What Gets Along With Tiger Barbs?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2007
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hey everyone:) welli have a 29 gallon tank with 7 tiger barbs n 2 caes and i really wanna add new fish to my tank but i dont really know what..i have 4 fishes in my 10 gallon tank that my tigers dont like 2 corys n 2 guppies...can any one help me???are these fishes compatible with tigers?
Giant Danio
fancy large goldfish? i heard people who kept them together but im not really sure that works..
Bolivian Ram?
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

more suggestions please!
Tiger babrs and most barbs to be honest are notorious fin nippers very aggressive annoying little buggers its hard to keep alot of things with them to be honest its a case of trial and error I have had 2 batches in the past and both times I have removed them. But you shouldnt mix cold water and tropical together
If you REALLY want to keep Tiger Barbs, you either need a large(ish) shoal to dissipate any aggro between themselves, or add fish with a similar temperament that can look after themselves. But that limits anything in the future, unfortunately, as you'll then have (at best) a semi-aggressive tank.
I have some serpae tetras that were nipping fins. I put them , 6 tigerbarbs, and 3 silver hatchets in a tank by themselves. They all seem to chase each other but no serious fin nipping. I tryed some cory's but they got nipped so I moved them. Don T.
well i already have them in a large school of 7(maybe not large enough?) before i used to have 9 tigerbarbs with 2 platys n they got along fine..they never bothered the platys.maybe they were nice tigers...or maybe i need 2 new tigers?
my old tigers used to school together all the time and my new ones are all over the place..well too much info..
well do u think that my 2 corys and 2 guppies will be okay in a 10 gallon tank?
The cories and guppys should be fine.

I have kept tiger barbs in the past with rosey barbs, zebra danios (who IME were to fast to get picked on), and varios tetras with no problems. Be prepared for a very active tank. :nod:
green barbs (?)
rosey barbs

i too had the same problem, i really wanted some as i liked the look and they are very energetic. however i decided against them and instead stocked up on lotsa cories n a very nice betta as i love fighters and i figured id have a very limited tank :)
If you put a fish with long fins ina tank with Tiger barbs the fins will get nipped. As already said, put them in a big shoal and make sure the fish they are with are either fast or can really look after themselves!

I've got a group of 12 in a 45 gallon with Tanganyikan cichlids. They've been in about a week now and no problems due to the cichlids being able to pull their weight too!
Giant Danios are good also since they are semi-agressive and i have them together.
bolivian rams worked out great for me. I had a pair with six tigers and they never bugged each other. And its funny cause my sterbai corys and my tigers are getting along great. It is important for them to be schooled as i have experience from when i first got them, but after they schooled together they did great. Too bad my whole tank is sick after a little cousin decided to give them a huuuuuuuggggeee feeding, and by huge i mean enough to feed the whole tank about 6 or 7 months at least/
hey everyone:) welli have a 29 gallon tank with 7 tiger barbs n 2 caes and i really wanna add new fish to my tank but i dont really know what..i have 4 fishes in my 10 gallon tank that my tigers dont like 2 corys n 2 guppies...can any one help me???are these fishes compatible with tigers?
Giant Danio
fancy large goldfish? i heard people who kept them together but im not really sure that works..
Bolivian Ram?
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

more suggestions please!

I can't speak for all of the fish listed above but platys are definitely fine. Mine have never been bothered/harrassed by my tiger barbs. I have a mix of the 'standard' tigers and some green ones as well. Very active, enjoyable fish to watch.

Also, I've never had any problems with my (peppered) corys in the same tank as my tiger barbs but if yours are really being pestered then may I suggest zebra loaches as bottom feeders - again very active and watchable (if a little timid to start with)
I had them in with malawi cichlids and they didn't even dare think about it. lol

But everything else I've had them with they've nipped.

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