Search results

  1. dmpfishlover

    MD Fish Tanks

    I Love MD Fish Tanks!!. Do any of you follow him on YouTube?.. His Tanks are absolutely beautiful!! He may have some "different" ideas about how to setup a tank, but his aqua-scaping is so pretty... I also think he is absolutely hysterical!!! I love how he completely "butchers" the scientific...
  2. dmpfishlover

    Getting new Tetras or Harlequin Rasboras soon!!

    Ahh, you beat me to it!! :p
  3. dmpfishlover

    Getting new Tetras or Harlequin Rasboras soon!!

    I have heard of some people using Plastic Totes as temporary tanks for fish and/or fry... You could add a sponge filter/air stone to a plastic tote. I have never done this personally, but I have heard that it can be a cost effective way to temporarily house fish.
  4. dmpfishlover

    Beginner needs advice starting aquarium

    I wouldn't recommend Neon Tetras for your tank due to it's dimensions, unfortunately. They should be in a tank that is at least 23 inches long, as they need room to swim back and forth. Unfortunately the shape/dimensions of your tank are going to limit your choices quite a bit. If your pH and...
  5. dmpfishlover

    Betta near filter.

    As long as there is some flow, and enough to move water through the tank, you should be fine. Keep in mind Betta are Labyrinth fish and they have special organs designed to allow them to actually take breaths at the surface and breath air.
  6. dmpfishlover

    Getting new Tetras or Harlequin Rasboras soon!!

    Yes, definitely post pictures!:)
  7. dmpfishlover

    UV light in canister filter

    I would think that a UV light would be somewhat counter-intuitive in a filter? UV lights are often used in drinking water filters to kill microorganisms, which would include bacteria such as the beneficial bacterial species we try so hard to get into our filters. I guess I would have to read...
  8. dmpfishlover

    How would you stock this?

    I agree, I am not so sure that big Cichlids would be a good idea. What is your substrate? In the picture it looks like it could be sand, but I am not sure. Coreis should have a sand substrate and should be kept in a group of 8 or more (more being best). They are great fish with plenty of...
  9. dmpfishlover

    Betta near filter.

    Betta pellets should help. I don't have shrimp, so I can not relate to the issues you have exactly, but if most of the food is sinking to the substrate before your Betta gets it (which I imagine the flakes are doing?), I would try a food that floats more before sinking, which the Betta pellets...
  10. dmpfishlover

    Betta near filter.

    No problem! I hope it makes your betta feel more at home. Send pictures of the new plants! :)
  11. dmpfishlover

    Getting new Tetras or Harlequin Rasboras soon!!

    Harlequin Rasboras are my personal favorite!! They school very nicely too! :)
  12. dmpfishlover

    Betta near filter.

    Yes, it would be a good start... Floating plants would really help as well. I would suggest Frog bit, or dwarf water lettuce, or water sprite. I would stay away from duck weed, as it tends to propagate so quickly it is hard to keep up with and can take over a tank.
  13. dmpfishlover

    Betta near filter.

    I would suggest adding some more tall plants or floating plants. My Betta loves to hang out among the leaves of one of the plants in his tank near the surface of the water. Your tank, although very pretty, doesn't have a lot in the way for "cover" towards the surface of the water. Some tall...
  14. dmpfishlover

    Betta near filter.

    The Betta could feel like the filter is "shelter/cover" and may feel more comfortable near the filter. Betta love floating plants and feel more comfortable near the surface near some sort of cover, whether it be a plant or something else. Do you have any plants or other cover in the tank? If...
  15. dmpfishlover

    My twins 10 gal planted tank.

    Nice looking Tank! :)
  16. dmpfishlover

    I think my betta is dying

    I agree... I think that regardless of what the poor little guy has, he is pretty far gone based on the pictures, and that euthanasia would probably be the most humane thing right now. :(
  17. dmpfishlover

    I think my betta is dying

    I would not be inclined to think that he has dropsy, as his abdomen does not really look very extended (at least from what I can tell in the pictures). Dropsy is not actually a disease, it is a condition where the abdomen fills with fluid and swells, and it is usually a symptom of another...
  18. dmpfishlover

    Beginner needs advice starting aquarium

    I would suggest you find out what the GH and pH of your Tap water is.. and then look at what your options are. The size of your tank might be okay for some Nano Species of fish, such as Ember Tetras... But you really need to know what your GH is before you can decide on any species.
  19. dmpfishlover

    Beginner needs advice starting aquarium

    Okay, so the dimensions are 13¾ x 133/4 x 25... That is a tall Cube more than it is a column (although that is what it is called). I think this would be okay for a Betta. Edit.... The only concern I would have for a Betta is the height of the tank. Because they are labyrinth fish and go up to...
  20. dmpfishlover

    Testing PH/KH/Gh

    How often do you perform water changes, and how much do you change when you do? If you don't perform frequent water changes (~ once a week), and you are topping off due to evaporation, that combination of the two could be causing the GH to rise as it is causing the calcium/magnesium in your...
  21. dmpfishlover

    I Can’t Believe This!

