Apistogramma Cacatouides On It's Last Legs!


Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Bathgate, Scotland, UK
yesterday fine. today i got back home and my Apistogramma Cacatouides (AC) was lying on the bottom upside down, but still breathing (very heavily though). Immediately I did a wter change (roughly 30%) and added an airstone on full pelt. It is a very dark colour (almost purple/green) instead of its usual silver with black band. When it tries to swim it "spirals" and ends up upside down again. It doesn't react to anything and obviously isn't eating! What's wrong? Stats are perfect (maybe nitrates a little low, but that shouldn't affect it, should it?

Tank size: 15 gal
pH: 6.5-7
ammonia: zilch
nitrite: zilch
nitrate: 5 ppm
tank temp: 27C

New pea gravel from LFS added around a week/two weeks ago. New plants added yesterday. This shouldn't have an affect should it??

I'm really gutted and a bit miffed! I lost my female AC about 3/4 weeks ago for again no reason (stats same as above, no new additions) and three Lamprologus Occelatus who were amazing (and expensive :crazy: :sick: !!) in my 45g due to a heater sticking! It's times like these that really make you want to pack it in!

Please help! Thanks

EDIT- Also no sign of disease (ich, white spot). Diet- herbivore flakes and occasional bloodworms.
He's in a bad way and sad to say this but I don't think he's going to make it can you issolate the fish.
Has he bloated up or gone thin, the symtoms of the fish are pointing towards bacterial to parasite.
I took him out and killed him. I didn't see the point in trying to get him back. he was as good as dead.

He did go thin, but only today, not at all yesterday. Could an infection (bacterial or parasite) change a fishes condition that quickly??

Should I do anything to treat the tank? There are 5 corydoras pygmaeus and 5 ottos in there now.

thanks wilder
Going thin can point towards flukes, internal parsites, to fish tb.
Did he have an enlarged anus or red and inflamed.

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