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  1. P

    more fry

    I love my new babies they are so cute!!! :wub: One of my females had hers but they were dead and most of the wasnt even developed :-( I dont know what in the world happened, not a single one survived..She had them during the night on Sunday, I went in to feed and to see if she had them, but...
  2. P

    I'v traded my rtbs for

    Ive had a couple of guppies live to be over 5 yrs!!! :) , they survived everything, we had an Ice storm about 6 yrs ago and didnt have any power for 1 week, so they had no air, I didnt know about the battery air pumps at the time, but they survive, and they didnt even get sick or stress...
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    CONGRADS on the babies!!! I just love them to death :wub: I dont like the liquid food IMO it stinks and is messy...I use crushed up flakes and Fry food.. I had a Guppy that had babies a couple of days ago..and they were ALL dead :-( There was a bunch of undevelope eggs...This is the first...
  4. P

    Hello all

    :hi: Go ahead a pick :lol: we all pick each others :blink: from time to time Enjoy the Forum
  5. P

    guppy fry

    CONGRADS on the new babies!!!! :D I am still waiting for mine to be born, shes 3 days past due :blink: and I have another female due Saturday :lol: And I also have a Black Molly due on 8-8 :) Sometimes I want to stick my hand in there and squeeze her to make the babies come out...
  6. P

    Guppys and Water.....

    You can tell as early as 1 or 2 weeks old if you have a magnifing (sp) glass...Or you could wait until they are around 4-6 weeks to tell..
  7. P


    Is the tank light supposed to heat the water if oyu leave it on a long time? it seems mine does it from time to time...I was just asking to see what every thought.. :)
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    Mollies and Platies are very much alike, I dont know what type of babies they would have.. Have you ever heard of a Guppy breeding with a Molly or a Molly breeding with a Guppy? I had that happen but I dont think they got pregnant!! :fun:
  9. P

    fish parents and there babies

    They are more than likely pregnant!! A female can have babies up to 4 times without a male... My guppies are never real fat when they have babies, so I guess every fsh are different... If she looks like busting you may want to put her in the breeder net...Is it a net or plastic breeder box...
  10. P

    Jumping Fish?

    OMG :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Im sorry thats all I can do!!!!!! when its feeding time at my house they all come to the top to see which gets the first flake... Even my Pleco "Fred" comes to the top :lol: :lol: :unsure: :blink:
  11. P

    weird swimming in mollies

    Are they breathing rapidly? My Mollies and Guppies scratch on the rocks, they have no sign of white spot or anything, My water test are fine, I am thinking it might be gill flukes (my fish) so I am treating the tank with some live bearer stuff (I cant think of the name too early in the morning...
  12. P


    I currently have 3 Guppies, and 3 Black Lyretail Mollies in a tank together, and there has been no problems what so ever, they pretty much stick together and the Males are to busy breeding :lol: I sometimes see one of my female Guppies chasing the Mollies around but that is about it...But I...
  13. P


    Thats what I thought, so I will leave her alone, She wont be moved until after she has them...I just hate to see her this stressed :sad:
  14. P


    I should know the anwser to this but I wanted to see what everyone thought...I have a female Guppy that is due to deliver today :) And since last night shes been very very stressed!! :sad: This her 3 batch of babies...and has never been this stressed having babies!! Could it be just the...
  15. P

    Good combo?

    Guppies would be nice!! :D They are colorful, and fun to watch...I have Guppies and Black Lyretail mollies...I would get a trio of guppies 2 females 1 male, if oyu get more make sure there are more females than males, or the male will harasse the only female!!! I had to go out and get another...
  16. P

    NEW BABIES!!!!!

    This is my first batch of Mollies, so my female was pretty big when she had hers, I hear people on here talking about labor, well NONE of mine ever show signs of labor, I breed Guppies as well, they still eat, and everything while in labor :blink: Its the wierdest thing I have ever seen...So...
  17. P

    Hi Everyone

    :fish: :hi: Hello and welcome...Everyone here is very nice and I have learn alot from this site...Have a Great Day
  18. P

    Nitrite Problem

    I have had the same problem...I have a 5 1/2 gal with Guppy fry in there, and the Nitrites got up to 5.0!! :no: I posted on here and everyone really helped..I did water changes everyday 10-20% It has finally went down :D and still going down, its at about .50, (I have to check it today)...
  19. P

    how to sex fry

    How old are the little ones? You can get a magnifing(sp) glass and look at them through that, females will have a tiny gravid spot...if they are older then the Males fin will start to point... Other than that its the only way I know of to sex them :)
  20. P

    HELP with Guppy fry

    Thanks for replying Dragon, yes I have 14 fry, and this one is about a month old!! I havent noticed anything wrong with him until today...I cant destroy him, I couldnt live with I will watch him and hope for the best, Hes swimming and eating I will keep my fingers crossed
  21. P

    fish laying on gravel and breathing heavily

    What type of filter do you have? is there air bubbles? you might add a air stone it might help..I am not a expert but someone may can help you better have you treated your tap water? is there clorine(sp) in oyur tap water? you may get some stress coat to help with the stress of the fish
  22. P

    HELP with Guppy fry

    I have one Guppy fry that has a brown thing on his stomach, and white like poop, I tried to look at him through a magnafying(sp) glass but really cant see it...I know its brown and looks like his stomach is busting!! :sad: Please help!! I dont know of any meds that are safe for Fry!?!?!?! My...
  23. P

    how long till she has her fry ;D

    Guppies carry their babies for about 22-30 days which I have one that gives birth at 19-21 :unsure: My Molly gives birth every 30 days on the dot!!! so I guess it varies from fish to fish
  24. P

    What is your favorite color betta??

