How Can You Discourage.........

Hi ant0,
I am glad someone agree with me. Although I can't stress enough that not all the Pandas are same. Which I learned from the unfortunate incident from jorrysue's Pandas. So please be careful about any change to Pandas tank. It seems they need more time to adjust to the new water than any other Corys. Maybe that is why they can't always make it when you bring them home. So this is another reason why it is always good to ask about the water parameters they were kept and how long when you acquire the new Pandas. So please take your time, as a matter fact longer than usual to adjust the water in the Pandas tank if whatever the reason you need to do so.
However I do still think the Pandas will do better in cooler nuetural to little acidic soft water with high oxygenated water with some current in long run. This is from my experience and from the research of their origin. But most of the Pandas if not all on the market nowday are tank/farm raised and they are far from wild so they might have bred and kept in other water parameter which usually the tap water of the place they were raised. And they are even selectively bred. I just hope that won't degenarate the species like many other fish have gone through.
Anyway, my point is please be careful if you adjust/change the water in Pandas tank and check the water parameter of their upbringing. They may not be as hardy as some of the other Corys and need little more TLC but they are pretty fish deserved to be kept well. And they will reward you with babies if they are kept right IMHO. So good luck with all the Pandas keepers. And of course, they should be kept in a group of at least 4 but 6 or more is better. Their own tank is better but they can be kept with similar size peaceful tankmates but never with aggressive big tankmate.
That was kind of odd that I only found 7 eggs. Maybe it came from 2nd or 3rd female. Then again, maybe the water. I checked to see when I did the water change and it was week ago and it is due. I was thinking to do it same time when I have to catch some babies for tonight. Then, I might see more eggs tomorrow after the water change. We'll see.
It was 4 on the glass 1 in the Moss and 1 on the leaf of Java Fern and 1 on the plastic powerhead.
So this afternoon, I met another aquarium society member to trade some baby Pandas for some C. Melanotaenia. I told her I give her 12 Pandas for 8 Melanotania. But end up she can't find 8 but 5 and we decide to swap 5 Melanotaenia and 1 Melanistius for 9 baby Pandas.
So I decide to do water change(probably 60~70%) as well when I tried to catch those small Pandas. It is easier to catch with less water.
Anyway, I pack the Pandas and went to meet her to exchange our Corys. And I came home as soon as possible and let them float in the tank I took out the Pandas. I was planning to put them in that tank since I researched and learned that they prefer similar cooler water. So I put those 5 Melanotanias(seems I have 2 females and 3 males) and within 5 minutes after I put them in their new home, one of the male try to position himself to in front of the female. So I must say, I am pretty excited about they are excited in their new home. :hyper:
Now I see all the exciting swimming going on the tank, both Melanotanias and Pandas also.
I wonder when is their prefered time of the day to make eggs.

And the single Melanistius I obtained, I put him/her in the tank I have 2 Melanistius. There is no time before he/she banish in the bush in the back where others hide. I swear they must be one of the shyest Corys. I hope I can see them more often after the number increased by 50%. But I probably need to get more before they gain more confident.

But over all, I think this trade is pretty good so far. I got the Cory I need and also the Corys that have good potential of making eggs soon.
Who knows, I might have to start another thread before long.
It has been a while but I collected 28 eggs this morning. I was thinking about moving Pandas back to the 5G since I was not getting any eggs since I put the group of C.Melanotaneas with them. But I finally got some eggs from this morning. Now I have to re-think what to do. I guess I'll wait another week if I get any more eggs from them again.
And these eggs I found today was bigger than usual and I am pretty sure that they are from the new(although she is older and she is bigger than any of my other Pandas) female I traded 10 days ago.
So I guess the egg size could vary even same species.
Almost all the eggs were in the Java/X'mas moss, only 1 on the glass and 2 in the spawning mop.
I collected 16 eggs this morning. I thought they might since I did 50~60% water change yesterday. 1 on the glass, 2 in the spawning mop and 13 in the Java Moss.
I collected 20 eggs from Pandas and also found about 40 eggs from Melanotaenias which share the tank at the moment. And I know I have some eggs from Sterbais although I have not collected yet. So it was the first tri-fecta for me. :hyper: Although I am not sure yet the Melanotanias eggs are fertile. Last batch didn't hatch. I guess I just have to wait and see.
All the eggs are found in the Java Moss except 1 on the leaf of Java Fern. It is kind of funny that Pandas' eggs are twice as large as Melanotanias although their body is opposite as Melanotanias are twice as large as Pandas.
You sure are doing something right neon. Your corys love you

Thanks Bozza,

I think the water change helps a lot. I need to take out about 1/2G out of 10G tank they are in so I can use that to change the water the frys/eggs are in every day. And tap with new fresh water. And I do feed them well and often when they produce eggs. So I guess it is "a happy chain of cycle".
And I need to take 1 1/2G out of 10G Sterbais are in. Since I need the water to change 2 small tank of their frys and many container of eggs/wigglers are in. Same thing here, I replace with new fresh water. And they get fed at least twice a day.

I just want them to grow and healthy. Especially, few people are waiting my Pandas. They are pretty and cute and lots of people like them. They are even cuter when they are young and smaller like 1/2"~3/4". :wub: Sometime kind of tough to let go but I do make sure they are going to good home. So far I only pass them to the other aquarium society members. And I even give them some care sheet(water parameter, tank set-up and so on). I think I need to go look their eggs this morning, I saw a egg last night so there must be more in the deep Java Moss.
I collected 9 eggs this morning. I knew I have some eggs this morning since I saw the male chasing female last night. There are 7 in the Java Moss and 2 on the leaf and the stem of the Java Fern.
I noticed there are some eggs in the Java Moss when I was collecting eggs from Melanotanias this morning. I found 16 in the Moss.
I collected 22 eggs this morning. 1 on the glass, 1 on the leaf of Java Fern and 20 in the Java Moss. I think these eggs came from 2 females since there is some egg size difference. I have this female that is bigger than rest of the Pandas, most likely she is old also. I got her from different sourceand she is from the different gene and she does produce the biggest egg I ever seen.
Anyway, so I know some eggs from her and the rest of the eggs from another female.
I did find 23 eggs last night although 3 were much darker so I must missed from the previous spawn. And of course, they were in the Java Moss except 1 on the back glass.
I did moved the Melatonias to another tank. So there are only pretty big family of Pandas(6 adults and about dozen youngs ranging from month to 5 months old) and 1 tiny albino bristlenose and some red cherry shrimps I put for experiment.
I don't know how this(with or without Melanotanias) affect, but I think Pandas would like it better without bigger fish even though they are an another Corys. Beside, they got enough of their own in there.
quoted by jollysue
"I just learned from an experienced panda breeder and Cory importer that most pandas sold in the stores are from China breeding farms. He said that they have a shorter life span and are more sensitive and less likely to spawn. I got some panda breeding stock from a breeder recently and they are huge! The ones I have from the lps that crashed on me are tiny like little juvies, but they are well over a year old.

I have the new pandas in with the suessi and gossei, and they are about the same size and play together! "

Humm that is interesting. I must have the small version. I hope they will live for long time though. And I must be doing ok then since they are breeding pretty regularly. Although I only have them for about 6 months, they have not change the size for a while.
I have been trying to get more new Pandas instead of growing the young to adults to increase the size of breeding group since I do like to expand their gene pool. Not to mention I only have 1 happy adult male among the 5 adults I have. Although he may not approve but few more males should not be a bad thing.

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