Bad for plants?


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I was snooping around the plant forum, and recommended BN plecs as part of a tank cleaning crew. One post said BN got over 6". Another said BN are bad for plants when they get older. Any comments?
I've heard and seen BN's do fine in a planted tank. They might get to 6" but I see them typically listed at 5" so it's up to you if the extra inch matters. I don't think BN's are bad for plants, I've never seen anyone say their BN's attacked or ruined their plants certainly.
Thanks Teelie

I have three orange BN about an inch+. I just put 2 from quarantine in the 100 usg community tank, and they are tirelessly making big dents in my brown/reddish algae. I'm not concerned. They are described as reaching 4.5" generally.

I think I may start a dispute in defense of BN in "plants."
i have one female as her mate died, in a planted livebeare tank, and she dosnt touch the plants really but i have gots lots and lots of bogwood in there for her
Are you going to find her a friend, poor thing?

I have read that as plecos get larger some plants may break off from their weight as they are algae scraping. This was in reference to a diferent species. :dunno:
It is true faster moving catfish will dislodge plants or break them but I can't imagine bn's being a problem. All my tanks are planted despite the larger catfish, which frequently uproot the plants, they don't destroy them or tear them up. I'd use live plants regardless. The hardier types can cope with it no probs. :thumbs:
Good input Miss Dib Dabs.

I tried to start a scrap over there with the plant people who put the good name of our BN's into disrepute. But so far they are ignoring me. :lol:
:lol: Oh you cruel person you. :shifty: Naw, use live plants. If they can withstand 4 almost full grown synos in mad half hour mode they can certainly cope with bn's!
If you ever need to airate a tank just put in a syno in nutty mode. :rofl: Nearly bought a leopard plec today. But was good and decided to wait a few more weeks.
Yes I need a 12 step program. I am only good when the lfs talks me out of buying something. I let them do that less and less now. :sly:

How is your son---and you?

Sorry I'm not familiar with synos.
He's fine thanks. Somewhat bad tempered from spending a week with his Dad. He and his sister only came home today. But they're ok. Loves the additional synos in the 55. They tend to be about more in daylight now. He tried to the get me to buy a freshwater ray today. Apart from not having the room anywhere it wasn't cheap either! So that one got left. Unlike the betta Kacey talked me into rescuing from death in a tank full of tetras. He's in the 55g too but seperated in a fry net. Spirited little devil's tried to get out to the female platies. I suspect he'd like to damage them but the females seem more interested in him for other reasons. :lol: About time my male platie joined them methinks. They're all bigger than the lil betta as it is and his fins are already shreds from the tetras at the store. Ah well. He'll have his own proper home soon. :nod:
I'm full of cold from a friend in London. :grr:
Naw, love her really. The only 'pets' she has are spiders. And they're all wild. Bigger then my smaller fish tho! Scared the living daylights out of us last week when one ran across the floor. :crazy:
The lfs couldn't sway me with anything these days. I lost respect when I asked them to get me some endlers and they said they'd never even heard of them. :X
Edit: Synos like mine only mine are darker coloured.
After reading your question I went googling and found some posts on other sites where people said that their bns were partial to swords.Imo if he chomps a sword or two it is his just reward for the clean up job he has done on my algae
At the minute hes pigging out on cucumber and has been for the last two hours.
Mind you it takes me about two hours to eat a slice myself--ugh
That's a handsome fish, Miss Dib Dabs. How big do they get?

I am really fortunate with my lfs. Not that they know everything. We share info just like we do on the forum. But they have a heart for the fish, are fish keepers too, and make an effort to learn.

:*) Frankly I don't know what an endler is. But I'm not a retailer.

I got an Orange Oranda for my coldwater tank at PetSmart. The only fish I've bought from them. It was a pretty thing. Fortunately for it (but not the danios) it was in a danio tank. While it munched merrily on juvie danios, it's mates were in the coldwater tank with big chunks coming off from ich.

She has done well and got a tank mate , a blue/black oranda from my lfs.

How old are your offspring? What was wrong with your son?
Weaver, interesting and I agree that there are some fish that have earned a little extra reward. My clown loaches get a pass too if they sample something. And about cucumber too. UGH!

A fellow at the lfs says that most times fish eat the wilting and rotting leaves. I have seen fish pick at the stuff that needs pruning. And Amazon Swords get plenty of that. I can use all the help I can get with them.

My BN spend endless hours sucking my driftwood. I have quite a bit. There's one spot where the neww little guy held on day and night. I can see the wood there and not algae. :wub:
I reckon( at least I hope) that if he gets enough to eat he will leave the plants alone.Like yourself I have driftwood in the tank and he eats it as well.
Perhaps its like a lot of cases where its up to the individual personality of the fish
Anyway, I have 3 bns and I havent seen any of them near a plant yet and long may that continue :nod:
I just had an exchange with OIJ in plants. He says it is something he has read and heard from knowledgeable people. They were all recommending SAE: siameese algae eaters.

I'm still skeptical that they turn into bush mowers or something. I'm with you let's give then their veggies and an algae tab occassionally and cross our fingers.

My new bushy nose are making short work of the stuff and it was bad and coating some plants like armour. I need to get the other in there so he doesn't miss out on the free for all. :fun:

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