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  1. 14gtr14

    Anybody Here Tried A Diy External Filter For A Smallish Tank? (15 Gall

    ...only problem is I've an open top aquarium :lol: so i don't think it would work! The problem is as well the reason I want an external is due to my Fluval being rubbish and if possible I would like to free up space in the aquarium. thanks!
  2. 14gtr14

    Anybody Here Tried A Diy External Filter For A Smallish Tank? (15 Gall

    Ok, I'm having real trouble with my new fluval 2+. It needs cleaning out every week at least and it's only 3/4 weeks old! Compared to my eheim ecco which I bought secondhand about a year ago now and it has only been cleaned out about 6-7 times! The flow rate on the fluval is great at first, but...
  3. 14gtr14

    Best Filter For A 15 Gallon Planted Tank ?

    Ha, sounds good...only problem is a shelled out 20 odd quid on this piece of cr*p already :lol:! I wouldn't think I'd be able to take it back either, would I?
  4. 14gtr14

    Dwarf Puffers- My Plan!

    Thanks for the input guys! Fella, I'll have enough filter media (+ spare filter and heater) for the 7 gal. :good: I'll also make sure that the lfs will take the Dp's back if I have major problems with them. iSnail- This is probably one of my main reasons for even thinking about DP's in this...
  5. 14gtr14

    Dwarf Puffers- My Plan!

    Ok, well here's my plan. As some of you may have read my pair of Apistos died within the last month because an infection. So I now have an opportunity to try out some DP's in my planted 15 gallon tank! The only problem is I still have 5 ottos and 5 corydoras pygmaeus in the tank! I was...
  6. 14gtr14

    Best Filter For A 15 Gallon Planted Tank ?

    DON'T get a fluval 2+! I have one on my 15 gal planted. It has been on roughly 2 weeks and i have cleaned it out 3 times and is needing another. The power on it is great for maybe 2-3 days after cleaning, but then just drops suddenly. It is a pain in the backside!
  7. 14gtr14

    My Three Tanks

    In the DP tank, what is the plant on the left handside behind the hairgrass and riccia?
  8. 14gtr14

    Apistogramma Cacatouides On It's Last Legs!

    I took him out and killed him. I didn't see the point in trying to get him back. he was as good as dead. He did go thin, but only today, not at all yesterday. Could an infection (bacterial or parasite) change a fishes condition that quickly?? Should I do anything to treat the tank? There are...
  9. 14gtr14

    Apistogramma Cacatouides On It's Last Legs!

    yesterday fine. today i got back home and my Apistogramma Cacatouides (AC) was lying on the bottom upside down, but still breathing (very heavily though). Immediately I did a wter change (roughly 30%) and added an airstone on full pelt. It is a very dark colour (almost purple/green) instead of...
  10. 14gtr14

    What Gets Along With Tiger Barbs?

    If you put a fish with long fins ina tank with Tiger barbs the fins will get nipped. As already said, put them in a big shoal and make sure the fish they are with are either fast or can really look after themselves! I've got a group of 12 in a 45 gallon with Tanganyikan cichlids. They've been...
  11. 14gtr14

    My (mostly) Invert Tank

    :good: i'm sure someone posted an article on here about "true" freshwater nerites. Ye i read about the cycle before, but i think some do live and breed in freshwater. There was a guy on here from Asia somewhere (malaysia kinda sticks) that had nerites that were breeding and survivng in his...
  12. 14gtr14

    Small Lake Tanganyika Tank?

    ye that would be best actually. Just a group of shelldwellers. 4 or 5 multis loads of shells some rocks fine sand maybe some vallis, anubias or java fern ...and you'll have yourself i nice little, active tank!
  13. 14gtr14

    90 Gallong African Cichlid Tank Stocking Help Please

    It's best if you keep them seperate IMO. What's your tank's dimensions?
  14. 14gtr14

    From Tank To Tank?

    How big are they? How far are you moving them? As in inside your house or a further away?? If it's only in your room, just net it and quickly transfer it (if water heat and stats are the same). If it's a bit further you maybe want to put it in a bucket of your tank water. It's really up to you...
  15. 14gtr14

    My (mostly) Invert Tank

    there are many different "nerite" snails. Some brackish. Some coastal (as in can survive periods in and out of water). Some purely freshwater:- these live happily, breed happily and babies survive happily in freshwater. In fact i'm sure there are some on ebay just now. (maybe snailshop or...
  16. 14gtr14

    Black/chocolate Kuhli's

    For kuhlis i'd say nearly every smallish fish is possibility. Even some nippy fish should be fine...again as long as they're not too big. I've happily kept them with tiger barbs. Get a group of kuhli's, but i never really saw mine at all. Once a month if i was lucky.
  17. 14gtr14

    When Would It Be Safe?

    i doubt a ADF would be able to catch them, but as ICE said, i would say around an inch. Maybe slightly smaller.
  18. 14gtr14

    Rainbow Fish?

    i had a group of twelve. Very nice looking fish as they mature and settle. Males get an amzing creamy stripe down their face ine the mornings when they're after the ladies, but I didnt find them very interesting. Really nice lookers, peaceful, quite active, but just lacking a bit of personality IMO.
  19. 14gtr14

    If You Live In The Uk

    bejebus :rolleyes:
  20. 14gtr14

    Fish For A 2 1/2 Gallon Tank

    i wouldnt put any fish in a tank without a filter. They may be able to survive without one, but it's not the best idea not to have one in there!
  21. 14gtr14

    Lets See Some Baby Monsters!

