Neon Tretra


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2007
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I am having a disaster with my tank at the moment, it has been set up since Xmas and has been doing fine. There is 3 female siamese fighters and 5 neon tetras in it. Everything was fine at the start of the week but noticed last night that all my siamese fighters tails were ripped and had large holes in them. I also had a male betta in there too which was seperated by a divider from the females but there is small holes in the divider, he has also lost most of his tail and i think when i go home tonight i will have probably lost him as he was just sitting on the bottom of the tank not doing much this morning.

Then I noticed that one of my neons red strip is fading away. The others seem fine so far, but could this be what is effecting my whole tank?

dont know about the others but at night the neon colour starts to fad than early in the morning its vertcle gone than comes back near noon
dont know about the others but at night the neon colour starts to fad than early in the morning its vertcle gone than comes back near noon

Yes I have noticed that there colours fade if I turn their light off but this isnt the same i dont think, when the light goes off they whole body seems to go duller but this time it is just the red strip that is totally disappearing and it was about 5 last night when i noticed it so their light had been on from 9 in the morning by that time.
I'm sorry to tell you this but it sounds like NTD although I am not 100% sure.
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I would seperate the Neon with fading color from rest of the tank and do the big water change 50% if other fish can handle you should do bigger like 75% if I were you.
I still don't know what would cause the hole(s) in the tail. It would be better if you can list the water parameter and possibly pictures. And someone can correctly diagnose your problem.
But seperate the fish and do water change won't hurt. Good luck.

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