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  1. T

    New Kribensis Setup

    what did you do with all the fry ? edit: also great looking kribs and plants!
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    New Kribensis Setup

    \ to be honest its not really something that i would be opposed to. really trying to decide what i want to do right now. im really considering switching my 30 gallon from sand to gravel, but that would be a big undertaking. the only issue is, if they breed in that tank i have a feeling that...
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    New Kribensis Setup

    ended up going with 5 zebra danio, very small prob about an inch. but pretty quick so they shoudl be able to get away. the female seems less shy with them around and ventures out to look at them (only seen her try to nip at one once, but they are way too fast for her to catch) ended up...
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    New Kribensis Setup

    considering how small the tank is, possibly 3 neon tetras with them? ive heard they are supposed to be fast enough to no get eaten. have some floating plants on the way, and will add in other plants as well. no one around here sells bogwood, but i can get more driftwood
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    Aquaclear? Switching Carbon With A Second Filter?

    thanks for the feeback i think ill give it a shot. wondering about how i should layer it like top of filer ceramic things old filter new filter bottom of filter or if i should put the ceramics in the middle
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    New Kribensis Setup

    thanks a lot for all the helpful answers btw. the 30 gallon im moving him into has fish like guppies and a bolivan ram and some tetra. so im thinking ill have to put him in an empty breeding net when i keep him in that tank, for abuot a week, then put him back in the 10 gallon for a few days...
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    New Kribensis Setup

    i havent read enough about sexing yet. the one doing the bullying i larger in size, and its top fin is a lot longer, like it reaches to the end of its tail fin. here is a video if that helps...
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    New Kribensis Setup

    i have been having some aggression issues. the larger krib has been pickin on the smaller one quite a bit. is this normal behavior? is it possible that its just because they are "settling in" any suggestions
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    Are You Ever 100% Happy With Your Tank?

    well i guess i wouldnt say 100% happy but i do finally have a tank that im proud of. before and after pics not soo proud of the before lol before: after (the pot to the left is now vertical with a little "door " broken out of it. went from fake plants to all live. pretty much just...
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    Aquaclear? Switching Carbon With A Second Filter?

    hey all, i have an aquaclear 70 on my 30 gallon tank currently and i was thinking. the carbon only works for a few days anyways, and the current is a bit stronger then i would like. can you remove the carbon and add in another filter sponge? would this cause any problems or should it work...
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    New Kribensis Setup

    yeah im trying to decide how long i should leave my timer running currently. and yeah ive seen pots done that way before, thinking ill see if they use them as is, and if not then ill try that method. thanks =) i like the look a lot more then the previous. more aesthetically pleasing and...
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    New Kribensis Setup

    okay guys so i have a previously cycled tank (moved other fish) and redisgend it a bit 10 gallon tank, 50 watt heater, aquaclear 20 filter before: current pic anyways all the plants in the tank currently are live. put in the 2 terra cotta pots for "caves" and the driftwood to lower ph...
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    10 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    thanks, also looking for more suggestions.
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    10 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    here is a picture of my tank: currently have 3 guppy in it which i plan to relocate to another tank. (also have a single bolivian ram that im considering moving to this tank? will add driftwood and a pot in that case) standard 10 gallon tank, aquaclear 20, cycled already, 50 watt...
  15. T

    Change Up 10 Gallon , Need Ideas?

    thought id post an updated picture. switched out the gravel and changed out the plants for all live ones. i think it definitely looks a bit classier :lol: still planning on adding a bit more , but itll depend on what kind of fish i go with. (also water isnt at full clarity yet ) most...
  16. T

    Change Up 10 Gallon , Need Ideas?

    thanks tom. no i have a hob aquaclear 20. superglue isnt toxic in an aquarium ? thanks for all the plant suggestions, can the rest of these be planted straight into the gravel ? any fish suggestions ? considering a single betta or moving my bolivian ram over alone
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    29 Gallon Fully Planted, Plz Comment

    looks like a pretty cool tank overall. got a quesiton do the banana looking plants grow / propagate? you like them overall? my lfs has some and ive considered getting them
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    Change Up 10 Gallon , Need Ideas?