    Yes, and the fact it's not just your average (if a bit larger) communtiy tank. There is an arowana in there! Do you expect a school to put an arowana in a tank for a 12 year old to look after? I may be wrong FishRfine, you might be sincere and this may be your/your uncles/a "retarded school's"...
  22. 14gtr14

    Least Favorite Fish

    all this tiger barb hate mail!! :lol: personally i think they're great! Even better in a big shoal (ie ten +) and aren't as aggressive. They aren't the best community fish in the world, but when they swim around fighting between each other in a close group they are amazing! :rolleyes: all you...
  23. 14gtr14

    Cory Substrate

    You joking? :unsure: It looks alot better now, but that gravel will mix with the sand. I dont think it'll look bad, it just mean you'll have bits of gravel in your sand...which is fine. From the pictures it looks a if your substrate is very thin ( as in not even an inch in places). If you're...
  24. 14gtr14

    My 86 Gallon Planted.

    amazing tank! any chance of posting pics of your terrarium when it's set up? That's one thing i want to do, set up a planted terrarium with poison frogs. What species are you going to keep? D. Lamasi look really nice!
  25. 14gtr14

    Small Lake Tanganyika Tank?

    Probably just a colony of shell dwellers in a 20g. Maybe even a pair of julies. I have heard danios are fine with Tanganyikans. Maybe 4 (1m 3 f) shellies and 6 or so danios? I have asked the same thing about other tetras and barbs (tiger barbs particularly), but haven't had a conclusive answer...
  26. 14gtr14

    The Evolution Of My Tank

    ah right. yethey'll look good on wood, nice plants :D
  27. 14gtr14

    Floating Plant Recommendation

    oh i wouldn't bet on the other plants strangling the duckweed out! :D I did the same in my 45 gal. Put water lettuce, salvinia natans and indian fern in the tank after washing. About 5-6 water lettuce, 2 or 3 indian fern and about the same of at most there was about 3 duckweed...
  28. 14gtr14


    If your light system can draw a max of 25w (therefore will give up to 25W of power to the fixture) then you'll not get 100w out the other side in the lights surely.
  29. 14gtr14

    Cories For A 15 Gallon

    :D there's always time to have a look in fs! I would recommend them definitely. Especially since you're able to keep so many in a relatively small space compared to normal cories.
  30. 14gtr14

    Cories For A 15 Gallon

    have you thought of getting corydoras pygmaeus or habrosus? They are "mini" cories and you could probably keep about 8 in your tank.
  31. 14gtr14

    The Evolution Of My Tank

    it does look alot better :good: one thing: the plants in the foreground where your bumblebee goby is sitting, you'll need to make sure there rhizomes (the bit the leaves are attached to) aren't buried. You can still bury the roots, just watch out for the rhizome because it'll eventually rot...
  32. 14gtr14

    Scottish Fish Store Directory

    Any updates to add? Has anyone heard about the Aquatic Rooms new shop yet? Has it opened?
  33. 14gtr14

    Which Echinodorus Sp To Choose.

    Is there going to be a hood on the tank? With some echinodorus sp. they look really good when theygrow right out of the tank (like grandiflorus or cordiflorus). For long and thin, what about bleheri or osiris?
  34. 14gtr14

    P F K Aquascaping Contest Now Open

    i'll be entering under 17...could do with £250 in the back pocket! :D
  35. 14gtr14

    Siamese Algae Eaters With Tangs?

    anyone have any ideas?
  36. 14gtr14

    Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 2 (rio 180 - 40g)

    The anubias is amazing! Especially with the roots sticking up like a cave!
  37. 14gtr14

    Are Nerite Snails Asexual?

    depends what nerites you get. There are different types of true brackish, true freshwater and, i think, land nerites. not sure about asexual etc though.
  38. 14gtr14

    Siamese Algae Eaters With Tangs?

    Basically everything I thought, tank is quite planted though - vallisneria nana, anubias, cryptocoryne balansae, microsorum pteropsus "narrow". Very low wpg around 0.5 wpg, short photo period, so algae isn't out of control, just some on the rocks that grows sometimes. Just could do with that...
  39. 14gtr14

    Siamese Algae Eaters With Tangs?

    I'm looking for an algae eater in my tang tank. Plecs are an option ( BN clown golden nugget etc etc), but what else? Would SAEs be ok, or flying foxes? (large ones obviously though) Greg EDIT- Also, would large Tiger Barbs live happily in there too? Fish in tanks just now- 2 L. Leleupi, 3...