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    Could I add 4 Corys?

    i'd say it would be ok, but i'm no expert :no:
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    a fish shop i go to sell them, but this shop is more a specilisat shop, theres some for sale on Ebay, i'm going to get some once fish room set up so the answer to your qustion is yes, oh and the price varys through out the UK
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    My Cichlid Tank

    the one in my sig is a male albino convict :D
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    Gold Nugget Pleco

    there a lovely fish worth the money :wub:
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    Malamute had her puppy ~ more pics 16/08 ~

    my friends cocker was the same as your ***** only had one dog, and he turned out to be a a real big boy as he didnt have to compete for food :lol: you can only register one litter per ***** a year with KC anyway. so that will give her plenty of time to recover. as for a name what about mishka...
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    I've got kinky fish....

    dito .. thats how i ended up with 7 tanks
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    Bamboo Poles

    i soaked mine for a couple of days doing regular water changes, but if yours has been in your tank already, i would put in hot water not boiling though and soak it for an hour, then give it a good scrub and rinse it for about 15 mins, and keep an eye on it
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    I finally found you!

    Hi your not that far away from me, used to spend alot of time at Hatfield Woodhouse do ever got o the guy thats sells the tropicals there?? i live near Beverly.
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    Bamboo Poles

    i have bamboo in my tank and i have nothing like that did you scrub and soak it well. i would take it out and give it a good scrub and rinse if i was you
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    Naughty Bird

    that was taken when he was a baby, trust me he is defenlty a he
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    My Cichlid Tank

    you have to make sure you get untreated bamboo it says on the label, and was and soak it well...but dont boil it as this shatters it ! i just poor near boiling water over it the pink things arnt pink there yellow and there m'buna mouthbrooders Clare
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    Naughty Bird

    aww he's lovely i have 12 out in an avairy 3 are tame and love to race each other to my shoulder so there can try and rmove my glasses for me :rolleyes: this is my fave he was the first one i got 4 years ago. sorry about the size :blush:
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    75 gal FW

    wow lovely tank :drool: did you say you had a frontosa, i would love a pair of them , i'm going to wait till i get the fish room set up and then i will be investing in a pair as i just love them :drool: :kewlpics: CLare
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    My Cichlid Tank

    i hope there isnt any pink convicts in there :huh: only have the one, and he's with his mate in the kitchen with his fry :rofl: in that tank there is M'Buna Mouthbrooders Three male convicts (one is a blue) pair of labs Pair of fire mouths red tail shark (dont ask) chemolen (sp) cichlid...
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    30 gallon

    don't know about fish but was there any need to put your title as you did wouldnt "wanted big fish for 30 gallons" been enough :dunno: 30 gallons isnt that much so you wouldnt want "big frikken fish" and tank full of guppies would look just as good, if not better IMHO Clare
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    Is it good to feed them Cucumber?,how much a day?

    my BN's, clown plecs and normal plecs love cucumber, i just chop a slice of it, soak it in water till it sinks, pop it in and there love it, actually my corydoras, and cichlids love it to :) Clare
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    Four months out from FW

    wow nice tank :drool: my o/h is going to let me have a small Marine tank in the hall way of the new house so you see it when you walk in .....but..... it will probaly end up in the study so i can watch it when i'm on here :rofl: CLare
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    My Tank

    i like the sand better :D looks good and will show the colours better :D
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    Hello Everybody

    :hi: what :fish: do you keep in your tank ?? Clare
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    My Cichlid Tank

    once i have charged the batteries up in cam i will get some more :D
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    My Cichlid Tank

    Hi all i re-designed my Cichlid tank today and put in some bamboo, what i bpught from the local garden center, chopped it up scrubbed and rinsed it ver well, put some gravel in to weigh it down, and there love it !!!! also i guy i got my BN's off recommends it for them and L-Numbers he has had...
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    Claude - my baby suckermouth or bristlenose!?!?!?!

    it could be a normal plec as i have two babie plecs that are similar to them, to tell if he is BN, if you can catch him in a net, see if he has bristle that pop out from his gills if he does he is a BN if he dosnt he's not :)
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    Bad for plants?

    this is a pearl cichlid i had a look at that sight and mine are just normals and albinos :) the long fins one do look nice, will have to keep an eye out for some just been watching my coryadoras scurrying around, after a piece of cucumber that dosnt want to stay still :rofl: Clare
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    Bad for plants?

    Pearl Cichlid Scientific Name: Geophagus brasiliensis Home Range: South America Max Size: 10" - 12" Minimum Tank Size: 55 Gallons Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 76-79°F pH: Neutral Diet: Omnivorous Swimming Zone: All :D my partner thinks it's great i never spent so much time in the...
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    Is he a King Tiger Plec ( L66)

    what about a L307 :dunno: some of the L numbers look so alike
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    briselnose pleko

    right 59 LT's is 13 gallons, so some otos would probaly be best :D
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    briselnose pleko

    i would spread your search out and get some otos, oh what about a trio of corydoras :dunno: i only work in LT's so how many lts is 13 gallons :dunno: toddles of to work it out.......................
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    Bad for plants?

    HI Jollysue, my new BN's are settling in well :wub: there was one normal one among the bunch so he has gone in with my female he's only about 2" so has a bit of growing to do :D i decided not to get the big ones, as he had some small ones in about 1"-2" and i couldnt resist as there are so...
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    Ever wanted to see lake Malawi?

    wow i fell guilty now! :( great pics though
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    L200 in my LFS!!!!

    wow lovely Fish Julibob :wub: :drool:
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    an amereican public aquriam web cam

    found this cam, its of an aquriam in america, the pictires arrnt great but there are somme hhuugggeeee pcus, alpeermia and redtail cat, and you also see guppes scouting in fromt of the camera, lets hope there update there camera to something with a better quality picture...
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    convict cichlids

    yep there will nibble on your plants well mine do anyway.......
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    i have been so parnoid about my livebeare tank

    i had a bit of a diaster in my old livebearer tank that i emptyied that and set up a largere one, i cycled it and then added 6 white clouded minows, popped back in a surving BN and a pair of cribs (only temporary while there tank gets set up and cycled), and finally this week, i put in a couple...
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    help with fish ID

    to me it dosnt look like a young oscar as i have had one of these before :dunno:, will try and get a better pic of it. if it does turn out to be an oscar, it can go in with my RTC
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    convict cichlids

    other chichilds (sp) unless you end up with breeding pairs then there will really get agrrisive or you end up with only a couple of female and mainly males then there males will fight for the females, i have a breeding pair with fry in a seperate tank then in one of my 170lt tanks (4ft) i have 3...
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    help with fish ID

    Hi this fish was in with a SAlvania i was buying so i decided to take it along to as i liked the pattern, the person in the LFS wasnt shaw what it was either as it came with the salvanias but deffintley isnt a salvani any ideas :dunno: sorry its a rubbish picture i will try and get some...
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    Bad for plants?

    i've alwasy wanted to try and breed BN's someone local is selling a lot of them really cheaply (breeder). so i thought i might as well get some! i'm getting a mate for my BN and then 4 pairs, there all albino as he has sold all the normals, and there all around the 4" mark :biggrin: there are...
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    Bad for plants?

    yes i'm off tomrw to get her a new mate, an albino also coming home with enougher 9 :blush:
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    How common are...

    cant wait to get my tropical pond setup as i would love that TSN he's a real cracker :drool:
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    Bad for plants?

    i have one female as her mate died, in a planted livebeare tank, and she dosnt touch the plants really but i have gots lots and lots of bogwood in there for her