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  1. J

    Thought I'd Share Some Info

    Hi guys Been messing with my setup over the past week and thought I'd share. The tank is a 70L nano but was beginning to overwhelmed with equipment so I decided a retro-fit sump was the order of the day. I built a glass weir from 4mm float glass which I cut myself. I have a fair bit of...
  2. J

    Orca Marnine Tank

    Good bits of kit but have their issues have a dig around some other forums as there are many journal style threads out there and lots of tips to resolving issues. HTH
  3. J


  4. J

    How Beginner Is Beginner?

    For what it's worth SW is as simple or complex as you want it. If you decide to go FOWLR aside from your normal FW test's you'll need to keep on salinity/specific gravity and most likely phosphate levels. A nano has 2 downsides the first being how unstable the water parameters can be for example...
  5. J

    What Is The Cheepest Easyest To Care For Anemone

    Mine was around 6"'s when I bought it but was the smallest in the shop it's probably worth asking if they can order a small one in for you. There is a fragging video here
  6. J

    Api Pondcare Melafix

    SW water change. Premix water and salt suffcient for change to the correct specific gravity and temp (same as tank norm being sg1.025 and temp 78f) Chuck in a airstone or powerhead and mix for 24 hours. Remove tank water and add fresh just make sure you add and remove the same amount of water...
  7. J

    What Is The Cheepest Easyest To Care For Anemone

    No worries :good: It's a great first coral.
  8. J

    What Is The Cheepest Easyest To Care For Anemone

    Sorry Toadstol was £20 (sorry bout the cyano in the pic still fighting it) Powerheads tend to liquify passing nems. It is best to either find an alternative or take precautions to cover the inlet have a look here good site in general for nems
  9. J

    A Qestion On A Skimmer

    As Ski said you shouldn't need one but 6 gal is small for a clown not so much in volume but in space for him to swim.
  10. J

    Second Hand Marine Tank

    White venegar works wonders if left to soak. Or failing that a weak bleach mix (7 pparts water to 1 part bleach roughly) and just keep rinsing till you can't smell it anymore.
  11. J

    What Is The Cheepest Easyest To Care For Anemone

    Here you go. Click the image to make them bigger ;)
  12. J

    What Is The Cheepest Easyest To Care For Anemone

    How about a Toadstool leather. Looks like a nem but doesn't require very high lighting and are fairly peaceful. I'll post a pic of mine in a few minutes for you. As Ski said nem's need MH lighting and you also need to rid your tank of powerheads but still retain flow.
  13. J

    Contaminated Water?

    Odd. I assume he is using the same same bucket not lots of different buckets. Most salt companies recommend to mix and heat for 24 hours prior to use does the water clear after this time? Cloudyness sounds like the calc or alk comming out of suspension may just be adding buffer before the...
  14. J

    Just Thought Id Let You Know What I Have Been Up2.

    Check out this link for V2 skimmer problem solving link
  15. J

    Unwanted Algie

    You will most likelty test 0for po4 as it is being locked away by the cyano. Well worth testing your incomming water could also be a result of low flow. Tried everything with mine and turned out to be related to flow.
  16. J

    My Tank.

    Sounds like the carbonate came out of suspension and began to percipitate. You may find find that your alk level has dropped off quite a lot. Have a read of this article it may help.
  17. J

    V2 400 Skimmer

    I found the solution to mine was to minimise the restriction to the outlet as much as possible this got it working really well.
  18. J

    T8 Lighting

    Thanks Ski, I'll give them a yell.
  19. J

    Lfs Competition

    This is who I use for couldn't be more helpful if they tried. They'll go out of their way to help if they can. Link Pictures on their site and virtual tour but the shop is changing alot at the moment.
  20. J

    Change In Water

    I had this with a FW setup and regular water changes cleared it up so in my humble opinion I would increase the frequency of your water changes look at exactly what you are putting into the tank to try and find what is fueling it.
  21. J

    Tmc V2 400 Skimmer

    Easy to install but found mine was a little 'skim happy' at first but soon settled down just don't set it up and go out for the day you may well come home to wet floors. Just keep an eye on it and it'll soon calm down.
  22. J

