Bye Bye Kribs :)


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Well, today I sold the last of my baby kribs. some of you may remeber my posts earlier in the year. They were born in May, first ever spawn of my Spot and Mr Krib. First and only, actually..... they hated each other once the babies appeared and I separated them! Then when they finally nmet again, they wanted to make more babies... I eventually sold them as a pair to someone who wanted to breed.
Well, I have kept count, and I had 82 babies to sell! Most of them have been divided between 2 LFS, a few to private buyers, one to my kid brother, and i have kept one of the prettiest girls for myself - she is called Princess!
My community looks so bare without them :( But I swapped them for some swordtails and some platies, so once they are out of q tank the community will fill up again! :)

I miss my babies :(
I'm sure you do... A breeding pair of those could at least cover your fishfoods expenses every month.... A free hobby...
Yeah, if I had room to keep them all whilst they grew out! Plus for some reason, kribs aren't that popular :S dunno why!
Awww, im sorry. I hate'd getting rid of my kribs. I would love to get a pair sometime, but they just arent really avalible here. Kribs are popular in stages. So to say. On the forum, about once a month to 2 months, lots of threads pop up about kribs. We havent had this in a while. I expect it to start any day now actually!
well i love them and i will keep them always :) and i always had :)

i have a breeding pair too. they lay about once a month, i just leave the babies in the tank and everyday there will be a few missing, usually, i get 1 baby that makes it. they are so cute when they are babies. the adult pair make life hell for the other fish when they have babies but yet i don't want to put them in another tank, in case i end up with too many fishes. so my only solution now is to give them up :( which i don't really want to do.
Well......... it's hello kribs again! I can't believe this..... Stripe seems to have a little brood! They must have become free swimming today. I knew she was acting like she had eggs, i figured it was a phantom pregnancy....... but nope. One of the babies i got rid of last week must have fathered them! i didn't think there was any chance of it, i thought they were too young, and besides which, i thought krib girls liked their males big? LOL! The males i had were large but nowhere near bign enough that I thought she would be interested!
This time round I don't have a spare tank for them, they are in my 4ft community so I will probably lose most of them anyway. Bloody hell, i wasn't prepared to become a granny again!
not well at the moment but I will try to get some pics is possible... though my danios keep trying to stel babies so there might not be any left by the time i take pics. unfortunately this time round i have no spare tank for them to grow out in :(
i took pleasure in getting rid of my kribs when the killed 2 7" silver sharks once they had fry, nice wee fish but very aggressive protecting their fry!
ha, Stripe is behaving very aggressively but she cannot catch the other fish, they are too fast! It is mainly the danios who are trying to snatch fry and they think she is playing a game with them :p Slower fish like the gourami are staying well clear :) though I think the plec has had a go, got a bit of a rip in his dorsal. Good job he heals up so fast!

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