to wait to long for yours to grow up.

Have you tried playing with the temperature in the tank at all? My tanks tend to stay around 78-80 most of the time but if I use a small 4 inch desktop fan blowing down at the top of the tank I can drop the temp down to 72-74. The greens are simply going crazy at this temp.

I think I'm going to bite the bullet and do what I have to do to get the orange's out of the tank they're in and move them to the spawning closet. I know the orange females are mature enough.

What foods are you feeding yours?

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