    Your Tap water is that warm?!?! Wow, that is crazy! I could never live in Texas... I grew up in the Northeast and we sometimes had to keep our tap running at a trickle to keep our pipes from freezing in the winter.
  22. dmpfishlover

    Testing PH/KH/Gh

    When was the last time you tested the water in your tank, and what was the GH, then? Also, what is the GH coming out of your Tap?
  23. dmpfishlover

    Beginner needs advice starting aquarium

    I would contact your municipality, water provider. They may even have a website where you can obtain that information. What are the dimensions of your tank?
  24. dmpfishlover

    I Can’t Believe This!

    Sorry! That is terrible... :( My mother always said when I was growing up: "When it rains, it pours!"... I have found out in life that this statement is so often true... It's like Murphy's Law, if you are familiar with it (Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong)? I hate Murphy! He's an...
  25. dmpfishlover

    Beginner needs advice starting aquarium

    Im not sure that we should rule a Betta out just yet, as we don't know the actual dimensions of the tank yet. Some column tanks can be more "squat" and have a larger diameter and not be as tall as others... But, if it is a narrow and tall tank, you might be right.
  26. dmpfishlover

    My Managerie of Tanks

    Wow...Good to know, thanks... Little guys with a Napolean complex, hey?!? Well, maybe I will do my Nano Tank ...AND a species only Sparkler Tank! I have MTS anyway, so what is one more tank?! :p
  27. dmpfishlover

    My Managerie of Tanks

    I want to do a 10 gal Nano Tank eventually. I want it heavily planted, with Ember Tetras, Microrasboras, and Cherry Shrimp... and now on that list is Sparkling Gouramis! :)
  28. dmpfishlover

    No more cherry barbs

    I'm not sure that black paper would prevent a reflection, unfortunately.
  29. dmpfishlover

    Beginner needs advice starting aquarium

    :hi: to the Forum!! We need a little more information to go on, in order to provide any recommendations: What is the hardness (GH), and pH of your Tap water? What are the dimensions of your tank? You say it is a column tank? What is the diameter and height of the tank? Unfortunately, the...
  30. dmpfishlover

    No more cherry barbs

    Nice looking tank! I love all the plants... Too bad the little buggers wouldn't stay still for a good picture! From what I can see though, they look nice!
  31. dmpfishlover

    My Managerie of Tanks

    Based on everything you have had to say, I think I wont add Sparkling Gouramis to my new tank...I don't want to risk that it wouldn't work out.... BUT!!!!.... I do want a Nano Tank some day with ember tetras, and microrasboras, and such, so I will add Sparklers to the list for that future tank...
  32. dmpfishlover

    My Managerie of Tanks

    Wow, I didn't realize they were that small! I plan to mostly stock the tank with Tetras (Rummynose, Neons), Harlequin Rasboras, and Cories.
  33. dmpfishlover

    Is this ok?

    Ya, that is the thing about Craigslist posts... If they are a good deal, you need to jump on them right away, or they will be gone in a heartbeat!
  34. dmpfishlover

    Is this ok?

    Keep looking, you can always find good deals on Craigslist!
  35. dmpfishlover

    Is this ok?

    Oh, I just had a thought! The chip in the glass is towards the top of the tank, is it not? What about setting up some sort of Paludarium, where the water level is below the chip in the glass? I have always wanted to setup a Paludarium... It could be a really neat project for you.
  36. dmpfishlover

    Is this ok?

    Not sure... But aren't you in KY? This post indicates that the seller is in Indiana? Is it close? I'm not sure about how the glass would hold up overtime? The pressure of water inside the tank could cause fractures in the glass where it is now thinner because of the "chips" that are in the...
  37. dmpfishlover

    My Managerie of Tanks

    So pretty! I may just consider them for my community tank... I originally wanted Dwarf Gouramis, because I used to have them and I loved them, but then I heard about how prevalent DGD is now, and I think I am going to stay away from them... Maybe the Sparkling little guys will be perfect for my...
  38. dmpfishlover

    My Managerie of Tanks

    What kind of fish are these? Are they Sparkling Gouramis? You call them "Sparklers" and I am not sure what kind of fish that is. Whatever kind they are, they are very pretty!!! :)
  39. dmpfishlover

    Good day

    :hi: to the Forum!!! Nice looking tank! I like the rocks.
  40. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    A movie can NEVER be exactly like a book. They are two completely different medias. In my opinion, books are more powerful than movies because so much is left up to your imagination, and our imaginations can create things in our minds that a movie could never do justice... Our imaginations are...