No more cherry barbs


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2019
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Please withhold judgement but yesterday I took my cherry barbs to a local LFS.
This is why....


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What's in the bag? A killifish? I can't quite tell.

My cherry barbs were causing hassle to their tankmates. Thought about rehoming, but ended up buying a third tank. This is how people end up with like seven tanks.
Fundulopanchax Gardneri. This is to be my first real foray into killis.
I get that. It's quite novel for me to only have the one tank, I doubt it will last long haha, we will see.
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I have aphyosemion australe, or lyretail killis in a 125L. Killis are great wee fish. They were being regularly harassed by the barbs, along with the pygmy corys and corydoras habrosus. They would even try chasing the apistogrammas, though the apistos would sometimes give as good as they got. The barbs were the very first fish I aquired, knowing nothing about fishkeeping, and the LFS said they were peaceful community fish. They haven't been; I had to shift them out of my first tank because they were fin-nipping my longfin bristlenose. The denizens of the 125 seem much happier now that those jerks have moved out of the neighbourhood.

The barbs now live in a 100l corner tank and share it with the Bolivian ram, a refugee from my 240L which I made into a hillstream tank.
Psst blur out your address :p

I love my cherry barbs, i find them pretty mellow, but i also only keep 1 male and 5 females lol

Cant wait to see what you got in the bag in its tank, hard to see right now :D
I've deleted the picture with my address, can't believe I didn't notice that hahha.
I will get a pic of them tomorrow once the lights go on. Very pleased with them though. The male is beautiful.
Flip side is I'd ordered a Brine Shrimp hatchery. Had to go out with my son and just my luck, missed the delivery. No real issue though it should be here Friday instead.
I agree! Never trust LFS owners or big retail stores advice. They are usually very wrong. :no:
It was Pets at Home, which is worse! But when you don't know anything, you don't know what you don't know.
Some of the blame definitely falls on me haha.
The male seems to have become rather obsessed with his reflection. May have to put some black paper or something on the side I'm thinking. Nothing permanent. I wasn't expecting this level of fixation from him.
Some of the blame definitely falls on me haha.
The male seems to have become rather obsessed with his reflection. May have to put some black paper or something on the side I'm thinking. Nothing permanent. I wasn't expecting this level of fixation from him.
I'm not sure that black paper would prevent a reflection, unfortunately.
It seems to have subsided a little bit but there was a good few hours there where it was essentially none stop. Not remotely surprised he doesn't like his reflection, just surprised at quite how relentless his distaste was/is. Don't want him getting stressed. As I'm typing this though I'm peering over at the tank and all seems well. I'm considering planting a lot more along the sides to restrict how often he catches his reflection. I mean if nothing else it's annoying to watch him obsessing about his reflection. It's not a particularly natural behaviour to be observing.

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