Amount To Feed


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
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west lothian scotland
can anyone help, in my 400ltr tank i have
7 rainbows
6 danios
2 kribensis
2 bronze corys
3 kholi's
10 very small white clouds
1 red tail botia
can anyone tell me the amount i should feed , they always seem very hungery

dont want to drive up the N02 IN THE TANK by over feeding , but dont want to under feed,

thanks in advance Tom :good:

Fish have ingrained into them that they should eat and eat, due to the fact that they may not be able to feed for weeks afterwards in the wild. This means that they will always seem hungry and go for any food that you put in.

The main rule is to NEVER overfeed. Most food packs say "as much as they will eat in 3 mins, twice a day" but that is generally a way for fishfood companies to sell more food than they would. I feed my tanks 5 days out of 7, and on each of those days just once. If your fish are still young you should feed more to keep them growing, and you should always vary diet throughout the week.

Make sure that all of the fish are eating and getting a varied diet. I would say feed daily with a good balanced food (not always flake, as it is normally not that great nutritionally) enough for there to be some fall to the floor for the corys and for the food to be eaten within 2(at the top of the tank)-5(at the bottom) mins. You dont need to feed daily as long as there is a good diet and as long as all fish ar being fed. Try not to let the rainbows steal all of the food before. Maybe feed them in oneplace whilst feeding other fish and letting some drop to the floor, somewhere else in the tank.

Hope that helps somewhat.

Fish have ingrained into them that they should eat and eat, due to the fact that they may not be able to feed for weeks afterwards in the wild. This means that they will always seem hungry and go for any food that you put in.

The main rule is to NEVER overfeed. Most food packs say "as much as they will eat in 3 mins, twice a day" but that is generally a way for fishfood companies to sell more food than they would. I feed my tanks 5 days out of 7, and on each of those days just once. If your fish are still young you should feed more to keep them growing, and you should always vary diet throughout the week.

Make sure that all of the fish are eating and getting a varied diet. I would say feed daily with a good balanced food (not always flake, as it is normally not that great nutritionally) enough for there to be some fall to the floor for the corys and for the food to be eaten within 2(at the top of the tank)-5(at the bottom) mins. You dont need to feed daily as long as there is a good diet and as long as all fish ar being fed. Try not to let the rainbows steal all of the food before. Maybe feed them in oneplace whilst feeding other fish and letting some drop to the floor, somewhere else in the tank.

Hope that helps somewhat.
many thanks for taking the time to reply tom
fish are always hungry, they have no concept of the future so they'l eat till they are sick. Feed the amount they can consume in 2-3 minutes. To make sure your cories get fresh food feed pellets, algae tabs and general sinking foods.

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