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  1. N

    Will Cories Eat Veggies?

    I haven't tried many vege but I notice some Corys like quick blanched frozen pea(I put few in the cup with little water and zap them for 1/2 mins or so). And squeeze with my fingers after cool enough to do that and mush and skin it and dip my finger in the tank. Also the Tetras love the peas...
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    How Can You Discourage.........

    I noticed there are some eggs in the Java Moss when I was collecting eggs from Melanotanias this morning. I found 16 in the Moss.
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Last night, I noticed there are some eggs on the leaf of Java Fern but I was already in the bed so I decide to collect them in the morning. (Yes, I sleep with fish. Unlike mob story, they sleep in the tank and me in the bed. :lol: ) Anyway, so I started to collect those eggs this morning(I...
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    Feeding Time...

    I think most of the Corys if not all LOVE worms. I've been feeding them walterworms, grindel worms and white worms occationaly. I picked up some freeze dried tubifex worms at the auction and tried and see how they like. And I must say they were pretty excited.
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    They left me 94 more eggs today. There were 18 on the glass, 8 on the plastic of powerhead, 57 in the spawning mop and 11 on the leaves of Java Fern. I guess they are getting older and bigger, and produce more eggs.
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I did collect 50 eggs(15 on the glass and 35 in the Java Moss) from Melanotaniasthis evening. And I saw them forming T for first time. Last 2 batches I wasn't there when they made those eggs. They sure hold many eggs in their egg basket. I saw her hold like 10 eggs in her fins. As you...
  7. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess they settled down in their new home, ok. I saw them making eggs this afternoon. It seems they sleep in later than when they were in the old tank. Maybe because they are in my bedroom now, they adjust to my schedule. :lol: But at least, they seems back to every other day of egg making...
  8. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I collected 9 eggs this morning. I knew I have some eggs this morning since I saw the male chasing female last night. There are 7 in the Java Moss and 2 on the leaf and the stem of the Java Fern.
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    They made me sweat a bit that they are not happy with new home but they made some eggs this evening. Which itself was unusual also. They were always laying eggs in the morning/afternoon. I also am wondering if the temperature made any difference. Since the day of move(Saturday evening) the...
  10. N

    Can You Mix Different Types Of Cories?

    Hi Phishy25, I don't like to tell you this but generally Pandas and Sterbais are not good match since their optimal water temperature is far apart. :( I do have both of them. I keep my Pandas in unheated tank which around 68~72F with high oxygenated current from powerhead. And they do...
  11. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Thanks Bozza, I think the water change helps a lot. I need to take out about 1/2G out of 10G tank they are in so I can use that to change the water the frys/eggs are in every day. And tap with new fresh water. And I do feed them well and often when they produce eggs. So I guess it is "a...
  12. N

    How Do You Breed Coydoras

    Hello Colonel Mustard, You can check this thread. It is pretty informative read.
  13. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    This morning I was looking eggs from the Pandas in the Java Moss, I noticed there are smaller but more crustered eggs in the Java Moss also. I guess the Melanotaenias decide to leave me eggs also. I don't know exactly how many since they are all sticked together like a bunch of grapes so I...
  14. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I collected 80 more eggs today. I think all were in the spawning mop. And I also moved the parents to another tank so I can re-caulk the tank they were in. It seems the caulk must melt from the acidic water over the time. I noticed that while back but I never had another tank to move them...
  15. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I collected 20 eggs from Pandas and also found about 40 eggs from Melanotaenias which share the tank at the moment. And I know I have some eggs from Sterbais although I have not collected yet. So it was the first tri-fecta for me. :hyper: Although I am not sure yet the Melanotanias eggs are...
  16. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    $300! What are you try to buy? 3 Discus? 100G tank with stand? You can buy some stuff from a single dollar if nobody else want it. It all depends on demands and supplys. You could find some good deal sometime, especially near the end of the auction(less people, less competition). It...
  17. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Are you sure you don't need anything? Maybe until you go to the auction. The empty tank doesn't fill up by themselves. :shifty:
  18. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    That would be very nice. But the reality is not all of them hatch and reach to the free swimming stage. Although I do hope 80% to hatch and 70% to absorb the egg sack and become free swimming. But all depends on the batch. Some batch of eggs are better than the other. Especially I have 3...
  19. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    WOW, :hyper: they made new record. I collected 137 eggs if I counted correctly( my count get little iffy after 99). 12 on the glass, 9 on the side of container, 3 on the plastic part of powerhead, 84 in the spawning mop and 29 on the leaves of Java Fern. I wonder if they gonna take another...
  20. N

    Angel Eggs

    Hi Heather, I am sorry to disappoint you but I am still in the "dark age" when it comes to high tech gadget technology. No digital camera/phone, no high speed new computer and no I-pod. Not to mention I have so many fish projects on my mind. Need to set up few tanks, strip few tanks and...
  21. N

    Neon Tretra

    Debbie_19, I'm sorry to tell you this but it sounds like NTD although I am not 100% sure. Like this thread. I would seperate the Neon with fading color from rest of the tank and do the big water change 50% if other fish can...
  22. N

    My Tetra Neons Are Fading!

