Question about Filter


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I have a 5 1/2 gal for guppy fry and I have a corner filter in there cause the current isnt real bad and they can swim (I did have a outside whisper filter in there but they babies couldnt swim cause of the current) but yesterday I found on of my babies stuck in there and he died :-( I was wondering if there is a different filter I could use in a baby tank that wouldnt hurt my babies? I have heard of sponge filters but I can not find them anywhere around here..Any advice would be appreciated cause I dont want to lose any more babies!!!
What do you mean by corner filter? Do you mean the little plastic box powered by an air pump? That or a sponge filter would be your best bet.
I have one of those little blue boxes that sit in the corner...It eats my FRY!!! :hyper: I went to my Pet store, and they are special ordering me some sponge filters which I am every happy about :D They will be in next week yippy!!!
And I just found out that the guy that works there actually runs the place has over 12 yrs experince with fish, so that makes me feel a little better, He may even order me a Zebra Pleco when I get my 25 gal :D
U could just cover ur old filter with a peice of cheesecloth.
As long as you are careful on stocking levels, and do proper maintainence, a sponge filter will be fine. Till you get your 55gallon... :D

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