From Tank To Tank?

Just wondered how to do this?

But if I dont have any fish transfer bags at all, how should I do it then?

How big are they? How far are you moving them? As in inside your house or a further away?? If it's only in your room, just net it and quickly transfer it (if water heat and stats are the same). If it's a bit further you maybe want to put it in a bucket of your tank water. It's really up to you tbh. To acclimatise the fish to different tank conditions you want to slowly change the water the fish is in to what it will be in. (so in a bag or bucket over an hour or so add a little bit of the "new tank" water to the "old tank" water.) That's how I'd do it anyway!
If the water temp and ph are the same just net and transfer. If theres a difference in them just goto your fish store and sak if you can get a bag to trandfer your fish to a different tank. I don't know of any pet store that won't give you a bag for that.
The five gallon bucker is a good idea , you could always use it for water changes. Whitch makes me wonder with out any buckets how do you do water changes?
I got one of those big painters buckets, but wouldn't that be to big to sit int the atank and wait for the water temp to match?

But I've sinced picked up some bags from the LFS
Even if the destination tank is in another room, I would still net each fish directly from tank to tank. IMO being out of water for a few seconds will be less stressful that catching them with a net, transferring them to a bucket/container and then netting them again to transfer to the other tank.
Don't forget to cover the opening of the net well with your hand though - the little buggers can jump.
Just use a net, it's the easiest and quickest, and so least stressful for the fish.
ive always hated using nets thats just me i dont know why haha.. do you have a small cup?? or a cup that the fish could go in? i can lure mine in by putting some food at the back of the cup and putting it sideways in the tank. the fish will swim right into it then all you have to do is pick the cup up! thats another idea ! im sure you could somehow float a cup to if you wanted to!

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