    I don't mean to make you avoid Tetras but I heard some of the Tetras beside Neons could have NTD. But avoiding keeping Neons with Discus is good idea anyway. Since Discus could eat Neons. But I heard Cardinals are not safe from NTD either. The best you could do is seperate or eliminate the...
  23. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Yeah, collected 31 more eggs. 2 on the glass 2 on the plastic outlet from the powerhead, 14 in the spawning mop and 13 on the leaves of Java Fern. They are back to work after the day off yesterday. :shifty: They sure work hard.
  24. N

    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    You are welcome Bob, Good luck with other Tetras. Unfortunately I haven't bred many Tetras, I only have done with Glowlight and Neons and unassisted Lemon Tetras(they did it in the community and some survivors poped up). I may try Blue Tetras soon as soon as I get some and condition them...
  25. N

    Angel Eggs

    How about you, Heather. Have you start raising another batch of babies yet? BTW, I am raising some Panda Corydoras babies and many Sterbai Cory babies and some Neon Tetra babies at the moment. :wub: The Sterbais are making many eggs for the Easter and I egg hunt almost everyday. :lol: My...
  26. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hi madattiver, Yes, I do have pretty good Easter eggs maker at the moment. I just hope most eggs would hatch unlike Easter eggs. And I think the factory finally closed today although the males were trying. :rolleyes: I don't think they made any eggs this morning/afternoon. They did...
  27. N

    Cherry Shrimp Jumping Ship!

    And I think you have too many potentially predator for the shrimp. I don't think not many fish can live safely with shrimp especially small cherry red shrimp. I have some small tank for my cherry shrimps. At this moment, I am experimenting if I can raise some small Cory frys with Red Cherry...
  28. N

    Corys N Tiger Barbs?

    And lots of hiding, covering for the Corys please. So they can escape from some unwanted nipping or harassment from the Tiger barbs if they need to. The store tend to use not enough covering/hiding since they need to show the fish to the potential buyer. Unlike the store you don't have to...
  29. N

    Apparently Im Not Meant To Have Hasbrosus :(

    Although you said there are no symptoms, it could be your water parameter or tank set up is not right for them. If they are indeed acceptable, they could be died from other cause. Such as stress from the trip to your home not long after they had trip to store and hadn't recover from the first...
  30. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I am so surprised to collect 101 eggs today. I don't know this came from 2 or 3 females. I sure don't think it came from 1 female. Anyway, there were 10 eggs on the glass, 9 on the outside of the container which I keep some eggs from few days ago, 68 in the spawning mop, 2 on the leaf of...
  31. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Anyway, I collected 32 eggs this evening. 15 in the spawning mop, 15 on the leaves of Java Fern, 1 on the glass and 1 onthe leaf of Anubias.
  32. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey aquamike, I put some week old after they hatch to the small tank with Cherry Red Shrimps and some small Ramshorn Snails about 2 weeks ago. I put about 20 Sterbai frys and 20 Panda frys. I don't know exactly how many are they in it since I set the tank with sponge filter and some...
  33. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I collected 16 eggs this morning. I thought they might since I did 50~60% water change yesterday. 1 on the glass, 2 in the spawning mop and 13 in the Java Moss.
  34. N

    A Snail Eating Fish For A 15gallon

    I know this is not answer for your question. But did you consider the bleach dip or one of those chemical stuff to get rid of the snails since you are going to redo the tank. I do not like to use chemical but I do use some regular household bleach to get rid of snails and some algea. And when...
  35. N

    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    Hey Bob, I know most of the fish the female sexually mature faster than the male. And the female would fill with roes. That is why your hatch rate would improve as your fish get older. And yes, they will still produce eggs even the male is not yet capable of fertlize eggs. And like I...
  36. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    This morning I got up and go do some water change for the little containers which hold eggs and I notice there are 2 eggs on the Java moss and 1 on the leaf of Java Fern. I know it wasn't there when I collected eggs yesterday evening. So those eggs had to be made sometime between 6P.M ~7A.M...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    K.J. I think I have about 150 eggs in 3 container since they take about 3 days for them to hatch in the temperature I keep my parents. But they are so small, it doesn't look that many. And I think about 2/3 can hatch(hope the hatch rate would improve but my breeders are still young and it...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I collected 52 more eggs. 12 on the glass, 1 on the plastic of powerhead outlet, 4 on the leaves of Anubias, 21 in the spawning mop and 14 on the leaves of Java Ferns. I know I did 50~60% water change yesterday but they are really cranking up the production for the Easter. ^_^ Oh and as...
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    Please Help My Angel Fish

    I am not an expert of the matter of fish ill ness. But I remember the time when I got 3 Angels at the auction. And when I got home, 1 of them is kind of start swimming sideway. I did add extra oxygen by adding airstone and she recovered. Apparently, I believe she was deplevated oxygen...
  40. N

    Cory Fry Dropping Like Flies!

    I am not an expert about the parasite or bacteriaand such. But I am curious about the detail of the set up(substrate and plants) and size/age/specie of the frys and type of food. These additional information may help for someone to diagnose the cause. I am growing Panda and Sterbai frys...