T8 Lighting


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Hey folks.

I have picked up a 6 tube t8 lighting ballast mega cheap for my upgrade but it only has one power lead/ on off switch so will not be much use to me however when I opened it up found it actually consisted of 6 separate ballast running in parallel so will be easy to break down into separate units allowing me to light each tube independently of the rest. I was thinking of using this to power 2 x actinic tubes and 2 marine white tubes. This will be a temporary measure until the tank is fully stocked (fish, LR, CUC) which will take a good few months. Then once at this stage upgrading the 2 marine white tubes to 2 x150w 14k MH's ready for corals. Everything will be DIY so if anyone can help with UK suppliers for MH lamp holders or ballasts it would be a great help.

The questions I have are:

1. I have 2 small Ricordea which came with the LR they are currently under 2 50/50 T5 tubes in my nano and doing well but will they be ok under the above 4 tube system? (new tank specs below)

2. What are the pro's and con's of double ended v's single ended MH bulbs?

To answer the questions I know you'll ask.
I plan to keep softies and LPS initially and possibly some easier SPS later down the line also nem's and clams (I would think the MH's should be ok for this)
New tank is
55usg 17" water depth with 15usg sump

Thanks in advance

The rics should be fine. They're tough to kill ;)

As for which is better, DE or SE bulbs, its really a question of availability. I know in the States over here, SE bulbs are way more available in the aqurium trade. I hear tell over in Europe, DE bulbs are pretty common. You have to be somewhat careful about matching bulbs and ballasts. SOME bulbs (be they SE or DE) require special ballasts to burn them. As a general rule of thumb, electronic ballasts are capable of firing almoast any bulb but there are always exceptions to the rule. I'd ask Matt or Miss Wiggle about MH availablility since they seem to have some experience there in the UK market :)

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