External Filter Needed


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
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west lothian scotland
Can anyone point me in the right direction to the most suitable external filter for my 400ltr freshwater planted set-up , i have

9 medium size rainbows ,
2 bronze cory's
10 white cloud mountain min's
5 danio's
2 kribs

my new tank came with internal filter fitted think it turns over water 2.2 times an hour , also have fluval internal filter with splash bar,

thanks tom :rolleyes: :good: :good:
well you wont need something too massive as you dont have a high stocking. unless you are wanting to increase it.? what do you like the look and price of? eheim? tetratec? fluval? a saying exists on this forum, eheim are the best but you pay for it! HTH :good:
not bothered about the price , need one that will do the job, if i were to got for eheim, what one would i go for , want an good turnover , may increase rainbows up to 20 , cheers
i would go for the eheim pro 3 2080 - holds loads of media - BRILLAINT filter.
And , if you can stretch a bit further you could get the 2180 - with a built in 500W heater

Alternatively, the 2078 is also very good and has many good features.

I would thoroughly reccomend these three as i have used them all with no probs.

Eheim are the best if you have no budget.

Let us know what you choose :good:
eheim every time thermo range are a pita if thay go wrong as you have to buy the eheim replacement heater/stat

Pro 2 2028 or the pro 3 electronic as above remember these filters dont normally come with media (ones in the link do) remember this when compairing prices

<a href="http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...edia-p-190.html" target="_blank">http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...edia-p-190.html</a>

<a href="http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...edia-p-450.html" target="_blank">http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...edia-p-450.html</a>

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