Angel Eggs

I just took it out the freezer and dropped it into the tank..Seemed okay.. :good: I took mine away on the 7th day when they were swimming by themselves :fish: xx Good luck with them
I just took it out the freezer and dropped it into the tank..Seemed okay.. :good: I took mine away on the 7th day when they were swimming by themselves :fish: xx Good luck with them

I think I was having a stupid day yesterday, as I froze the bbs in ONE container :crazy:
I'll put tomorrow's lot into ice cubes.

Thats a nice amount..They are so cute the fry arnt they..Tiny wee things..I miss my babies now its weird not having them.. :huh: Instead of them now Iv got a betta... :wub: x
If they are still Ok on Monday I think I'll take about 2/3rds out into a teeny tank for them

The only problem is my sponge filter was untraceable until now, so that won't be matured but I'll use some of the water from their tank as Monday is water change day in here.

Wow algenco that sure is alot of babies..!! Did you enjoy breeding them? Do you still have angel fish? :good: x

Peter I froze alot of bbs for my fry and they seemed fine..As from the pictures you can tell they were eating them... :good: So are you going to leave the babies with the parents once they become free swimmers? :fish:

I had 5 breeding pairs going. Sold a minimum of 2000 per week to a wholesaler. Things were just starting to take off ! I came home from work to find firetrucks in front of the house. Seems that while me Wife was in the basement feeding the babies a fire broke out in the kitchen. Wife and child made it out ok but smoke and heat killed all my fish. We had an estimated 15,000 angels. That was over 20 years ago and I haven't had an aquarium since. The desire to keep and breed fish is again returning. I expect every available inch of space will soon be filled with tanks of beautiful fish !!
So sorry to hear that about your house on fire...Atleast your family got out unhurt.. :unsure: Thats good that you are hoping to get back into fish keeping..That was a lot of angels you had..Do you have any pictures you could upload from back then?? :good: x
Cant wait to see the pics.. :snap: Keep me updated anway Peter..X

Well, the fry stayed alive two days longer this time, though they were fewer and fatter on the last day.
The two parents (?) are looking smug and well fed :rolleyes:

Try again
I will seperate them this time though.

How about you, Heather. Have you start raising another batch of babies yet?

BTW, I am raising some Panda Corydoras babies and many Sterbai Cory babies and some Neon Tetra babies at the moment. :wub: The Sterbais are making many eggs for the Easter and I egg hunt almost everyday. :lol: My Angels are still same, It seems only the biggest one getting bigger and the other 2 doesn't lookl like grew much. :( At least the biggest one is not too mean and I think it is she. And I am moving them to bigger tank in next few days so they have more room to grow. :good:
Just checking how you are doing.
Hello Neoncory glad you are raising lots of babies... :good: Im doing well and so are my fish...Y-day I went to the the shop that I gave my baby angels to..They are all still there, alot bigger now, just not big enough to be re-homed yet.. My angels spawned a few days ago but I think they ate the eggs or one of their other tank mates did, cause they were there one day and away the next :crazy: You will have to post some pics of your fry to I see them :wub: Im sure they will be so cute..Hope you are getting on okay..xx Heather
Hi Heather,

I am sorry to disappoint you but I am still in the "dark age" when it comes to high tech gadget technology. No digital camera/phone, no high speed new computer and no I-pod. Not to mention I have so many fish projects on my mind. Need to set up few tanks, strip few tanks and clean and reseal 1 or 2 tanks. Thinking about building canopy with custom lighting(so I can grow some higher light plants).,etc. Also I required some fish inheritance from another local aquarium society member(she didn't pass away but she left for another country and try to get rid of it in a last minutes) and she had tons of stuff. I got 2 canister filters, one big double hang on back filter, one smaller one, 1 sponge filter, more than dozen heaters, 2 x 5 G vintage tanks and 1 fancy small tank with lights and filter set, the list goes on. I was after the canisters and heaters but I didn't even knew how many she had until I looked through the boxes. I even got some buckets of gravel and some substrate for plants. The living room and dining room is covered with all the fishy stuff.
So I'm sorry but you have to wait for the pictures for a while. Someday I will up grade the ancient computer and get some digital camera, then learn how to post the picture on internet. After that you maybe the one of the first person to see the pictures. I'm sure I will still have many fish if not more. Probably more, judging by the number of eggs I am collecting every week and number of empty tanks I have now. I just need to find the steady thing to put the tanks on. :shifty: And some space.

P.S. And yes, the babies are cute. :wub: Especially the little Corydoras babies with little wiskers if you like Corydoras. Or one day when the little brown fish gain the blue neon stripe that is pretty amazing. Just like the TV commercial, Neon is not expensive fish but the experience of breeding them is priceless.

I'll catch you later, bye.

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