    T8 Lighting

    Hey folks. I have picked up a 6 tube t8 lighting ballast mega cheap for my upgrade but it only has one power lead/ on off switch so will not be much use to me however when I opened it up found it actually consisted of 6 separate ballast running in parallel so will be easy to break down into...
  23. J

    Background Paint

    Just my 2 pence worth but I find black always looks cleaner and algae growth is less obvious but if it's kept clean blue looks better IMHO. At the end of the day though have a good look at everybody else's choices and see what looks better to you. It a personal choice in the end.
  24. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Not sure where you are but if your in the southwest (UK) send me a pm and I'll give you the name of the shop. They always have second hand bits for sale. Just bought a 6 tube ballast for £25. Always pays to ask.
  25. J

    2 Week Holiday... What To Do With The Tank?

    Take away the problem and rig up an auto top up system. Then he just has to drop some food in. ;)
  26. J

    Help Silencing My Setup

    OK so got no foam here at the moment only filter floss or Juwel carbon sponge but tried the plastic idea with little success. I have tried a couple of ideas and seam to have resolved it. I have used flexible tubing insted of rigid pipe below the waterline to 'cushion' the water a little more...
  27. J

    Fish Room Journal

    Good work :good: Hope you either live at your parents or aren't too far away. It'd be a shame to have a beautiful setup that you could only see now and again.
  28. J

    Help Silencing My Setup

    Thanks Ski. The pump output is full on. The additional plumbing is in case I needed to restrict the output but is currently unused. I like the idea of the angled plastic and I'll give it a try in a few minutes. It's odd as the drain is actually undersized for the pump size but I have read...
  29. J

    Help Silencing My Setup

    Here we go. 1st up a video the first bit is with the drain restricted (using ballvalve) to get it running as quietly as possible second half is with the ballvalve fully open and the hole on the durso fine tuned. You can hear the difference. Link Finally just a few shots of the plumbing. note...
  30. J

    Good Deal On Orca?

    Lets do the sums. Tank £100 Stand £50 (not too sure) Test kit £20 Phosban £9 but ask for Rowaphos much better imho RO £2 roughly 5p a litre here salt £12 buffer £10 LR £50 I make that £253 I think not much of a saving but still a saving.
  31. J

    Help Silencing My Setup

    Sorry for the delay I've lost the cable to upload pics but will do so as soon as I find the lead.
  32. J

    Glass Anemone! Oh No! Lol

    Yep, only thing I noticed is before I added a cleaner shrimp the peppermint shrimp were out all the time and now hide a lot but appear from nowhere when there is a prize to grab.
  33. J

    How Hard Would It Be To Do A 10g Reef

    TBH I wouldn't of though equipment would be a problem or even livestock. Ski will probably give you a link for LR. Just bear in mind a few important factors: You'll need to buy an RO/DI unit as although there are other possiilities (distilled, tap with conditioner etc) the method that comes out...
  34. J

    Help Silencing My Setup

    Yep I'll take some pics this evening but please remember I'm only wet testing so it may not be pretty :)
  35. J

    Help Silencing My Setup

    Hi all, I'm currently setting up a new system and is the first time I've used a sump system. I'm having a few issues getting the noise levels down. I have an internal overflow fitted with a durso standpipe. (not a great pic but you can see the setup) From here the pipework drops vertically 7"...
  36. J

    Seperate Part Of The Forum For Journals?

    Another vote here for one forum for all journals. Would be good if all the old ones could be moved over too.
  37. J

    What Do You Look Like.

    T?hought it time I added my mug. If you have a weak tummy look away now;) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  38. J

    Tank Upgrade Journal

    Thanks for the positive comments guys. Forgot to say this project has now claimed my blood. Now it's proper DIY. LOL
  39. J


    bump signed
  40. J

    Tank Upgrade Journal

    Ok painted the back blue which reacted with the glass and was scrapped off shortly after it dried and tank recleaned. :X Weir is in place, return sorted and all other pipework ready so test fill last night. Got home at 23:30 and was still going at 03:00 never mind. SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! :P...