help with fish ID


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
East Yorkshire-UK
Hi this fish was in with a SAlvania i was buying so i decided to take it along to as i liked the pattern, the person in the LFS wasnt shaw what it was either as it came with the salvanias but deffintley isnt a salvani any ideas :dunno:


sorry its a rubbish picture i will try and get some better ones once my camera batteries have charged
Hi there,

Not the best of pictures for an ID, but it looks suspiciously like you have found yourself with a juvenile Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus).

Have a look at this picture of a juvenile >

If it is an Oscar, then that pattern that you like won't last for long!!


it could be an osacr but i defo looks like some type of chiclid!
it looks very similar to the juvi oscar though.I hope you have a very big tank if it is an oscar!
germanshepherdlver said:
it could be an osacr but i defo looks like some type of chiclid!
it looks very similar to the juvi oscar though.I hope you have a very big tank if it is an oscar!
Oscars are cichlids!
Looks like an Oscar to me too.

Oh dear.
to me it dosnt look like a young oscar as i have had one of these before :dunno:, will try and get a better pic of it.

if it does turn out to be an oscar, it can go in with my RTC

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