Search results

  1. T

    External Filter Needed

    not bothered about the price , need one that will do the job, if i were to got for eheim, what one would i go for , want an good turnover , may increase rainbows up to 20 , cheers
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    External Filter Needed

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to the most suitable external filter for my 400ltr freshwater planted set-up , i have 9 medium size rainbows , 2 bronze cory's 10 white cloud mountain min's 5 danio's 2 kribs my new tank came with internal filter fitted think it turns over...
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    Bye Bye Kribs :)

    my kribs laid on sunday , when should i see any movement , laid under bogwood so cant see , tom
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    Plants Off Ebay..

    bought 100 plants from ebay, 1 month ago, not sure if they were all aquatic? only have a few left of luck
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    Java Moss (help)

    want to get some java moss for may tank and have grow all over bog wood, do i need to get better lights or are the ones i have with my new rio 400 ok, will i need any special food? :good: :hyper:
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    Amount To Feed

    many thanks for taking the time to reply tom
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    Blue Backing On Tank

    cheers mate.
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    Blue Backing On Tank

    can i put on the standard blue /black backing from lfs , cheers
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    Amount To Feed

    can anyone help, in my 400ltr tank i have 7 rainbows 6 danios 2 kribensis 2 bronze corys 3 kholi's 10 very small white clouds 1 red tail botia can anyone tell me the amount i should feed , they always seem very hungery dont want to drive up the N02 IN THE TANK by over feeding , but dont...
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    Blue Backing On Tank

    having upgraded my tank from a fluval 190 to a juwel rio 400 , i wanted to have a blue back ground , bought blue backing but cant get 100% to sit in back , any products to stick on that will not show, or should i just paint it with enamel paint.
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    Kribensis Laid Eggs

    this is the second time my fish have laid , first time ( knife fish had a field day , he has now gone ) would like to know if i can still do water changes as normal, add some java moss and add food for plants , just moved from my old tank 190 fluval corner to rio 400 2 weeks ago. thanks in...
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    Teacup Stingray

    has anyone seen any? if any idea the cost, thanks tom
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    Emersons Pet Centre (petcentreonline)

    cheers mate.
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    Emersons Pet Centre (petcentreonline)

    Has anyone had dealings with Emersons Pet Centre online, gave best quote by far for rio 400 tank and stand £499, livingsea would try and price match or better , please advise as this is a lot of money to give away if not a good company. thanks
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    Aquatic Rooms Edinburgh

    cheers. sent you a message,please ignore
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    Aquatic Rooms Edinburgh

    thanks for reply, find it on thurs, do u know if they still match internet price.
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    Aquatic Rooms Edinburgh

    thanks , aquatic room closed down, looking for address of new shop.
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    Aquatic Rooms Edinburgh

    anyone send details of shop in tranent......
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    Scottish Fish Store Directory

    anyone got details of new shop in tranent, staff and owner from aquatic rooms.......
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    Aquatic Tranent

    anyone know where new shop is, owner had aquatic rooms edinburgh
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    Acrylic Tank

    anyone ever built an acrylic tank 60x24x24, if not best place to buy, thanks Tom
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    Acrylic Tank

    Looking to set up a larger tank 60x24x24 , anyone have an idea of cost of tank,where best to get, how many ltrs this is, thanks
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    Kribensis Laid Eggs

    many thanks , thought the knife fish may be a problem.
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    Help Live Food......

    expecting kribs to hatch in a few days, can anyone tell me where i could get a kit plus eggs to start cultavating my own live food for them ,searched internet with no luck and just been to lfs with same news, thanks in advance...
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    Kribensis Laid Eggs

    Hi, i have a pair of kribs that laid eggs in a clay pot yesterday, the pot os at the corner of my tank, all other fish are now acting as if the want eggs for breakfast, can you buy any thing to corner of (net partition) not floating type...... thanks in advance, if not i will use clear pvc and...
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    Kribensis Laid Eggs

    i have 6 zebra danio's 2 bronze cory, black knife fish 4", black botia 3" , 1 discus small , worried about the knife fish and botia as they are very active........thanks in advance
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    Kribensis Laid Eggs

    Hi, i have a pair of kribs that laid eggs in a clay pot yesterday, the pot os at the corner of my tank, all other fish are now acting as if the want eggs for breakfast, can you buy any thing to corner of (net partition) not floating type...... thanks in advance, if not i will use clear pvc...
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    Discus Fish Not Eating

    have you tried to worm them , tried to keep discus last year bought 8 all went same way as in your pictures , only have 1 left , never again , Tom
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    Jbl Co2-set Easy 1 Co2 System

    JBL CO2-Set Easy 1 co2 system ,anybody use one of these? what size can you use up to ? i could buy for 66 pounds ...........thanks in advance Tom
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    Fermentation C02

    looked on the net last night could buy JBL CO2-Set Easy 1 for 66 pound , what do you think
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    Fermentation C02

    constructed co2 kit 2 weeks ago, ran ok , now started new bottle with sugar and yeast, my living room smells like brewery what have i done wrong, might go for injection system ( would this smell ) thanks Tom
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    Correct Lights For Tank

    thanks, Aaron when you say not all aquatic could you expand? add states aquatic plants? also bought moss balls from same seller?
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    Correct Lights For Tank

    now that i have sorted c02 with my home made fermentation kit, time to move on to lights, my tank is a 190lt fluval corner tank , the lights are two t5's 10k , any idea if this is ok for plants, also thoughts on "just bought 100 plants £11 from ebay " Tom
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    C02 Home Made Fermentation Kit

    many thanks, for info, might be cheaper over long run to get ingection kit.
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    C02 Home Made Fermentation Kit

    Can anyone tell me on average how long one of these kits last , made from 2ltr soft drinks bottle , steady stream of fine bubbles. thanks in advance. Tom
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    Setting Up Planted Tank

    many thanks , just built c02 dif, see if it works , if not will go down the injection road , thanks again Tom
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    any idea of a cheap way to get c02 in to tank to help plants , thanks
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    Setting Up Planted Tank

    Setting up my first planted tank , kept fish for years but would like to know the cheapest way to keep plant in tank ( 190 ltrs ) , i have read that i need C02 in to the water , please can you give me some help, thanks in advance