    It was hard to choose!!!!! I have a Betta that is different colors "Bubba" he is sooo pretty, but aggressive :lol:
  25. P

    Shimmy in Black Mollies

    Ok thanks all..I will cut back to once a week.. No they arent breeding cause they are no where near other fish.. My guppies yawn (if we are talking about the same thing) every once in a while but not all the time :*) I feel soooo bad now
  26. P

    Shimmy in Black Mollies

    I try to do them 3 times but sometimes its 1 or 2 times a week depends on how busy I am..But maybe thats what it is..My Male has been doing it for about 5 days
  27. P

    Shimmy in Black Mollies

    2 of my Black Mollies I think have shimmies (I thinks thats how to spell it) They sit in one spot and shake back and forth...I was wondering what is the best meds for this? My water conditions are fine... ammonia= 0 Nitrite= 0 Nitrate= 0 ph= 7.6 I do 20% wc 3 times a week, gravel cleaning once...
  28. P

    Question about Filter

    I have one of those little blue boxes that sit in the corner...It eats my FRY!!! :hyper: I went to my Pet store, and they are special ordering me some sponge filters which I am every happy about :D They will be in next week yippy!!! And I just found out that the guy that works there actually...
  29. P

    Question Please help

    I have 2 questions if someone can help or give me hints I would REALLY appreciate it... 1) I have a Pleco "Fred" hes about 3 in. He is the most active pleco I have ever seen!!! :rolleyes: Anyways, he is starting to chase my Male Molly and only him, which I dont mind cause my Molly is very...
  30. P

    Puppy woes

    Yea juan I know what you mean about dog hating pills!!!! My little Toy Fox Terrier has to take pills the rest of his life and hes only 16 month old!!! He has SEVERE allergies, :-( He hates the pills, he hears me with the pill bottle and then sees me coming and runs like a MAD dog :hyper: I...
  31. P

    Hello hello !

    Hello and Welcome...enjoy your stay..I am PJ nice to meet ya :D
  32. P

    Swordtail gave birth how over populated am i

    CONGRADS on the babies :D Are the swordtails bigger than the guppies? How old are the guppies? I had put some new born guppies in the same tank with older ones and the older ones picked on the small ones but no major problem though. I dont know about swordtails but I have 25 black mollies...
  33. P

    pregnant platies?!?

    If the Platie looked like she was gonna bust and now shes skinny then she has had her babies!!! Did you see the dark gravid spot on her? If she has had her babies then check the gravel, plants or any other hiding place you have in you tank, some might have been lucky to escape being eaten and...
  34. P

    Puppy woes

    It sounds like your dog might have had (now I am gonna try to spell it :lol: ) cociada something like!! :*) No I didnt try the collar, but I had my baby at the Vet today for him to look at it and he said its fine thats its basically healed, and he told me to put bitter apple around it so it...
  35. P

    Chineses Algae Eaters

    Do the Golden species have a certain name? so I can ask for them
  36. P

    Puppy woes

    I know what you are going through my baby a Toy Fox Terrier had knee surgury about 2 months ago and just got his pins out 5 days ago and he is pulling his stitches out!!! I fill so sorry for him hes been crated for over 2 months now only getting out to potty :sad: I am glad you baby is doing...
  37. P

    Chineses Algae Eaters

    I was thinking about getting one for one of my tanks cause I am having problems with red algae and I heard they are they only ones that eat it..But the tank is a fry tank and I was wondering if they will eat my babies??
  38. P


    I was doing a water change in my 5 1/2 gal baby guppy tank and I noticed in the corner where my filter is at the top where my water stops is some red stuff..I dont know what this is!!! :unsure: Is this a type of Algae? What caused it? Will it hurt my baby fish? I have never had a problem with...
  39. P

    What Beta?

    Bettas have their own personality...I have one in a 5 1/2 gal with a pleco that is VERY small (hasnt grown any in 1 1/2 month) "Bubba" is VERY aggresive!! He wont allow any other fish in there except for "Little Bit"...So putting a Betta in a community tank is up to the Betta you get if hes not...
  40. P

    New Baby guppies

    I feed mine fry bites and I crush up my flakes to alternate... Some of mine are clear and others are dark, and both seem to be doing females have black bodies so I figured that why some of the babies are dark :lol: GOOD LUCK with the little ones..I LOVE mine to daeth and I cant...