Corys N Tiger Barbs?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2007
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can they live in the same tank? i have a 29 gallon tank with 4 tiger barbs n i wanna add 3 corys this ok?
As with all barbs. If you have a group of around 6 barbs they will fight and things between themselves rather then fight with other tank mates. I think you'll be fine adding corys
yup. Lots of barbs though. we found 10 or more was best. We had 13 tiger barbs and 5 corys. Small corys don't do as well for some reason. I had some baby pandas that were put in with baby tiger barbs at the LFS and they got fairly ripped up. though they may have come in ill which wouldnt have helped.
And lots of hiding, covering for the Corys please. So they can escape from some unwanted nipping or harassment from the Tiger barbs if they need to.
The store tend to use not enough covering/hiding since they need to show the fish to the potential buyer. Unlike the store you don't have to do that. Just keep some open area in the front and you'll see them when they feel comfortable. As a matter fact, you'll see more if there are enough hiding/covering in the back and side so they know there are place to escape so they can venture out more.
Although I never kept Corys with Barbs but I'm sure Corys would appreciate lots of cover, either with themselves or with some tankmates.

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