    alright guys so i currently have a 10 gallon that i would like to change around a lot. link to tank: tank currently currently im thinking im going to switch to black gravel, then planning on removing everything except the...
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    have you had any issues with your cory and shrimp?
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    yes they are black phantom tetras. ( a lot of people use them interchangebly even though i know they are different lol) and yeah im sticking with peppered cory, got 3 and im prob gonna add 3 more when i go back and prob get 3 more in a little while. im planning on feeding with algae wafers...
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    i actually have amazon sword as well. no idea what gender any of mine are but im planning on getting 3 more in a week, so im sure ill have some male/female. thinking my phantom tetra and bollivian ram might eat the eggs though
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    ended up going with peppered cory. (the local petsmart doesnt carry green, and most of the albino were dead and they would blend in with the same more)
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    alright guys decided to pick up 3 today (to start) and after acclimating them (which my phantom tetras were very curious about i set them free). they seem to very happy about having sand (petsmart had gravel bottom) and they have been digging and sifting through it. lights out to reduce...
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    thanks for the info, and your rams look awesome by the way. heres a pic of my bollivian he does look a bit more colorful then in this pic, just can only see it at certain times. (also gonna try to give him some frozen bloodworms
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    how long ago did you do that? and how has it been going ?
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    yeah i think ill try 3 at first , assuming everything is peacefull in the tank, ill wait about a week and add 3 more, then another week and 3 more
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    my real issue here is that i should add probabkly about 8 or so total. but i could cause my tank to mini cycle by adding them all at once? so should i try 2 groups of 4? or something? or all 8 at once?
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    i cold be mistaken but almost everything ive heard has said it should be fine. only time ive heard of problems is when you have 2 and they are mating. (only have 1)
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    i have no problem adding in like 8 of them (or 10), the only thing is im worried ill throw my tank into a mini cycle so maybe add in 6, then wait a week or 2 and then add a few more
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    sounds good i kind of figured it might be a good idea. ill probably get a group of 6 green or peppered
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    i dont have a specfic limitation on how many i can get. and ill have to see my bristlenose has been very mild tempered. also not the case ive spent up to $20 on certain fish before. just depends on the fish
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    Cheep Big Tanks?

    if you live in the us use craigslist (cheaper then using ebay) just make sure the tank doesnt leak. i took my chances and bought a 30 gallon with hood and light and stand for $60 (guy sold it to me for 40 because i had to drive and pick it up) didnt check for leaks but luckily he was honest...
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    Opinions On My Intentions?

    lol im in the same boat you are. mines looks pretty good overall but even right after water changes (vacuming) looks kinda dirty again
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    hey guys so i have an established 30 gallon tank thats fully cycled. (api master test kit and has been running for over a year now) have an aquaclear 70 filter on it (baffled) 150 watt heater and live plants, with sand for substrate stocked with 9 black skirt tetra (aka. phantom tetra) 1...
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    First Ever Betta

    wow thats an awesome looking betta, where did you buy him through? also how expensive was it? looks like a lot of them are$30 on ebay
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    Thought Id Share

    hey all, so i was at a lfs about 2 months ago and decided i really wanted to have a betta again. ended up finding this guy and he has been living in a 5 gallon tank, and seems quite happy. never had a blue one before, and when i picked up his cup he started swimming around very quickly. i...
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    Want To Add Some Cory To My 30 Gallon Tank

    hey guys so i have an established 30 gallon tank thats fully cycled. (api master test kit and has been running for over a year now) have an aquaclear 70 filter on it (baffled) 150 watt heater and live plants, with sand for substrate stocked with 9 black skirt tetra (aka. phantom tetra) 1...
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    Stocking 30 Gallon Established Tank

    although id like to get a group of cories (whatever type) the fish stores around me sell them for like $6 each i picked up 1 bolivian ram for the tank today and was considering getting a group of like 10 zebra danio (probably would have to add like 5 at a time though)
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    10 Gallon Tank Questions

    thanks any other plant suggests would be helpful people (dont know which plants ill be able to find locally)
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    10 Gallon Tank Questions

    alright guys so here is my 10 gallon tank has an aquaclear 20 on the back, and a 50 watt heater, currently contains 6 guppies. (had 4 and added 2 more yesterday its been running for months though) anways i was trying to think if there were any live plants that i could add to this tank (i...